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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
泊车[bó chē, ㄅㄛˊ ㄔㄜ,   /  ] parking [Add to Longdo]
代客泊车[dài kè bó chē, ㄉㄞˋ ㄎㄜˋ ㄅㄛˊ ㄔㄜ,     /    ] valet parking #193,135 [Add to Longdo]
泊车[jiē bó chē, ㄐㄧㄝ ㄅㄛˊ ㄔㄜ,    /   ] shuttle bus [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You get a $20 tip for valet parking.[CN] 代客泊车 才收二十块钱 Once a Gangster (2010)
We let these people into our homes, watch our kids, park our cars.[CN] 我们让这些人来到我们家里 看护我们的孩子 帮我们泊车 Machete (2010)
Help me... to recharge the parking meter.[CN] 帮我... 入钱到泊车表呀... Hei se xi ju (2014)
Let's see if you can parallel park.[CN] 现在考平行泊车 Little Nicholas (2009)
I don't see a valet around here.[CN] 怎么没有代客泊车的? What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
So, I drove home, put the car away and went up to my apartment.[CN] 于是架车回家 泊车后回寓所 Double Indemnity (1944)
Where's the valet?[CN] 泊车员呢? What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
Valet[CN] 代客泊车 The Valet (2006)
Valet parking.[CN] 代客泊车 Lessons in Love (2013)
KookSoof's valet parking.[CN] KookSoof的代客泊车服务。 Lessons in Love (2013)
Yeah, I had second thoughts about parking your brother's Bentley.[CN] 我改主意了 不想替你哥哥泊车 The Huntress Returns (2013)
Ijustfeelalittleweird valet parking Mr. Bean's car.[CN] 我对于代客泊车觉得有点奇怪 The Guilt Trip (2012)
Was it last Saturday? I was valet parking, and it's a customer's.[CN] 就在上个礼拜六,我在代客泊车 The Five (2013)
drug stores and canteens will close down.[CN] 赌船、泊车档、药房和烟馆 Once a Gangster (2010)
There're specified car parks... for the disabilities in the parking lot.[CN] 停车场泊车一定有位置 泊伤残人士专用的 I Love Hong Kong 2012 (2012)
FORNICATE NO AFTER DAWN.[CN] { \1cH00FF00 }"不能泊车"禁区 在日落之前 Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
You were working as a valet the night of the murder?[CN] 凶案当晚是你在代客泊车? Getting Off (2011)
Mixers? Waiters?[CN] 歌手、乐队、泊车小弟 Pee Mak (2013)
This is a valet slip.[CN] 这是一张泊车登记卡 Bad Girls (2010)
Are they doing valet parking?[CN] 这里可以泊车 Veteran (2015)
They got valet parking here?[CN] 这里有人代客泊车 The Expendables 3 (2014)
It's what the valet testified looked like the car he saw racing off on the night of the murder.[CN] 泊车员工作证案发当晚他看到这辆车 Getting Off (2011)
I sent her on ahead while I parked the car.[CN] 我要泊车,叫她先进来 Little Nicholas (2009)
That's a good one.[CN] 平行泊车: 满意 Little Nicholas (2009)
I spring for someone's valet parking, I brag about it for a week.[CN] 我为别人待客泊车 都能炫耀一周 Double Jeopardy (2010)
About four months ago, i found a valet stub On the driveway from the deerfield inn.[CN] 大约四个月前 我发现一张迪尔菲尔德旅馆的泊车存根 Red Menace (2009)
Joining me is Lieutenant Durgan with the NOPD.[CN] 我在那处泊车 杜探长接受访问 Seeking Justice (2011)
I'm a wizard at this. I just tried it.[CN] 我是泊车女神 Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)
However, I want to depose every waiter, bartender, doorman, and valet to whom I have ever given a tip.[CN] 没门 但我要传召每一个我给过小费的 服务生 酒吧招待 门童 泊车 I'll Try to Fix You (2012)
We'll take care of KookSoof's valet parking.[CN] 我们会照顾好 的KookSoof的代客泊车服务。 Lessons in Love (2013)
It's American-style.[CN] 这是美国式的泊车 Soar Into the Sun (2012)
Are you a valet now?[CN] 现在变成泊车小妹了? Summertime (2012)
I think he might be hiring valet attendants.[CN] 他可能要雇个泊车小弟 The Huntress Returns (2013)
I'm telling him we'll validate for parking again.[CN] 我甚至还说我们又能免费泊车 Fleas (2010)
Parking... parking cars.[CN] 泊车,泊了车 Miracle in Cell No. 7 (2013)
No parking.[CN] 请勿泊车 A Dog Year (2009)
Can I take a look inside?[CN] 他们只抢药店、泊车 不抢银行 Hell or High Water (2016)
Is that one of the meters from in front of the building?[CN] 那是一个泊车咪表 站在建设? Ferocious Planet (2011)
- Park my vehicle. - Yes, sir.[CN] 替我泊车 是,探长 Man on a Ledge (2012)
It's actually your valet slip from the night in question.[CN] 就是那晚你的泊车登记卡 Bad Girls (2010)
Parking authority found it abandoned this morning on a curbside in the Bronx.[CN] 泊车管理局发现 Parking authority found it 这辆车被丢弃在布朗克斯区的路边 abandoned this morning on a curbside in the Bronx. Best Foot Forward (2015)
You can't park here.[CN] 因为这禁止泊车 The Intouchables (2011)
He didn't even know who the main players were, except for the valet guy.[CN] 除了泊车小弟 没人知道幕后主使是谁 Take the Money and Run (2013)
Okay, we've got at least four employees from the casino-- the stunt driver, valet parker, security guard... and the maintenance worker.[CN] 现在有4个赌场员工涉及此案― 特技骑师 泊车小弟 保安... 还有维护机械师 Take the Money and Run (2013)
Of course. I will... I will be grateful. Thank yöu.[CN] 你能帮我泊车吗? Hate Story (2012)
- No, I'm the valet, shithead! I'll kill you.[CN] -我没有, 我是在代客泊车,蠢货 So (2010)
- I'm going to park the car.[CN] - 我去泊车 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
Move all illegally parked vehicles![CN] 前面违例泊车全部走 That Demon Within (2014)
This is 10-point parking, bumping into other cars.[CN] 撞别人的车属于10分泊车 Soar Into the Sun (2012)


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