ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: utterl, -utterl- |
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ | utterly | (อัท'เทอะลี) adj. อย่างเต็มที่, อย่างสุดขีด, อย่างสมบูรณ์, อย่างยิ่งยวด, อย่างเด็ดขาด |
| utterly | (adv) อย่างเต็มที่, โดยทั้งหมด, โดยเด็ดขาด |
| It's like I'm in the womb, sucking my thumb. | Es ist, als wäre ich im Mutterleib und würde an meinem Daumen nuckeln. Big News (2014) | Our concerns about keeping it alive outside of the mother won't be an issue. | Wie wir es außerhalb des Mutterleibs am Leben halten, ist jetzt kein Thema mehr. What on Earth Is Wrong? (2014) | Imagine babies in wombs could talk to other babies in other wombs. | Stellen Sie sich vor, Babys im Mutterleib, könnten mit anderen Babys sprechen, in anderen Leibern. Dark Water (2014) | Back in the womb. | Zurück im Mutterleib! The Captain (2014) | Unless I came out of your goddamn womb, don't ever call me that. | Solange ich nicht aus deinem verdammten Mutterleib gekommen bin, nenn mich niemals so. Papa's Goods (2014) | Edith has taken in a motherless child and is giving her a home here. | Edith nimmt ein mutterloses Kind auf und gibt ihr hier ein Zuhause. Episode #5.7 (2014) | I think this is what it must feel like to be in the womb, but you probably can't do this with your arms. | Ich glaube, so fühlt man sich im Mutterleib. Aber das mit den Armen kann man da nicht machen. Rollin' (2014) | didn't I find the feeble breath of life and nurse it back with a mother's love? | Entdeckte ich nicht deinen Lebensatem, und hielt ich ihn nicht mit meiner Mutterliebe in deiner Brust fest? Il Trovatore (2014) | What kind of a mother does that? - [ Moans ] | Hat unser Kind im Mutterleib gesegnet, Ma'am. Other Powers (2014) | Everything in utero happens at hyper speed. | Im Mutterleib geschieht alles extrem schnell. Got to Be Real (2014) | With an undertone of a mother's smile on a warm spring day? | Mit dem Unterton eines Mutterlächelns an einem Frühlingstag? The Boxtrolls (2014) | Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped. | Und sage dir der Engel, dem du von je gedient, dass vor der Zeit Macduff geschnitten ward aus Mutterleib. Macbeth (2015) | The girls, even in their mother's womb, instinctively knew that to survive they should cling to one another. | Die Mädchen wussten schon im Mutterleib instinktiv, dass sie sich festklammern müssen, um zu überleben. There Are Rules (2015) | But they proved in the womb their incredible survival ability. | Aber sie hatten schon im Mutterleib ihre Überlebensfähigkeit bewiesen. There Are Rules (2015) | The proud ones from the mother country. | Die Stolzen aus dem Mutterland. Mom and Other Loonies in the Family (2015) | It's what the unborn hear. | Es ist das, was das Ungeborene im Mutterleib hört. Secondo (2015) | Ruben and I used to say that's how we were in the womb. | Ruben und ich sagten immer, so waren wir im Mutterleib. AKA Take a Bloody Number (2015) | - All of our fortunes depend on this lady now and whether she can provide an heir, and we all know it's a long road between a child in the womb and one safely in the crib. | Unser ganzes Geschick hängt jetzt von dieser einen Lady ab, und ob sie einen Erben hervorbringt. Es ist ein weiter Weg zwischen einem Kind im Mutterleib und einem, das sicher in der Wiege liegt. Anna Regina (2015) | Mother's love... | - Mutterliebe. Rise of the Villains: Mommy's Little Monster (2015) | Absorbed a male twin in the womb when I was formed. | Ich habe im Mutterleib meinen männlichen Zwilling absorbiert. Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow (2015) | Absorbed a male twin in the womb when I was formed. | Ich habe im Mutterleib meinen männlichen Zwilling absorbiert. History Yet to Be Written (2015) | I think it's the feed dispensary where our thief purchased all his hay. | Ja. Ich denke, es der Futterladen, wo unser Dieb sein ganzes Heu gekauft hat. The Female of the Species (2015) | Ah, it's like I'm back in my mother's womb. | Als ob ich wieder im Mutterleib bin. And the Crime Ring (2015) | Oh. Well, then would you care to comment on information we have in regards to the zoo's choice of food suppliers being adjusted due to budgetary restrictions? | Nun, sollten Sie sich dann nicht zu Informationen äußern, die wir über den Futterlieferanten haben, den der Zoo gewählt hat, insbesondere wegen der Budgetkürzungen? First Blood (2015) | So what, am I supposed to read this and snap back to sad, pathetic, motherless Caroline? | Na und? Soll ich das jetzt lesen und wieder zur traurigen, armseligen, mutterlosen Caroline zurückschnappen? Because (2015) | There's a feed store. | Es gibt einen Tierfutterladen. Thank You (2015) | Soon as they clear, we head for the feed store. | Sobald sie weg sind, machen wir uns auf den Weg zum Tierfutterladen. Thank You (2015) | Where's the feed store? | Wo ist der Tierfutterladen? Thank You (2015) | Can you remember what it's like to be inside your mother's womb? | Können Sie sich erinnern, wie es ist in Ihrem Mutterleib zu sein? Pilot (2015) | And I've been, like, looking for that love to fill that missing mother love, you know? | - Irgendwie fehlt mir diese Liebe. Ich suchte Ersatz für die Mutterliebe, die mir fehlte. The Book of Life (2015) | Yeah, the senator could probably explain it better, but it has something to do with tinkering with a baby's DNA in utero, thus stopping disease before it happens. | Ja, die Senatorin könnte es wahrscheinlich besser erklären, aber es hat etwas damit zu tun, die DNA eines Babys im Mutterleib zu verändern, damit Krankheiten verhindert werden, bevor sie auftreten. Memento Mori (2015) | "It is you who hath covered me in my mother's womb." | Du bist es, der mich schon im Mutterleib beschützte. " Free State of Jones (2016) | Mr. Vernon's illness prevented me from giving her the attention that both duty and affection required. | Durch Mr. Vernons Krankheit bekam sie von mir nicht die Zuwendung, die Pflicht wie auch Mutterliebe erfordert hätten. Love & Friendship (2016) | This is how I kicked you out of the womb. | So trat ich dich aus dem Mutterleib. Now You See Me 2 (2016) | She was alone in the womb for months. | Sie war Monate allein im Mutterleib. Friend Request (2016) | But your kids are without a mother now. | Aber deine Kinder sind mutterlos. Captain Fantastic (2016) | help Isabel to guard this new life so no one can hurt it in any way. | Sei gütig und hilf Isabel, das Leben, das neu im Mutterleib wächst, aufmerksam zu behüten, damit nichts und niemand es beschädigen kann. Exposed (2016) | A trueborn daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark born here at Winterfell or a motherless bastard born in the south? | Eine wahre Tochter von Ned und Catelyn Stark, geboren hier in Winterfell oder ein mutterloser Bastard aus dem Süden? The Winds of Winter (2016) | How can the Khan of Mongolia oversee the affairs of his motherland when he now must govern all of China and outwards? | Wie soll der Khan der Mongolei sich noch um sein Mutterland kümmern, wenn er nun auch China und dessen umliegende Gebiete regieren muss? Hunter and the Sable Weaver (2016) | Then let the many voices of the motherland choose who should be Khan. | Sollen alle Stimmen des Mutterlandes bestimmen, wer Khan wird. Hunter and the Sable Weaver (2016) | Aw! Not a single gold tooth in his head. On. | Oh, kein einziger Goldzahn in der Futterluke. The Wild Life (2016) | Especially while the young French judge... | Zumal jetzt nicht, wo dieser junge Richter aus dem Mutterland... Bois d'ébène (2016) | You're one of those who want to copy the French justice system. | Und doch sind Sie ein Teil von ihr. Das Rechtssystem des Mutterlands nachzuäffen bringt rein gar nichts. Bois d'ébène (2016) | Dad's way of coping with two motherless daughters was to buy us tickets to feminist lectures, start fucking our godmother and eventually stop calling. | Dad schickt seine mutterlosen Töchter zu feministischen Vorträgen, vögelt unsere Patentante und meldete sich irgendwann nicht mehr. Episode #1.1 (2016) | Just the other day, checking out at the feed store, I bought some gum. | Erst neulich im Futterladen, ich kaufte dort Kaugummi. Got a Little Crazy (2016) | Will left Noreen for Stan at the feed store. | Will verließ Noreen wegen Stan aus dem Futterladen. There Goes My Life (2016) | Must be the same guy I ran into at the feed shop. | Den Typen traf ich im Futterladen, glaube ich. I've Come to Expect It from You (2016) | We belong... to a motherland... which we love. | Wir gehören... in ein Mutterland... das wir lieben. Bethleham Siege, Palestine (2016) | Welcome to the womb of the house. | Willkommen im Mutterleib des Hauses. The Black Room (2017) | Down the hatch. | Rein in die Futterluke. Shrooms (2017) |
| | ยิบตา | (adv) to the end, See also: utterly, extremely, to the finish, Example: เราจะสู้ศัตรูจนยิบตา, Thai Definition: สู้อย่างสุดความสามารถ | สุด | (adv) extremely, See also: exceedingly, utterly, Syn. มาก, สุดๆ | หมดกะจิตกะใจ | (v) lose all enthusiasm, See also: be totally discouraged or in despair, lose all hope, be utterly despondent, lose heart, Syn. หมดอาลัยตายอยาก, Example: ตั้งแต่สามีตายจากไป เธอก็หมดกะจิตกะใจที่จะทำงาน | อัดอั้นใจ | (v) feel utterly repressed, See also: be frustrated, smoulder, feel utterly repressed, Syn. อัดอั้น, อัดอั้นตันใจ, Example: ผมอัดอั้นใจเหลือเกินที่ถูกลูกเจ้าของบ้านข่มเหง, Thai Definition: รู้สึกคับแค้นใจแต่ไม่อาจแสดงออกมาได้ | มืดแปดด้าน | (v) be utterly mystified, See also: be blank, see no way out, be unable to see or think, Syn. คิดไม่ออก, จนปัญญา, ไม่รู้เรื่อง, ไม่เข้าใจ, อั้นตู้, จนด้วยเกล้า, Example: ผมมืดแปดด้านไม่รู้ว่าเขาอยู่ที่ไหน | เป็นปลิดทิ้ง | (adv) completely, See also: totally, entirely, wholly, utterly, Example: เขาหายกลัวเป็นปลิดทิ้งเมื่อพบว่าเสียงที่ได้ยินเป็นเสียงเคาะประตูของเพื่อน | เลย | (adv) completely, See also: entirely, utterly, Syn. โดยสิ้นเชิง, Example: ผมไม่เห็นด้วยเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่เขาพูดเลย | ตีนถีบปากกัด | (v) fight tooth and nail, See also: work very hard, struggle utterly, Syn. ปากกัดตีนถีบ, Example: ถึงคราวที่เราจะต้องตีนถีบปากกัดช่วยตัวเองกันแล้ว, Thai Definition: มานะพยายามทำงานทุกอย่างเพื่อปากท้องโดยไม่คำนึงถึงความเหนื่อยยาก, Notes: (สำนวน) | เต็มทน | (adv) very, See also: fully, utterly, exceedingly, badly, extremely, Syn. ครามครัน, เต็มแก่, เต็มที, เต็มประดา, Example: ผมเบื่อพวกแก่วัดเหล่านี้เต็มทน, Thai Definition: ใช้แสดงว่ามีระดับสูงมากจนอาจส่งผลต่อไป | เต็มรัก | (adv) fully, See also: utterly, completely, forcefully, Syn. เต็มที่, เต็มแรง, อย่างจัง, เต็มเปา, Example: เขาเดินไปสะดุดเสาเรือนเข้าเต็มรัก, Notes: (ปาก) | ครามครัน | (adv) quite, See also: fairly, utterly, Syn. มาก, หลาย, นัก, Example: ฉันยังหวาดกลัวเขาอยู่ครามครัน | จังหน้า | (adv) utterly on the face, Syn. เต็มหน้า, เต็มที่, Example: หากไม่เจอกันจังหน้า เขาก็คงไม่ทักทายผมหรอก | ตื้อ | (adv) very, See also: extremely, utterly, Example: กว่าพ่อจะผัดกับข้าวสุก ผมก็อิ่มตื้อเสียแล้ว, Thai Definition: แน่นอึดอัด | นัก | (adv) extremely, See also: very, greatly, much, excessively, intensely, utterly, Syn. มาก, หนักหนา, ยิ่ง, ยิ่งนัก, Example: ช่วงฤดูหนาวที่เชียงใหม่จะมีอากาศหนาวนัก | หูฉี่ | (adv) very, See also: exorbitantly, utterly, Example: รถยนต์คันนี้แพงหูฉี่ มีแต่เศรษฐีเท่านั้นที่จะสั่งจอง, Thai Definition: มากเหลือเกิน เช่น แพงหูฉี่ เผ็ดหูฉี่, Notes: (ปาก) | เหลวแหลก | (v) break into splinters, See also: fall to pieces, be shattered, smash into fragments, be utterly destroyed, be badly damaged, Syn. ป่นปี้, เละเทะ, เละ, Example: สภาพรถเหลวแหลกไม่มีชิ้นดี, Thai Definition: ไม่เป็นชิ้นเป็นอัน |
| ครามครัน | [khrāmkhran] (adv) EN: quite ; fairly ; utterly | กรอบ | [krøp] (adv) EN: completely ; utterly ; extremely | เลย | [loēi] (adv) EN: too much ; at all ; definitely ; completely ; entirely ; utterly FR: tout à fait ; complétement ; absolument ; directement ; du tout | มืดแปดด้าน | [meūtpaētdān] (v) EN: be utterly mystified | หมด | [mot] (adv) EN: completely ; entirely ; totally ; wholly ; exhaustively ; thoroughly ; utterly FR: entièrement ; complètement ; totalement | นัก | [nak] (adv) EN: extremely ; very ; greatly ; much ; excessively ; intensely ; utterly FR: extrêmement ; intensément ; excessivement ; très | อ่อนใจ | [ønjai] (v) EN: fatigue ; feel tired ; feel exhausted ; feel weary ; feel weak ; feel utterly weary | วายวอด | [wāiwøt] (v) EN: be utterly destroyed ; be devastated ; be razed | ยับเยิน | [yapyoēn] (adv) EN: utterly ; completely ; totally ; radically |
| | | | Utterless | a. Incapable of being uttered. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] A clamoring debate of utterless things. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Utterly | adv. In an utter manner; to the full extent; fully; totally; as, utterly ruined; it is utterly vain. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 十分 | [shí fēn, ㄕˊ ㄈㄣ, 十 分] to divide into ten equal parts; very; hundred percent; completely; extremely; utterly; absolutely #707 [Add to Longdo] | 烂 | [làn, ㄌㄢˋ, 烂 / 爛] soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly #3,666 [Add to Longdo] | 不堪 | [bù kān, ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄢ, 不 堪] cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely #8,360 [Add to Longdo] | 气急败坏 | [qì jí bài huài, ㄑㄧˋ ㄐㄧˊ ㄅㄞˋ ㄏㄨㄞˋ, 气 急 败 坏 / 氣 急 敗 壞] flustered and exasperated; utterly discomfited #31,398 [Add to Longdo] | 溃败 | [kuì bài, ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄞˋ, 溃 败 / 潰 敗] utterly defeated; routed; crushed; to collapse (of army) #33,015 [Add to Longdo] | 大无畏 | [dà wú wèi, ㄉㄚˋ ㄨˊ ㄨㄟˋ, 大 无 畏 / 大 無 畏] utterly fearless #35,963 [Add to Longdo] | 杯水车薪 | [bēi shuǐ chē xīn, ㄅㄟ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄔㄜ ㄒㄧㄣ, 杯 水 车 薪 / 杯 水 車 薪] lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood (成语 saw); fig. an utterly inadequate measure #36,844 [Add to Longdo] | 迥然不同 | [jiǒng rán bù tóng, ㄐㄩㄥˇ ㄖㄢˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄊㄨㄥˊ, 迥 然 不 同] widely different; utterly different #40,412 [Add to Longdo] | 败绩 | [bài jì, ㄅㄞˋ ㄐㄧˋ, 败 绩 / 敗 績] be utterly defeated; be routed #41,810 [Add to Longdo] | 丧尽天良 | [sàng jìn tiān liáng, ㄙㄤˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄌㄧㄤˊ, 丧 尽 天 良 / 喪 盡 天 良] devoid of conscience (成语 saw); utterly heartless #54,968 [Add to Longdo] | 溃不成军 | [kuì bù chéng jūn, ㄎㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄔㄥˊ ㄐㄩㄣ, 溃 不 成 军 / 潰 不 成 軍] utterly defeated #56,888 [Add to Longdo] | 蒙头转向 | [mēng tóu zhuǎn xiàng, ㄇㄥ ㄊㄡˊ ㄓㄨㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ, 蒙 头 转 向 / 矇 頭 轉 向] to lose one's bearings; utterly confused #250,056 [Add to Longdo] | 破败不堪 | [pò bài bù kān, ㄆㄛˋ ㄅㄞˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄢ, 破 败 不 堪 / 破 敗 不 堪] crushed; utterly defeated [Add to Longdo] |
| | あきれて物が言えない;呆れて物が言えない | [あきれてものがいえない, akiretemonogaienai] (exp, adj-i) utterly scandalized [Add to Longdo] | からっきし;からきし | [karakkishi ; karakishi] (adv) quite; utterly; (not) at all; completely [Add to Longdo] | ころり | [korori] (adv-to) (1) (on-mim) easily; effortlessly; suddenly; utterly; (2) changing completely; (n) (3) plink (sound of something light falling or rolling) [Add to Longdo] | さんざ | [sanza] (adv) (abbr) (See 散々) severely; harshly; utterly; terribly [Add to Longdo] | すっぽんぽん | [supponpon] (adj-na, n) utterly stark naked; wearing only one's birthday suit [Add to Longdo] | 遺憾千万 | [いかんせんばん, ikansenban] (adj-na) highly regrettable; utterly deplorable [Add to Longdo] | 何をか言わんや | [なにをかいわんや, naniwokaiwanya] (exp) what more can one say?; to be utterly at a loss for words (because of disbelief or disgust) [Add to Longdo] | 丸裸 | [まるはだか, maruhadaka] (adj-na, n) nude; utterly stark naked; wearing only one's birthday suit [Add to Longdo] | 空下手 | [からへた;からっぺた, karaheta ; karappeta] (adj-na, n) utterly lacking in ability [Add to Longdo] | 攻め滅ぼす | [せめほろぼす, semehorobosu] (v5s, vt) to attack and overthrow; to utterly destroy [Add to Longdo] | 惨敗 | [さんぱい(P);ざんぱい(P), sanpai (P); zanpai (P)] (n, vs) ignominious defeat; crushing failure; utterly beaten; overwhelming defeat; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 散々(P);散散 | [さんざん, sanzan] (adj-na, adv) (1) severely; harshly; utterly; terrible; (2) scattered; disconnected; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 残忍非情 | [ざんにんひじょう, zanninhijou] (n, adj-na) utterly callous; atrociously brutal; cruel and inhuman [Add to Longdo] | 衰え果てる | [おとろえはてる, otoroehateru] (v1, vi) to be utterly spent or crushed [Add to Longdo] | 叩き伏せる | [たたきふせる, tatakifuseru] (v1, vt) to knock down; to utterly defeat [Add to Longdo] | 端から端まで | [はしからはしまで, hashikarahashimade] (exp) from one end to another; thoroughly; completely; utterly [Add to Longdo] | 呆れ返る;あきれ返る | [あきれかえる, akirekaeru] (v5r, vi) to be utterly amazed; to be stunned [Add to Longdo] | 殆;幾 | [ほとほと, hotohoto] (adv) (uk) quite (usu. negative connotation); utterly; really [Add to Longdo] | 無念千万 | [むねんせんばん, munensenban] (n, adj-na) being really disappointed; feeling utterly mortified; being deeply vexed [Add to Longdo] | 目が点に成る | [めがてんになる, megatenninaru] (exp, v5r) to be stunned and utterly surprised (at something) [Add to Longdo] | 役者馬鹿 | [やくしゃばか, yakushabaka] (n) good actor who is inept in all other matters; demon for acting who is utterly indifferent to all other concerns; skilled actor who knows little of life; person who excels in one occupation (profession) but lacks simple common sense [Add to Longdo] | 露知らず | [つゆしらず, tsuyushirazu] (exp) utterly ignorant; not knowing; having no idea; (being a) blithering idiot [Add to Longdo] | 悄気込む | [しょげこむ, shogekomu] (v5m, vi) to be utterly disheartened [Add to Longdo] |
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