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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
顽强[wán qiáng, ㄨㄢˊ ㄑㄧㄤˊ,   /  ] tenacious; hard to defeat #7,692 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
頑強[がんきょう, gankyou] (adj-na, n) dogged; tenacious; stubborn; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
In the course of a year my son grew stronger.1年間の間に息子は頑強になった。
A big man is not always robust.大男が必ずしも頑強だとはかぎらない。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Really hard-working. Tenacious.[CN] 專心工作 很頑強 Red Alert (2011)
karevs are tough.[CN] 大概Karevs家的人都很頑強 Sympathy for the Parents (2010)
She's struggling, but she's hanging on.[CN] 她正和病魔頑強的鬥爭 Invest in Love (2009)
About stronger men than me reaching their salvation.[CN] 關於比我頑強的人訴諸救贖 Gran Torino (2008)
The old timer was a stand-up guy.[CN] 這老家伙很頑強 The Test Dream (2004)
You were always stubborn, but at least you made sense.[JP] あなたは頑強だけど 理解して Pilot (2014)
Just like a seed, grows again in this world.[CN] 就像一顆顆頑強的種子 總會在這地球上生根發芽! SuckSeed (2011)
But on the outside, [JP] だが表面上では 私は頑強 Big Game (2014)
- She didn't say if it was two-legged or four-legged, but she was pretty adamant about it talking to her.[JP] オオカミ? - 足の数は言わなかったですが 話しかけて来たと 頑強に主張しました Cry Luison (2014)
It's unbreakable.[JP] 頑強だな RED (2010)
The ten-meter statue of Lenin has resisted strenuous attempts to bring it down... but it finally fell before the will of the people.[CN] 列寧的十米高的雕塑 頑強的抵抗住了摧毀 但是它最終倒在了人們的意志之下 現在它的命運如何? Children of the Revolution (1996)
He always used cleaning his glasses as a moment to collect himself, to think.[JP] 彼は頑強を拭きながら いつも熟考していた The Well-Tempered Clavier (2016)
According to our information, [CN] 賊人曾作出頑強的反抗及突圍而出 Always on My Mind (1993)
Detail halt.[CN] 頑強的日軍攻擊 於1942年10月24和25日 Melbourne (2010)
She's a die-hard detective She'll find you anywhere[CN] 288) }她可是個超頑強的偵探 你跑哪兒她都能找到 Freeze Die Come to Life (1990)
"ln war we're tough and able[CN] 我們頑強和勇猛地戰鬥 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Stronger men than you.[CN] 有些人比你還頑強 Gran Torino (2008)
I'm sorry. I guess I should have let that fertilized egg implant itself in my uterus.[CN] 抱歉 我應該讓那些生命裡頑強的精子 在我的子宮裡播種 Pilot (2009)
She's stubborn, she tries hard and she can adapt.[CN] 她很頑強,也很努力,她能夠適應的 Stella (2008)
It's just pride. Pride and stubbornness. Don't confuse your will with the lord's.[JP] 誇りと頑強さ あなたの意志を主と混同しないで Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
So, a similar example from the Russo-Japanese war.[JP] クロパトキン将軍が 頑強に主張したが Tikhiy Don (1957)
We believe your wife's high blood pressure caused the bypass to fail.[CN] 幾率是... 就是廢話 所以人們應該勇於面對 頑強抗爭 An Honest Mistake (2009)
serbian soldiers offer heavy resistance in this area. croatian forces in Kraina...[CN] 塞放的士兵正在戰場頑強抵抗 The Wounds (1998)
On September 1 1 our troops put up stubborn resistance west and south-west of stalingrad, in the region of Mozdok and on the VoIkhov sector.[CN] 9月11日,我軍在斯大林格勒西部和西南部 在Mozdok地區和Voikhov 防區 進行了頑強的抵抗 Father of a Soldier (1965)
Forged by the fires of his youth.[JP] 頑強ゆえに、"固い"> Doctor Strange (2016)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
頑強[がんきょう, gankyou] hartnaeckig, starrsinnig, unbeugsam [Add to Longdo]

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