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范畴[fàn chóu, ㄈㄢˋ ㄔㄡˊ,   /  ] category #7,703 [Add to Longdo]
寻来范畴[xún lái fàn chóu, ㄒㄩㄣˊ ㄌㄞˊ ㄈㄢˋ ㄔㄡˊ,     /    ] (math.) derived category [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Access your current build, please.[CN] 已经远远超出了小故障的范畴 we're miles beyond a glitch here. The Original (2016)
Within the limits of the law, of course.[CN] 当然,在法律的范畴以内。 Branded (2012)
I also play the violin and smoke a pipe.[CN] - 这属于我的职业范畴 The Abominable Bride (2016)
I've also been studying the technical side of heraldry.[CN] 我也正在研究纹章学的 技术性范畴 On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
It's beyond human comprehension.[CN] 这已经超出人类的理解范畴了 It's beyond human comprehension. The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012)
I mean, I am doing stuff out of my league here.[CN] 这已经超出我的智商范畴 Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
That's a little bit out of my depth. I'm not sure.[CN] 这可超出我的知识范畴了 我不确定 Minute to Win It (2014)
High chairs don't really fall in my area of experience.[CN] 儿童椅其实不属于我专业范畴 Souvenirs (2014)
And this is the big problem - if I make an immediate jump to the political dimension - the big problem of American military interventions - especially so-called humanitarian interventions.[CN] 这是 如果我直接跳到政治的范畴时 这是美国军事干预活动的一个严重问题 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
Isn't that a stock question for a shrink?[CN] 这是医生范畴内的问题吗? The Squid and the Whale (2005)
How am I suppose to maintain discipline with a man like that in my unit?[CN] 他的宗教观确实独一无二,但这些 不违反第八条例的免役范畴 Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Objection. Beyond the expertise.[CN] 反对 超出专业范畴 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2011)
It should have never gotten the attention of the criminal system.[CN] 它绝对不应该被纳入刑事犯罪范畴 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }It should have never gotten the attention of the criminal system. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
Yeah, well, evidence is my thing, Sweets. You know that. Hold on.[CN] - 证据是在我范畴内的 Sweets 你知道的 The Carrot in the Kudzu (2014)
In the last decade the research hasn't been that significant, even in the calculable world.[CN] (访客)在过去十年内并不太显著 即使是在可查询的范畴 Computer Chess (2013)
I've seen some things today... that have been testing the limits of my comprehension.[CN] 我今天见到了些 超出了我所能理解范畴的东西 Thicker Than Water (2013)
But we, we, the preachers of humanity, and suddenly here you are, with this horrible bomb![CN] 你提到的战争的道德观念, 科学是不搞这些个范畴的。 科学就是搞研究、设想和实验 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972)
the call of duty for a customer?[CN] 是否有比服务顾客更高的工作范畴 举个例子 Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
And anything else that falls in the line of string.[CN] 以及任何别的绳子范畴的东西 And anything else that falls in the line of string. The Hero of Color City (2014)
I mean, no, not as a verb. As a verb in other arenas than food preparation?[CN] 我的意思是 在准备食物的 范畴之外的用法 Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
Not the way I would categorize the two of us.[CN] 我和Amy可不属于这个范畴 The Hook-up Reverberation (2014)
Well, as much as anybody can be happy in an institution as barbaric as a marriage.[CN] 当然 是在所谓婚姻这个原始桎梏中 能达到的幸福范畴 It's All Her Fault (2014)
Like I said, it's a matter of national security.[CN] 我已经说过,这是国家安全的范畴 Helios (2015)
He's saying the murder went beyond the hazing because it was a hate crime, [CN] 他认为谋杀已经超出了捉弄新生的范畴 因为这是一起仇恨犯罪 Don't Haze Me, Bro (2012)
How do you decide that this concerns national security?[CN] 证人 你怎么判断 被告是否属于国安法的范畴 The Attorney (2013)
His deeper emotional needs are outside the scope of my potential involvement.[CN] 他深层次的情感需要... 已经超出了我的介入范畴 The Sessions (2012)
I rather think it's a question of self-management.[CN] 我原以为这属于自我管理的范畴 Back on Track (2013)
When Seth's death was ruled a murder, it became D.C.S. purview.[CN] 这属于秘密行动处的工作范畴 Space (I Believe In) (2013)
How did you decide that they violated National Security Law?[CN] 是否属于国安法的范畴 证人是根据什么怎么判断的 The Attorney (2013)
Was beyond competition.[CN] 进步竞争的位置就超越了竞争的范畴. Night of the Carrots (1998)
I suspect this is more your territory than mine.[CN] 我想这种情况应该属于你的专业范畴 The Langoliers (1995)
Yes, but it's still in the sciences.[CN] 是啊 不过那也在科学的范畴里面 Virunga (2014)
That the existence of this new circumstance... do not push us beyond a legitimate military action.[CN] 这新情况的存在 不会让我们超出合法军事行动的范畴 Eye in the Sky (2015)
But you gotta understand, it's a local municipal issue. I can't just pick up the phone...[CN] 这是当地市政的管辖范畴 不是随便打个电话就行的 Chapter 1 (2013)
This is no longer about curing ills.[CN] 这不仅是治疗疾病的范畴 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
Part of their Painted Lady range.[CN] It's by Connell. 属于他们女性化妆品的范畴 Part of their Painted Lady range. My Adventurous Song (2013)
Well, wackos are kind of my thing.[CN] - 疯子是在我范畴内的 The Carrot in the Kudzu (2014)
His doings are beyond the ken of most folk.[CN] 他做的事情已经远远超过了 大多数人所能理解的范畴 Dogra Magra (1988)
but when you see huge amounts of change, that's outside of normal behavior.[CN] 但如果发现这种变化很巨大时 就超出正常范畴 Chasing Ice (2012)
I would hope your perspective on what's possible might have been expanded.[CN] 我想你对"可能"的定义范畴 也扩大了不少吧 Brave New World (2013)
Within the next six months, we'll need to rebuild the hosts from the ground up.[CN] 这已经不是回滚就能解决的范畴 Trompe L'Oeil (2016)
It just didn't belong there.[CN] 它就不是那一范畴里的事 { \fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3 }It just didn't belong there. The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
In fact, the murderer-torturer resorts to the category of totality in order to claim his moral irresponsibility.[CN] 实际上,凶手施虐者 借助于总体的范畴,目的 是要求他道德上的无责任感 Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
And this is the crucial part of our philosophical reflection we have today.[CN] 这也是我们目前... 最重要的哲学思辨范畴 Lucy (2014)
This is a list of what qualifies as a weapon.[CN] 这是一份对武器范畴的解释 This is a list of what qualifies as a weapon. Two Men in Town (2014)
This so-called system of industrial self-management was the absolute dictatorship of the German monopole-bourgeoisie within the scope of fascism.[CN] 这个所谓的产业自我管理制度, 完全是德国垄断资产阶级的独裁, 在法西斯主义的范畴之内。
My line of work, you gotta prove the truth.[CN] 我的工作范畴而言, 你得想办法证明啊。 The Loft (2014)
None of this has ever been studied.[CN] 这些案例已超过我们的研究范畴 Double Vision (2002)
I'm also well aware of your good work in this neighborhood, beyond just here in the mosque.[CN] 我还很清楚你为这一社区所作的贡献 远不止这间清真寺的范畴 Crossfire (2011)


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