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银河系[yín hé xì, ㄧㄣˊ ㄏㄜˊ ㄒㄧˋ,    /   ] galaxy #34,028 [Add to Longdo]

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The record shows that Captain Kirk once held the rank of Admiral, and he was broken for taking matters into his own hands.[CN] 银河系中的外星人坟墓 杀了他更好,一了百了 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
He was the guardian of the Galaxy. He thought he'd be safe on Earth.[CN] 他是银河系的管理人 他以为在地球会安全 Men in Black (1997)
Welcome to Paradise City, capital of the Planet of Galactic Peace.[CN] 欢迎来到天堂城 堪称银河系和平之星的首都 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
The Galaxy's going to be the best hotel in Vegas.[CN] 银河系赌场将会是... 拉斯维加斯最棒的赌场 Mars Attacks! (1996)
Klingons would become the alien trash of the galaxy.[CN] 他们会变成银河系的外星垃圾 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
In the Milky Way galaxy, circling a star called the Sun ... is a small planet inhabited by intelligent life.[CN] 银河系,围绕着一颗叫太阳的星体旋转着的... ...是一颗居住着智慧生物的小行星 Destiny in Space (1994)
Our own galaxy, and all the others form clusters and superclusters of stupendous size hundreds of millions of light-years across.[CN] 我们的银河系以及所有其他的星系 形成巨大的星系团和超星系团 有好几亿光年宽 Cosmic Voyage (1996)
If someone thought we were some kind of galactic weed that would spread through the universe.[CN] 若有人认为我们是 散布宇宙问的... 银河系废物 Species (1995)
You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy.[CN] 你就是银河系最英勇的战士 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
So he traveled or searched the galaxies, looking for a way to cheat death.[CN] 因此他在银河系中探索 以求获得永生的方法 Stargate (1994)
GALAXY[CN] 片名: 银河系 原创翻译: 熊仔俠 许可证: Gingakei (1967)
They were a group of intergalactic refugees.[CN] 他们是群银河系的难民 Men in Black (1997)
The centre of the galaxy can't be reached by any ship.[CN] 没有船舰能到达银河系的中心 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
The survival of our galaxy is in your hands.[CN] 我们银河系的存亡在你们手中 Starcrash (1978)
You're the ruler of the galaxy! Show a little taste![CN] 你是银河系的统治者 要表现出来 Ed Wood (1994)
It lies beyond the Great Barrier at the centre ofthe galaxy.[CN] 它位于大屏障以外 银河系的中心 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
The Galaxy... is on...[CN] 银河系... ...是在... Men in Black (1997)
The Arquillians want the Galaxy, whatever that means.[CN] 亚基伦人要银河系 不管那是什么意思 Men in Black (1997)
The belt is just these three stars. Galaxies are huge.[CN] 星带就是这3颗星 银河系是很大的 Men in Black (1997)
From this time the whole universe is in a state of explosion as galaxies as well.[CN] 从那时起整个宇宙就处于 爆炸状态 银河系也一样. 我们能用实验观测到银河系 The Illumination (1973)
We need help, a professional... with years of experience in intergalactic politics.[CN] 需要精通银河系的专家帮忙 ...一个对星际政治有经验的人 Men in Black (1997)
"Deliver the Galaxy".[CN] 交出银河系 Men in Black (1997)
It reproduces itself throughout the galaxy on some sort of periodic basis.[CN] 它遍及银河系周期性自我繁殖 Breeders (1986)
The Galaxy is the best source for subatomic energy in the universe.[CN] 银河系是宇宙次原子能源 的最好来源 Men in Black (1997)
ORFEUS will spend several days ... observing the hottest and coldest gases in our galaxy.[CN] ORFEUS将花几天的时间 观察我们银河系中最热的 和最冷的星云 Destiny in Space (1994)
Among my many tasks is the maintenance of deep-space monitors aimed at galaxies beyond our own.[CN] 在我执行的众多任务中 其中一项就是对 瞄准外层太空银河系 的监测器进行维修和保养 Episode #2.2 (1990)
"To prevent war, the Galaxy is on Orion's belt".[CN] "避免战争 银河系在猎户座星带" Men in Black (1997)
That is the atomic... and subatomic... and galactic structure of things today.[CN] 这才是今天银河系里... 万事万物的... 原子、次原子结构 Network (1976)
"Galaxy on Orion's belt" makes no sense.[CN] 银河系在猎户座星带上 听起来没道理 Men in Black (1997)
But this system is still within our galaxy and we should've found it by now.[CN] 但这个系仍在我们银河系之内 我们现在本该找到它了 Starcrash (1978)
The Galaxy is here![CN] 银河系在这里! Men in Black (1997)
Rosenberg mentioned Orion's belt. What did he mean?[CN] 他说银河系在猎户座星带上 是什么意思? Men in Black (1997)
Here, amidst the stars of our own galaxy, we shall seek the answers together.[CN] 银河系芸芸的星球中 我们得一起寻找答案 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
He said, "To prevent war, the Galaxy is on Orion's belt".[CN] 他说避免战争银河系 在猎户座星带上 Men in Black (1997)
Galaxy's going to be world class.[CN] 银河系赌场将会举世闻名 Mars Attacks! (1996)
- The centre of the galaxy?[CN] -银河系的中心? Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
The destruction might be localized, limited to our own galaxy.[CN] 毁灭可能是局部性的 只限于我们自己的银河系 Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Scientists think there could be millions of earth-like planets in our galaxy alone.[CN] 科学家认为单单在银河系中 就有上百万像地球一样的行星 Cosmic Voyage (1996)
Stella, our galaxy is split..[CN] 斯黛拉 我们的银河系分裂成 Starcrash (1978)
There are no galaxies on Orion's belt.[CN] 小子,猎户星带上没银河系 Men in Black (1997)
It would mean that life probably is abundant in our galaxy ... and awaiting discovery in the universe beyond.[CN] 这也意味着在银河系 可能还有大量的生命 正等待着我们去发现 Destiny in Space (1994)
See you around the galaxy.[CN] 银河系 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
The beam has locked itself onto a point somewhere in the Kaliam galaxy.[CN] 它正在自己锁定银河系某处的一个点 Stargate (1994)
On the Planet of Galactic Peace?[CN] 银河系的和平之星? Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
They're one of the top 10 industrial groups in the entire Galaxy.[CN] 他们可是银河系内屈指可数的世家 Crusher Joe: The Movie (1983)
And soon we will become one solar system.[CN] 地球与火星即将成为一家人 很快地银河系将成为大同世界 Mars Attacks! (1996)
Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg... has been secretly building a weapon... with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet![CN] 什么? 你在说什么啊? 就是现在 札克天王在银河系边缘 Toy Story (1995)
The Milky Way.[CN] 我们遇到自己的星系――银河系 Cosmic Voyage (1996)
"To prevent war, the Galaxy is on Orion's belt".[CN] "避免战争银河系 在猎户座星带上" Men in Black (1997)
You know, you must be the best pilot in the whole galaxy..[CN] 你知道吗 你是全银河系最好的飞行员 Starcrash (1978)


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