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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
高尔基[Gāo ěr jī, ㄍㄠ ㄦˇ ㄐㄧ,    /   ] Gorkii (name); Maxim Gorkii (1868-1936), Russian proletarian writer and propagandist #40,158 [Add to Longdo]
高尔基[Gāo ěr jī tǐ, ㄍㄠ ㄦˇ ㄐㄧ ㄊㄧˇ,     /    ] Golgi apparatus [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
M. Gorky film Studio[CN] 高尔基电影制片厂 The Commissar (1967)
To Georgievsk, Comrade Lieutenant. Here are my papers.[CN] 高尔基维斯克 中尉同志 这是我的证件 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
- Corky Curto?[CN] - 高尔基柯托? Not Fade Away (2012)
- Gorkiy's adopted son and Sverdlov's brother, French ambassador in China in 30-tees.[CN] - 高尔基的养子, 斯威尔得洛夫(布尔什维克党领袖)的弟弟, 30年代法国驻中华民国大使 Zerograd (1988)
We have some very disgruntled KGB employees ?[CN] 高尔基公园 ]很多心怀不满 的克格勃官员纷纷叛逃到了美国 Episode #1.5 (2007)
Maxim Gorkii Central Film Studio (Children and Youth Films)[CN] 高尔基中央儿童与少年电影制片厂 Maxim Gorkii Central Film Studio(Children and Youth Films) We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
The village of Sosnovka![CN] 高尔基韦斯克区 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
A scout?[CN] 高尔基耶夫? Goryachiy sneg (1972)
You remember?[CN] 在苏联 我们在高尔基公园有保龄球馆 The Midges (2017)
Gorky Central Film Studio for Youth and Children[CN] 高尔基中央儿童青年电影工作室 雅尔塔分部 Pirates of the 20th Century (1980)
I can't help it.[CN] 高尔基的名言。 可怜就是可怜呗。 Farewell (1983)
Are you going on leave?[CN] -是的 -去高尔基韦斯克吗 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
Where are you going? - To Georgievsk.[CN] -到高尔基韦斯克 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
Maxim Gorki is here.[CN] 马克西姆. 高尔基在这里。 Black Cat, White Cat (1998)
Yes, we blended glass into butter. Yes, I ordered to kill Gorkiy.[CN] 是的, 我们把玻璃掺进黄油里, 是的, 我奉命要杀死高尔基, Zerograd (1988)
It's by Gorky, or someone.[CN] 高尔基还是谁写的吧 Here Is Your Life (1966)
The enemy is us.[CN] 人类最大的敌人就是自己(她叫高尔基? ) The enemy is us. Goodbye World (2013)
Where's Georgiyev?[CN] 高尔基耶夫呢? Goryachiy sneg (1972)
A few days later, another unit took Mozhaysk, 60 miles west, while an infantry division reached Gorki, just 40 miles away.[CN] 几天后, 另一支部队占领了莫扎伊斯克, (位于莫斯科)西面60英里, 同时一个步兵师到达了高尔基, (离莫斯科)只有40英里远 Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973)
And why in the world are they staged when there's Gogol, Chekhov, Gorky, Bulgakov, Pogodin and Vampilov?[CN] 为什么人们要上演这些戏剧? 我们已经有了果戈理,契诃夫,高尔基, 布尔加科夫,波戈金,瓦姆皮洛夫.. Tema (1979)
Gorky Film Studios *** subtitles made by Oleg_K ***[CN] 高尔基电影制片厂 Country of the Deaf (1998)


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