มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ | dominant | (ดอม'มะเนินทฺ) adj. ซึ่งครอบงำ, มีอำนาจเหนือ, ซึ่งเป็นส่วนสำคัญ, ซึ่งมีบทบาทสำคัญ, ซึ่งปกครอง, เด่น n. ตัวสำคัญ, Syn. superior, major | predominant | (พรีดอม'มิเนินทฺ) adj. มีอำนาจเหนือ, มีอิทธิพลเหนือ, มีมากกว่า, เด่น, |
| dominant | (adj) ซึ่งมีอำนาจเหนือ, ซึ่งมีบทบาทสำคัญ, เด่น, มีอิทธิพลต่อ | predominant | (adj) เด่น, เหนือกว่า, มีมากกว่า |
| | Dominant Tree | ต้นเด่น, Example: ต้นไม้ที่มีเรือนยอดแผ่ขยายอยู่เหนือ ระดับเรือนยอดของต้นไม้ต้นอื่นในหมู่ไม้นั้น ได้รับแสงเต็มที่จากทางด้านบน และบางส่วนทางด้านข้าง โดยปกติจะเป็นต้นไม้ที่มีขนาดใหญ่โตกว่าค่าเฉลี่ย เป็นต้นไม้ที่แข็งแรง สมบูรณ์เต็มที่ [สิ่งแวดล้อม] | Codominant Tree | ต้นรองเด่น, Example: ต้นไม้ที่มีชั้นเรือนยอดอยู่ในระดับเดียวกัน กับ เรือนยอดของไม้ต้นอื่นในหมู่ไม้นั้น ได้รับแสงเต็มที่จากทางด้านบน และอาจได้รับแสงบ้างจากทางด้านข้าง โดยปกติเป็นต้นไม้ที่มีเรือนยอดขนาดกลาง เป็นต้นไม้ที่ใหญ่ แข็งแรงและสมบูรณ์ [สิ่งแวดล้อม] | Cerebral Dominant | สมองซีกที่เด่น [การแพทย์] | Cerebral Hemisphere, Dominant | สมองข้างที่เด่น [การแพทย์] | Dominant | ลักษณะเด่น [การแพทย์] | Dominant Inheritance, Autosomal | ตัวถ่ายทอดกรรมพันธุ์ที่เป็นลักษณะเด่น [การแพทย์] | Dominant Trait, Autosomal | กรรมพันธุ์ถ่ายทอดแบบลักษณะเด่น [การแพทย์] | Dominant, Autosomal | ยีนแบบเด่นออโตโสมัล [การแพทย์] | Dominant, Numerically | พบมาก [การแพทย์] | Familial Dominant | ผู้มีสายเลือดเดียวกัน [การแพทย์] | dominant | ลักษณะเด่น, ลักษณะทางพันธุกรรมที่แสดงออกมาได้แม้ยีนที่ควบคุมลักษณะนั้น จะเป็นยีนเฮเทอโรไซกัส [พจนานุกรมศัพท์ สสวท.] | Genes, Codominant | ยีนที่มีลักษณะเด่นเสมอกัน [การแพทย์] | Genes, Dominant | ยีนเด่น, [การแพทย์] |
| | I mean, was I too controlling? | War ich zu dominant? Painted from Memory (2014) | They are the next draft of dominant life on Earth. | Sie sind die nächste dominante Lebensform auf der Erde. If You Could See Her Through My Eyes (2014) | A dominant male would have been direct. With no strategy to get what he wants. | Ein dominantes Männchen wäre direkt vorgegangen, ohne List, um zu bekommen, was es will. La mort et la belle vie (2014) | An alpha wants to think people are his. He can do what he wants, you're his. | Der Dominante will, dass der andere ihm gehört, dass er sein Objekt wird, mit dem er machen kann, was er will. La mort et la belle vie (2014) | We profiled that this unsub would be submissive in public and dominant with the prostitutes, and McIntyre is the opposite. | Unser Profil sagt aus, dass dieser Unbekannte in der Öffentlichkeit devot wäre, und dominant bei den Prostituierten, und McIntyre ist das Gegenteil. Angels (2014) | He takes the submissive role in the SM play most likely because he's so dominant as a principal at his parochial school. | Er nimmt im SM Spiel die devote Rolle rein, höchstwahrscheinlich, weil er als Direktor seiner kirchlichen Schule so dominant ist. Angels (2014) | He'd subconsciously put a big client like LAX on his dominant hand side. | Er würde unterbewusst einen Großkunden, wie den Flughafen, mit seiner dominanten Hand einsortieren. Pilot (2014) | The nutmeg is dominant, yes, but it's the olfactory equivalent of a burlesque dancer. | Die Muskatnuss ist dominant, ja, aber es ist das geruchliche Äquivalent einer Burlesque-Tänzerin. The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction (2014) | You like to play the active, dominant part? | Du bist gern der aktive Part. Eher dominant, was? Oh ja! Männerhort (2014) | - Here they are dominant. | Hier sind sie dominant. Men & Chicken (2015) | Ever heard of a dominating sociopath of this type trying to kill themselves? | Schon mal von einem dominanten Soziopaten gehört, der sowas macht? Episode #1.6 (2015) | So I have a dominant personality. | Ich habe eine dominante Persönlichkeit. The Communication Deterioration (2015) | It was that bad. | So dominant war sie. Telling Tales (2015) | But he misses me... because I've weakened his dominant hand. | Aber er hat verfehlt. Weil ich seine dominante Hand verletzt habe. Nelson's Sparrow (2015) | Yes, but male serial killers are predominantly, overwhelmingly sexually sadistic. | Ja, aber männliche Serienkiller sind prädominant, überwältigend und sexuell sadistisch. The Deer Hunter (No. 93) (2015) | The dominant species ravages the land and makes it its own. | Die dominante Spezies verwüstet das Land und macht es zu dem ihren. The Assassin (2015) | He's a homicidal dominant with an interest in role play. | Er ist ein mörderischer Dominanter, mit einem Interesse für Rollenspiele. Breath Play (2015) | Older guys can be so controlling. | Ältere Typen können dominant sein. Tony and Adam (2015) | I want to see if the unsub's signature has any effect on her. Oh, we do. | Es ist wichtig, dass Antonia sich dominant fühlt. Mr. Scratch (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. First Blood (2015) | Fore centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Fight or Flight (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. The Silence of the Cicadas (2015) | NARRATOR: For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Seit Jahrhunderten sind die Menschen die dominante Spezies. Pack Mentality (2015) | If anything I did last night was hurtful, excessive, demeaning to women... Typical of male-dominated society | Falls ich gestern Abend, Sie beleidigt, über den Zweck hinaus, eine Frau missachtet; in einer männer-dominanten Gesellschaft, ... Niyazi Gül Dörtnala (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Blame It on Leo (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. This Is What It Sounds Like (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. The Cheese Stands Alone (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Sleuths (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Murmuration (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Eats, Shoots and Leaves (2015) | For centuries, mankind has been the dominant species. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Emotional Contagion (2015) | Forcenturies, mankind hasbeenthedominantspecies. | Über Jahrhunderte war die Menschheit die dominante Spezies. Wild Things (2015) | I mean, we don't know which of Chris Allred's personality traits will be more dominant. | Immerhin wissen wir nicht, welche von Chris Alleds Persönlichkeiten dominanter war. Cape Town (2015) | Notice my dominant leg faces forward. | Beachtet, mein dominantes Bein steht vorne. The Perspiration Implementation (2015) | Well, I'm not sure I have a dominant leg. | Naja, ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich ein dominantes Bein habe. The Perspiration Implementation (2015) | Go! That means you're left-eye dominant. | Dein linkes Auge ist dominant. Term Life (2016) | You got that domineering great white hunter vibe. | Du hast diese dominante, große, weiße Jäger-Aura. 31 (2016) | This is the perfect sativa-dominant hybrid strain. It's called Spoonie Gee. | Das hier ist die perfekte sativa-dominante Hybridzüchtung, sie heißt Spoonie Gee. Keanu (2016) | Despite humans being the dominant species on this planet, 12 brothers and sisters... managed to change the compass today. | Obwohl Menschen die dominante Rasse auf diesem Planeten sind, haben 12 Brüder und Schwestern... es heute geschafft, den Kompass zu ändern. Send in the Clones (2016) | Missing father figure, surrounded by dominant women... | Fehlende Vaterfigur, umgeben von dominanten Frauen... Center of My World (2016) | "Dom Top looking for Sub Santa to swing on his North Pole." | "Dominanter Top sucht unterwürfigen Weihnachtsmann, der sich auf seinen Nordpol schwingt." BearCity 3 (2016) | Oh, well, Chantal is a type-A control freak. | Chantal ist ein dominanter Kontrollfreak. - Okay. War (2016) | It might be more commanding. | Das wirkt etwas dominanter. Assassins (2016) | We profiled this unsub as a matador... Dominant, statement-driven. | Unser Profil sagt, dieser Unbekannte sei ein Matador... dominant, botschaftsgetrieben. El Toro Bravo (2016) | What if we're looking for a team, with dominant to our submissive? | Was, wenn wir nach einem Team suchen, mit einem Dominanten zu unserem Devoten? El Toro Bravo (2016) | Dominant sex. | Dominanter Sex. Episode #3.1 (2016) | On the left side of the river lies the church, university – – the castle with its dominating location, – – look Uppsala Slott and the library called Carolina Rediviva. | Auf der Westseite des Flusses liegen die Domkirche, das Universitätsgebäude, das Schloss in seiner dominanten Lage (siehe Uppsala Schloss) sowie das Bibliotheksgebäude der Universität, genannt Carolina Rediviva. Sami Blood (2016) | Way to dominate! | Super dominant! Soccer Gigi TV Mikey (2016) | Uh, Daayna, German, is more dominant. | Daayna, die Deutsche, ist dominanter. Unter Druck (2016) | My point was, you'd use your dominant hand. | Ich meinte, du würdest deine dominante Hand verwenden. Pilot (2016) |
| | ตระหง่าน | (adv) loftily, See also: dominantly, commanding, foremost, conspicuously, Syn. สูงเด่น, Example: พระราชวังพระรามมนัสจรรยงค์ ตั้งตระหง่านอยู่ริมแม่น้ำเพชรบุรี, Thai Definition: อย่างสูงเด่นเป็นสง่าน่าเกรงขาม | ลักษณะเด่น | (n) dominant feature, See also: outstanding characteristic, notable quality, remarkable feature, Ant. ลักษณะด้อย, Count Unit: ลักษณะ | ลักษณะเด่น | (n) dominant feature, See also: outstanding characteristic, notable quality, remarkable feature, Ant. ลักษณะด้อย, Count Unit: ลักษณะ |
| เด่น | [den] (adj) EN: significant ; superior ; outstanding FR: éminent ; distinctif ; notable ; remarquable ; marquant ; prédominant | ลักษณะเด่น | [laksana den] (n, exp) EN: dominant feature ; dominant characteristic ; outstanding characteristic ; notable quality ; remarkable feature FR: trait dominant [ m ] |
| | | | Dominant | a. [ L. dominans, -antis, p. pr. of dominari: cf. F. dominant. See Dominate. ] Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling; predominant; as, the dominant party, church, spirit, power. [ 1913 Webster ] The member of a dominant race is, in his dealings with the subject race, seldom indeed fraudulent, . . . but imperious, insolent, and cruel. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ] Dominant estate or Dominant tenement (Law), the estate to which a servitude or easement is due from another estate, the estate over which the servitude extends being called the servient estate or tenement. Bouvier. Wharton's Law Dict. -- Dominant owner (Law), one who owns lands on which there is an easement owned by another. [ 1913 Webster ] Syn. -- Governing; ruling; controlling; prevailing; predominant; ascendant. [ 1913 Webster ] | Dominant | n. (Mus.) The fifth tone of the scale; thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on. [ 1913 Webster ] Dominant chord (Mus.), the chord based upon the dominant. [ 1913 Webster ]
| Predominant | a. [ Cf. F. prédominant. See Predominante. ] Having the ascendency over others; superior in strength, influence, or authority; prevailing; as, a predominant color; predominant excellence. [ 1913 Webster ] Those help . . . were predominant in the king's mind. Bacon. [ 1913 Webster ] Foul subordination is predominant. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] Syn. -- Prevalent; superior; prevailing; ascendant; ruling; reigning; controlling; overruling. [ 1913 Webster ] | Predominantly | adv. In a predominant manner. [ 1913 Webster ] | Subdominant | n. (Mus.) The fourth tone above, or fifth below, the tonic; -- so called as being under the dominant. [ 1913 Webster ] | Superdominant | n. (Mus.) The sixth tone of the scale; that next above the dominant; -- called also submediant. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 优势 | [yōu shì, ㄧㄡ ㄕˋ, 优 势 / 優 勢] superior; dominant #789 [Add to Longdo] | 大国 | [dà guó, ㄉㄚˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ, 大 国 / 大 國] a power (i.e. a dominant country) #5,847 [Add to Longdo] | 强攻 | [qiáng gōng, ㄑㄧㄤˊ ㄍㄨㄥ, 强 攻 / 強 攻] dominant; controlling; strong?opposite to 弱受; (mil.) to take by storm #17,052 [Add to Longdo] | 占优势 | [zhàn yōu shì, ㄓㄢˋ ㄧㄡ ㄕˋ, 占 优 势 / 佔 優 勢] to predominate; to occupy a dominant position #22,517 [Add to Longdo] | 得势 | [dé shì, ㄉㄜˊ ㄕˋ, 得 势 / 得 勢] to win power; to get authority; to become dominant #43,214 [Add to Longdo] | 龙头老大 | [lóng tóu lǎo dà, ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄡˊ ㄌㄠˇ ㄉㄚˋ, 龙 头 老 大 / 龍 頭 老 大] big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position) #46,810 [Add to Longdo] | 法拉盛 | [Fǎ lā shèng, ㄈㄚˇ ㄌㄚ ㄕㄥˋ, 法 拉 盛] Flushing Chinatown, a predominantly Chinese and Korean neighborhood of Queens, New York City [Add to Longdo] |
| | | 攻め | [せめ, seme] (n) (1) attack; offence; offense; (2) (uk) (col) (See タチ, 受け・5) dominant partner of a homosexual relationship; (suf) (3) (See 質問攻め) a barrage of; a flood of; (P) #6,448 [Add to Longdo] | 利き腕;利腕 | [ききうで, kikiude] (n) one's dominant arm #8,462 [Add to Longdo] | 利き手;利手 | [ききて, kikite] (n) one's dominant hand #19,120 [Add to Longdo] | サブドミナント | [sabudominanto] (n) subdominant [Add to Longdo] | ドミナント | [dominanto] (n) dominant [Add to Longdo] | 下属音 | [かぞくおん, kazokuon] (n) subdominant [Add to Longdo] | 詰める | [つめる, tsumeru] (v1, vt) (1) to stuff into; to jam; to cram; to pack; to fill; to plug; to stop up; (v1, vt, vi) (2) to shorten; to move closer together; (v1, vt) (3) to reduce (spending); to conserve; (v1, vt, vi) (4) (usu. as 根を詰める) (See 根を詰める) to focus intently on; to strain oneself to do; (v1, vt) (5) to work out (details); (v1, vi) (6) to be on duty; to be stationed; (v1, vt) (7) to corner (esp. an opponent's king in shogi); to trap; to checkmate; (8) (the meaning "to jam one's finger" is predominantly used in Kansai) (See 指を詰める・1) to cut off (one's finger as an act of apology); to jam (one's finger in a door, etc.); (suf, v1) (9) to continue ...; to keep doing ... without a break; (10) to do ... completely; to do ... thoroughly; (11) to force someone into a difficult situation by ...; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 郷友会 | [きょうゆうかい, kyouyuukai] (n) social organisation for people originating from the same town, village, or island who live in an urban center far from home (predominantly used by people from Okinawa) [Add to Longdo] | 差し手争い | [さしてあらそい, sashitearasoi] (exp) struggling to grab hold of one's opponent's belt with one's dominant hand (sumo) [Add to Longdo] | 最右翼 | [さいうよく, saiuyoku] (n) dominant person; preeminent person; strongest contender [Add to Longdo] | 支配的 | [しはいてき, shihaiteki] (adj-na) dominant; ruling; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 支配的地位 | [しはいてきちい, shihaitekichii] (n) driver's seat; dominant position [Add to Longdo] | 主色 | [しゅしょく, shushoku] (n) predominant color; predominant colour [Add to Longdo] | 重点的 | [じゅうてんてき, juutenteki] (adj-na) preponderant; predominant; focused; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 優越権 | [ゆうえつけん, yuuetsuken] (n) special rights; predominant rights [Add to Longdo] | 優性 | [ゆうせい, yuusei] (n) (1) dominance; (adj-no) (2) dominant [Add to Longdo] | 優性形質 | [ゆうせいけいしつ, yuuseikeishitsu] (n) dominant character [Add to Longdo] | 利き足 | [ききあし, kikiashi] (n) one's dominant foot [Add to Longdo] |
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