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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: pelican, -pelican-
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
pelican(n) นกกระทุง, Syn. fishing bird, kingfisher

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
pelican(เพล'ละเคิน) n. นกกระทุง, นกในตระกูล Pelecanidae

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
pelican(n) นกกระทุง

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"to be stranded on"auf Pelican Island The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015)
It must be back on Pelican Island!Sie ist bestimmt auf Pelican Island! The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015)
Damascus materials testing facility to incoming pelican.Damascus Materialprüfungseinrichtung an ankommenden Pelican. Halo: The Fall of Reach (2015)
Look, you know I trust you and everything, but how are we supposed to take on a covenant ship in a pelican?Du weißt, ich vertraue dir und all das, aber wie nehmen wir es in einem Pelican mit einem Schiff der Allianz auf? Halo: The Fall of Reach (2015)
I was thinking, the commonwealth's pelicans are carrying nukes.Die Pelicans der Commonwealth verfügen über Atomwaffen. Halo: The Fall of Reach (2015)
Dembe, the Pelican case.Dembe, der Pelican-Koffer. Sir Crispin Crandall (No. 86) (2015)
Those little Pelicans, they're not worth shit, not like the old Maglites.Die kleinen Pelican-Taschenlampen taugen nichts, das sind keine Maglites. The Thing About Secrets (2016)
Pelican Cove?"Pelican Cove"? Nosedive (2016)
What's wrong with Pelican Cove?Was hast du gegen Pelican Cove? Nosedive (2016)
Pelican Cove higher?Wie Pelican Cove? Nosedive (2016)
SHU at Pelican Bay.ไปกินข้าวแดงที่คุกเพลิแกน Heat (1995)
Pelican Drive, number 26900.ถนน พิลิแกน เลขที่ 26900. Transporter 2 (2005)
- Look, a pelican!- ดูสิ นกพิลิแคน Left Turn Ahead (2007)
All right, she lives here, works here, but yesterday she used her credit card to buy a drink at the Pelican Club a little after noon, and then she picked up something at the gift shop, a little after 1:00.เอาละ เธออยู่ที่นี่ ทำงานที่นี่ แต่เมื่อวานนี้น่ะ เธอรูดบัตรตอนซื้อเครื่องดืม ที่ พิลิแกนคลับ ตอนสายๆของวัน The Sunshine State (2008)
I was locked up in pelican bay.ฉันถูกขังไว้ที่ เพลิแกนเบย์ Complications (2008)
pelican bay penitentiary 1995-2007เธอมีสิทธิ์ที่จะโกรธ You Are My Everything (2008)
Mule Creek to Pelican Bay.จากมูลล์คริสจนถึงอ่าวเพลีเเคน เบย์ Service (2009)
Stockton and Pelican Bay.สต็อคตันและเพลิแกนเบย์ Potlatch (2009)
There's an old parking lot where Pelican Drive meets the beach.อืม.. มีที่จอดรถเก่าแห่งหนึ่ง ตรงที่ถนนพีลิแกนตัดกับชายหาด Rates of Exchange (2009)
I finished reading the Pelican Briefฉันเพิ่อ่านเรื่อง พิลิแกน บริฟ จบ The Gothowitz Deviation (2009)
And the pelicans are covered in oil.แล้วตัวของพวกนกกระทุงก็ถูกปกคลุมไปด้วยน้ำมัน The Psychology of Letting Go (2010)
Everyone likes pelicans. They bring babies.ใครๆก็ชอบนกกระทุง พวกมันออกลูกเยอะ The Psychology of Letting Go (2010)
So just anything you could give would be... hey! I like need you to save the pelicans.อะไรก็ได้แล้วคุณจะ... ฉันอยากให้คุณช่วยเหลือพวกนกกระทุงน่ะค่ะ The Psychology of Letting Go (2010)
They're all feathery and pelicany.พวกมันสวยหยาดเยิ้มและน่ารักมาก The Psychology of Letting Go (2010)
I'm staying at the Blue Pelican Motel.ผมพักที่โรงแรมบลู พิลิแคน Take It! (2010)
Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican.อย่ามัวกระพือปีกเหมือนนกกระทุงเมาเหล้าอย่างนี้สิ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
Someone checked out The Pelican Brief and never returned it.มีคนยืม ดิ เพลิเกน บรีฟ และไม่เอามาคืน Back to Summer (2011)
That's why Greg volunteered in the Gulf last summer, cleaning the oil off baby pelicans.นี่เองเกร็กอาสาทำความสะอาด ปากเจ้านกกระทุงน้อย The Test (2011)
He was tried here in Portland but sentenced to a California ADX facility in Pelican Bay.แต่ตัดสินให้ไปแคลิฟอเนีย องค์กรADXในเพลิแคน เบย์ Game Ogre (2012)
Pelican Bay.เพลิคัล เบย์ \ Blood Feud (2012)
We have Pelican Crossings that beep, and we have ramps in front of public buildings, เรามีทางข้ามถนนปุ่มกด เรามีทางลาดสำหรับรถเข็นหน้าอาคาร Episode #18.4 (2012)
Features a famous painting of a pelican that people believed, in times of famine, would feed her children with her own blood.ซึ่งผู้คนเชื่อว่า เป็นเวลาที่ผู้หญิง จะหลั่งเลือดเป็นอาหารให้ลูกๆ สื่อถึงการเสียสละ Answers (2012)
♪ "I mean, my-my-my-my, you're like pelican fly ♪ฉันหมายถึง คุณช่วย ช่วย ช่วย หยั่งกะนกกระทุม Feud (2013)
You'll leave your hotel in Rue du Pelican, with the suitcase empty and your things wrapped in a parcel.Sie verlassen Ihr Hotel in der Rue du Pelican, mit einem leeren Koffer und ihren Sachen in ein Paket gewickelt. Trans-Europ-Express (1966)
Mr. Ward Herbert Douglas, 1313 Pelican Way?Mr. Ward Herbert Douglas, 1313 Pelican Way? 1941 (1979)
SHU at Pelican Bay.Iso-Haft in Pelican Bay. Heat (1995)
You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you!Ihr Arschlöcher werdet in Pelican Bay im Streifenanzug Körbe flechten, wenn ich mit euch fertig bin! Training Day (2001)
They sent me down from the SHU, Pelican Bay.Die haben mich von SHU aus hierher geschickt, Pelican Bay. Half Past Dead (2002)
I hear Pelican Bay's nice this time of year.Pelican Bay soll schön sein. Supersymmetry (2002)
What, did you do a nickel at Pelican Bay?Was, hast du im Pelican-Bay-Gefängnis gesessen? Revelations (2003)
Please. Try Pelican Bay.Versuch es mit Pelican Bay. Safe (2004)
- Miami, East Highland, Pelican Drive, number 26900.- Miami, Tyland, Pelican Drive, 26900. Transporter 2 (2005)
What I got here buys each of you entrepreneurs a hard 20 in Pelican Bay.Was hab ich denn hier... das bringt jeden von euch Unternehmern 20 Jahre in Pelican Bay ein. Tar Baby (2005)
Couple of friends from the pen did time with him at pelican bay.Ein paar Freunde haben einige Zeit zusammen mit ihm in Pelican Bay gesessen. Immigrant (2005)
John, you broke into a gunrunner's house, man.Der Mann saß 5 Jahre in Pelican Bay wegen Mordversuchs. Was, glauben Sie, was der mit Ihnen macht? Skin Deep (2007)
About 241 stitches.Dr.Alan, Fay Pelican Bay Gefängnis-Arzt. Er musste über 241 mal genäht werden. Pilot: Merit Badge (2007)
It don't make no difference to us because we know what you did to that correctional officer up in pelican bay, and that makes you a con.Das macht für uns aber keinen Unterschied, denn wir wissen, was sie dem Justizvollzugsbeamten in Pelican Bay angetan haben. Pilot: Merit Badge (2007)
pelican bay penitentiary 1995-2007Pelican Bay Strafanstalt 1995-2007 Tear Asunder (2007)
Trouble was, he was locked up in Pelican Bay at the time.Das Problem war, er war zu der Zeit in Pelican Bay eingesperrt. What If They're Connected? (2007)
Looks like I'm going to Pelican Bay...Sieht aus, als ob ich nach Pelican Bay fahre ... What If They're Connected? (2007)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
กระทุง[krathung] (n) EN: pelican  FR: pélican [ m ] ; pélican gris [ m ]
นกกระทุง[nok krathung] (n) EN: pelican  FR: pélican [ m ]
นกกระทุง[nok krathung] (n, exp) EN: Spot-billed Pelican  FR: Pélican à bec tacheté [ m ] ; Pélican gris [ m ]

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
old world white pelican(n) similar to American white pelican, Syn. Pelecanus onocrotalus
pelican(n) large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill with a distensible pouch for fish
pelican crossing(n) an acronym for pedestrian light control; a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights that are controlled by pedestrians
white pelican(n) large American pelican; white with black wing feathers, Syn. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
louisiana(n) a state in southern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War, Syn. LA, Pelican State

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ F. pélican, L. pelicanus, pelecanus, Gr. peleka`n, peleka^s, pele`kanos, the woodpecker, and also a water bird of the pelican kind, fr. peleka^n to hew with an ax, fr. pe`lekys an ax, akin to Skr. paraçu. ] [ Written also pelecan. ] 1. (Zool.) Any large webfooted bird of the genus Pelecanus, of which about a dozen species are known. They have an enormous bill, to the lower edge of which is attached a pouch in which captured fishes are temporarily stored. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) and the brown species (Pelecanus fuscus) are abundant on the Florida coast in winter, but breed about the lakes in the Rocky Mountains and British America. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. (Old Chem.) A retort or still having a curved tube or tubes leading back from the head to the body for continuous condensation and redistillation. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The principle is still employed in certain modern forms of distilling apparatus. [ 1913 Webster ]

Frigate pelican (Zool.), the frigate bird. See under Frigate. --
Pelican fish (Zool.), deep-sea fish (Eurypharynx pelecanoides) of the order Lyomeri, remarkable for the enormous development of the jaws, which support a large gular pouch. --
Pelican flower (Bot.), the very large and curiously shaped blossom of a climbing plant (Aristolochia grandiflora) of the West Indies; also, the plant itself. --
Pelican ibis (Zool.), a large Asiatic wood ibis (Tantalus leucocephalus). The head and throat are destitute of feathers; the plumage is white, with the quills and the tail greenish black. --
Pelican in her piety (in heraldry and symbolical art), a representation of a pelican in the act of wounding her breast in order to nourish her young with her blood; -- a practice fabulously attributed to the bird, on account of which it was adopted as a symbol of the Redeemer, and of charity. --
Pelican's foot (Zool.), a marine gastropod shell of the genus Aporrhais, esp. Aporrhais pes-pelicani of Europe.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n. pl. See Spilikin. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[hú, ㄏㄨˊ, / ] pelican #49,952 [Add to Longdo]
[tí, ㄊㄧˊ, / ] pelican #61,445 [Add to Longdo]
鹈鹕[tí hú, ㄊㄧˊ ㄏㄨˊ,   /  ] pelican #103,027 [Add to Longdo]
[hú, ㄏㄨˊ, ] pelican #214,589 [Add to Longdo]
提壶[tí hú, ㄊㄧˊ ㄏㄨˊ,   /  ] pelican; same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕 [Add to Longdo]
提壶芦[tí hú lú, ㄊㄧˊ ㄏㄨˊ ㄌㄨˊ,    /   ] pelican; same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕 [Add to Longdo]
提葫芦[tí hú lú, ㄊㄧˊ ㄏㄨˊ ㄌㄨˊ,    /   ] pelican; same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕 [Add to Longdo]
淘河[táo hé, ㄊㄠˊ ㄏㄜˊ,  ] pelican [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Pelikan { m } [ ornith. ] | Pelikane { pl }pelican | pelicans [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
ペリカン[perikan] (n) pelican; (P) [Add to Longdo]
伽藍鳥[がらんちょう, garanchou] (n) pelican [Add to Longdo]
袋鰻[ふくろうなぎ;フクロウナギ, fukurounagi ; fukurounagi] (n) (uk) pelican eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides) [Add to Longdo]


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