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科尔[Kē ěr, ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ,   /  ] Kohl (name); Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 1982-1998 #14,174 [Add to Longdo]
科尔多瓦[Kē ěr duō wǎ, ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄨㄚˇ,     /    ] Córdoba, Spain #74,881 [Add to Longdo]
阿鲁科尔沁旗[Ā lǔ kē ěr qìn qí, ㄚ ㄌㄨˇ ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧㄣˋ ㄑㄧˊ,       /      ] Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin Khoshuu, a county level subdivision of Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia #174,598 [Add to Longdo]
科尔沁右翼中旗[Kē ěr qìn yòu yì zhōng qí, ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧㄣˋ ㄧㄡˋ ㄧˋ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄑㄧˊ,        /       ] (N) Ke'erqin youyi zhongqi (place in Inner Mongolia) #272,241 [Add to Longdo]
科尔沁左翼后旗[Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì hòu qí, ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧㄣˋ ㄗㄨㄛˇ ㄧˋ ㄏㄡˋ ㄑㄧˊ,        /       ] (N) Ke'erqin zuoyi houqi (place in Inner Mongolia) #384,434 [Add to Longdo]
科尔沁左翼中旗[Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì zhōng qí, ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧㄣˋ ㄗㄨㄛˇ ㄧˋ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄑㄧˊ,        /       ] (N) Ke'erqin zuoyi zhongqi (place in Inner Mongolia) #449,311 [Add to Longdo]
阿鲁科尔[Ā lǔ kē ěr qìn, ㄚ ㄌㄨˇ ㄎㄜ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧㄣˋ,      /     ] Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin Khoshuu, a county level subdivision of Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Absent without leave.[CN] 科尔下士袭击上级长官逃跑 "突然从我心中跳出 " Exit Speed (2008)
- Kolbein![CN] 科尔宾! Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
Agent Cole.[CN] 科尔特工 Tortured (2008)
- Kevin Cole and Becky Carson.[CN] - 凯文科尔与贝特西卡尔森 Tortured (2008)
Just like that, Kevin Cole is out of politics.[CN] 就这样,凯文科尔退出政坛 Tortured (2008)
Medideth Cole.[CN] 梅丽德丝. 科尔 Exit Speed (2008)
They surrounded Kolbein's house. He had to shoot his way out.[CN] 他们将袭击科尔宾的房子 我听见他们的射击了 Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
- You know who SchickeI is?[CN] -你知道西科尔? True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
Medideth Cole I have learned.[CN] 我是逃兵梅丽德丝. 科尔 Exit Speed (2008)
We read over your report, Agent Cole.[CN] 我们读了你的报告,科尔特工 Tortured (2008)
BRING THIS TO KOLBEIN[CN] 记住他科尔 Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
Cortez, come here.[CN] 科尔特斯 来这里 The Hive (2008)
Chloe Baher came to my mother's funeral to gloat. "Ha-ha![CN] 科尔·贝尔是来葬礼幸灾乐祸的 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
Colonel Driscoll coming to watch, too. Bishop, you hear me?[CN] 德里斯科尔上校也来看 毕晓普听到没 Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
Okay. Chloe Baher is not my friend, Dean.[CN] 科尔·贝尔不是我的朋友 迪安 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
We are well.[CN] 科尔 ,我们没事 Exit Speed (2008)
And now, dancing on stage three, the pride of St. Paul, Corvette![CN] 现在,在三号舞台跳舞 圣保罗的骄傲,科尔维特! Exposé (2007)
He would rather that we shoot him. And Kolbein?[CN] 他宁可我们射死他 还有科尔宾? Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
And Chloe Baher removed it from my locker and she read it aloud to the whole class.[CN] 科尔·贝尔把它从我的箱子里拿出来 然后对着全班大声朗读 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
Driscoll's fair.[CN] 德里斯科尔是公平的 Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
Do not shoot.[CN] 科尔 ,别开枪 Exit Speed (2008)
So Agent Cole, I read your brief, and it seems that your assessment's correct.[CN] 科尔特工,我读了你的报告 看来你的评估是正确的 Tortured (2008)
Because it is our moral duty, not only just to revive its own glory, but to provide, too, so that people can come here, and have a look and enjoy.[CN] 想要了解这个新大陆正在发生的事情 威廉姆・琼斯,海斯特里・科尔布鲁克 Freedom (2007)
Yeah, SchickeI. Good idea.[CN] 西科尔 好想法 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
Cole, almost forgot.[CN] 科尔,我差点忘了 Tortured (2008)
Well, we could say that Corvette was wearing a bulletproof vest.[CN] 我们可以说科尔维特 当时穿了防弹衣 Exposé (2007)
Nokes reports to Driscoll.[CN] 把努克斯报告给了德里斯科尔. Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
Joe Cortez not help him.[CN] 他希望乔 科尔特斯帮助 Tyson (2008)
Sappey'II love it.[CN] 引用理查德西科尔的话 老师会喜欢的 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
Corvette was working for the Cobra.[CN] 科尔维特原来为 眼镜蛇工作 Exposé (2007)
ВїCole, what do you think?[CN] -科尔 ,你觉得呢? -跑 Exit Speed (2008)
Director Cole's office. Yes, he's in a meeting. Yes, thank you.[CN] 科尔局长办公室 是,他正在开会,对,谢谢你 Tortured (2008)
Cortez, your GPS does not work.[CN] 科尔特斯 你的雷达系统有问题 The Hive (2008)
- Kolbein, meet Gunnar. - Sønsteby.[CN] 科尔宾, 欢迎贡纳 Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
So Agent Cole, you got anything new from him?[CN] 科尔特工,有什么新消息吗? Tortured (2008)
They have not taken Kolbein? - No.[CN] 他们没有带走科尔宾吗? Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
I-I'm Mrs. Peacock.[CN] 我是皮科尔太太 I'm Not There (2007)
- Have you heard anything from Kolbein?[CN] 你从科尔宾那听说什么了吗? Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
He driver international 9 months in Baghdad.[CN] -科尔伯 国际客运公司 的 在 巴格达九个月 ,替你们搞货运 Exit Speed (2008)
After Cole found abandoned the right to attack.[CN] "你可以拯救我的世界" 科尔下士袭击上级长官逃跑 "你可以拯救我的世界" 科尔下士袭击上级长官逃跑 "原本以为就此失去的世界" Exit Speed (2008)
Nicholson.[CN] 科尔 Breach (2007)
Director Cole.[CN] 科尔局长 Tortured (2008)
Should I assume you're Director Jack Cole's son?[CN] 我该假定你是杰克科尔局长的公子吗? Tortured (2008)
Congratulations, Agent Cole.[CN] - 恭喜你,科尔特工 Tortured (2008)
All right, that's a series wrap for Corvette![CN] 这是科尔维特的谢幕演出 Exposé (2007)
Sit down and listen while Director Cole and I reach a decision.[CN] 坐下好好听着 我与科尔局长将做决定 Tortured (2008)
That is Kolbein Lauring.[CN] 这是科尔宾 劳林 Max Manus: Man of War (2008)
Agent Cole, can we please have your badge and your gun?[CN] 科尔特工,能请你交出证件与枪吗? Tortured (2008)
I ain't studying' Driscoll.[CN] 我不认识德里斯科尔. Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
Agent Cole, I was not speaking to you.[CN] 科尔特工,我不是在跟你说话 Tortured (2008)


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