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营销[yíng xiāo, ㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄠ,   /  ] marketing #2,311 [Add to Longdo]
市场营销[shì chǎng yíng xiāo, ㄕˋ ㄔㄤˇ ㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄠ,     /    ] marketing [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But you know what I mean. Just some thoughts. Just ideas.[CN] 但你懂我意思,就是一些营销的好点子 Post Grad (2009)
So, if I market it really, really well, then, hopefully, people will come flooding in.[CN] 如果我营销做得好的话 没准就有大批人涌入这里 Mamma Mia! (2008)
The chicken industry has really set a model for the integration of production, processing and marketing of the products that other industries are now following because they see that we have achieved tremendous economies.[CN] 养鸡业已经建立了一个榜样 理查德·洛布 美国养鸡业协会 一个把肉类产品的生产, 处理 理查德·洛布 美国养鸡业协会 和营销整合起来的榜样 Food, Inc. (2008)
I see why you were in marketing.[CN] 。现在知道为什么你工作在营销 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
I'm going to take one of my characters and I'm going to launch a viral video and promote Paddy's myself.[CN] 我要自己选角拍一段视频 做成病毒式营销的录像 用我自己的方式来推销帕蒂酒吧 America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest (2008)
Well, I can do both. We need a new marketing campaign.[CN] 我可以两者兼顾 我们要展开新一轮市场营销 Music and Lyrics (2007)
Letting salesmen make your picks? That's balls.[CN] 营销员替你做选择,那可是赌球! Two for the Money (2005)
I would love to get a job in marketing.[CN] 我想找份营销的工作 Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na (2008)
I want to show him an article I have here on marketing internship. You see this?[CN] 我想给他看篇文章我放在这里的关于营销见习师的 你看过吗? I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Marketing puke![CN] 营销吐! The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
has personally asked me to go over there and turn around marketing in the magazine division.[CN] 特迪・凯已经亲自请我到沃特曼 去改进他们杂志部的市场营销 In Good Company (2004)
ATT uses prisoners to do their telemarketing for them.[CN] 电话电报公司雇佣囚犯进行电话营销 The Big One (1997)
We just covered their phones with matching jewels.[CN] 才做过手机的置入性营销 I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007)
You study the market in school?[CN] 你在学校里学的是营销吗? Moonlight Mile (2002)
So, what is better... virgin or extra virgin, or is it all just marketing bullshit?[CN] 那 哪个更好... 初道油还是特级初道油 或者都是些狗屁市场营销策略? Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker (2007)
Laid out marketing strategies for them by day, [CN] { \fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1 }所采取的营销策略 是为了他们的那一天的到来 Miss Nobody (2010)
- Marketing bullshit.[CN] - 废话营销 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
You speak English, you have knowledge of marketing.[CN] 有市场营销方面的知识 Diary of a Nymphomaniac (2008)
The campaign's a success, the Japanese have asked us to work on other projects.[CN] 营销活动很成功, 日本人已经给了我们其它的项目。 Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
You're just a marketing puke.[CN] 你只是一个营销呕吐。 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
(Satire on politics.)[CN] 是对政府的讽刺 在里根总统当选后,他所做的第一件事就是任命以Peter Grace为首的被称为"蓝丝带小组"的营销人员 America: Freedom to Fascism (2006)
The new information dominance strategy worked thanks to advice from marketing experts, [CN] 新的信息优势 战略的工作... ...感谢从市场营销的建议 专家介绍, WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004)
Susan, that means marketing and strategy and stuff.[CN] 苏珊 这牵涉到营销和策略的问题呀! Big (1988)
Pentagon strategy went beyond traditional pr, using marketing strategies and perception management.[CN] 超越了五角大楼的战略 传统的公关, 使用的营销策略... 和感知管理。 WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004)
At the moment, there is a complete uniformity of approach to marketing in this city.[CN] 此刻,有一个完整的 均匀性的方法... ...... 营销在这个城市。 Vice Versa (1988)
You start with a book, and then you do a media tour, corporate events, DVD, VHS series.[CN] 开始是出书, 然后是巡回展览, 公司营销, DVD, 录像带 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Yeah, mostly marketing, little advertising, brand management.[CN] 是啊,主要是市场营销,小 广告,品牌管理。 Hitch (2005)
Bones, it's marketing, okay. Look, hey, "We don't sell cars..."[CN] Bones 这是营销手段嘛 知道不 像这样 嘿 "我们不卖车..." The Salt in the Wounds (2009)
Like models. Got it. I will talk to Marketing.[CN] 知道啦 我会跟营销人员说 27 Dresses (2008)
As I was saying, our campaign will focus on the youngs...[CN] 正如刚才所说 我们的营销策略将着眼于... ... Episode #2.2 (2008)
Think about the way food is marketed...[CN] 想想食品的营销 Super Size Me (2004)
I kind of liked the idea of being part of a go-go economy.[CN] 我对参加这种新式营销颇感兴趣 The Big One (1997)
- Sold. Thanks.[CN] - 感谢营销 Love at the Top (1974)
Now we're designers, architects, marketers...[CN] 现在的人都去干设计师,建筑师,营销人员... My Name Is Tanino (2002)
One of the architects of Sunset Farms's unorthodox marketing strategy is the head of advertising, Denny Doyle, a former truck driver.[CN] 落日农业非正统营销战略的设计师之一... 是广告部主管,丹尼・道伊尔, 以前是卡车司机。 Small Time Crooks (2000)
I mean he had a brilliant marketing campain for that.[CN] 我的意思是 他有过辉煌 营销有组织的。 American Grindhouse (2010)
It's a marketing mistake but I'm taking advantage of it.[CN] 这是他们营销上的一个失误, 可却被我利用了. Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
It's the marketing.[CN] 这就是市场营销 凡事都加"伟大"两个字 The Big One (1997)
Cross-promotional idea.[CN] 刚想到个营销的点子 In Good Company (2004)
I asked our head of marketing to join us. Thanks, Robin.[CN] 我已要求我们的营销经理加入我们的行列 谢谢你,罗宾。 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
Last House's infamous marketing campaign proved successful, if not wholey original.[CN] 最近众议院的臭名昭著的营销活动 证明是成功的 如果不wholey原始。 American Grindhouse (2010)
In that case are two detailed prospecti on marketing... with anticipated cash flow and so forth.[CN] 在该文件夹在前面\ Ndois详细的营销手册 预期的现金流\氖一切。 Deep Cover (1992)
- As I've said before we have to make sure our marketing strategy is more aggressive more imaginative than the other guys'.[CN] - 正如我以前说过的... ...我们必须确保我们的营销 策略是更积极的... ...更多想象力 比其他人"。 Vice Versa (1988)
You come up with the ideas, and I'll handle the marketing. Excuse me.[CN] 你提出概念, 营销我来 Big (1988)
I will show you how Kamarov Vodka can expand its customer mindshare, while still holding the line on marketing costs.[CN] 我会说明如何让爱神牌伏特加 尽量吸引消费者的注意 同时控制营销费用 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
That's fascinating.[CN] 真是太好了。 你是做营销的吧。 Cypher (2002)
Not only Ormsby's plum marketing job, [CN] { \fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1 }不只是奥姆斯比的梅花营销工作 Miss Nobody (2010)
- Hey, if you hurry, you can get your marketing-puke job back in time to work on the Titan campaign.[CN] - 如果我冲... 您可以捕捉功能 官方营销活动在土卫六。 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
Everything I invent is dumbed down by some marketing puke named Andy.[CN] 我的一切发明被简单化了 一些名为安迪营销呕吐。 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
But our new marketing strategy's becoming very successful.[CN] 但是,我们的新的营销策略的 成为非常成功的。 Owning Mahowny (2003)


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