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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
校了[こうりょう, kouryou] (n, vs) proofreading completed [Add to Longdo]
責任校了[せきにんこうりょう, sekininkouryou] (n, exp) (See 責了) OK with corrections (printing indication) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So I won't come to school tomorrow[CN] 那样的话我明天就不来学校了 So I won't come to school tomorrow We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
Atticus, I'm not going back to school anymore.[CN] 阿提克斯,我不去学校了 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
If we expelled you, that'd make four prep schools in four years.[CN] 如果你开除我 我在4年内就换4所学校了 Toy Soldiers (1991)
- Mother was asked to come to school.[CN] - 母亲被叫去学校了 Brother (1960)
- Oh, uh, we're going out of school now.[CN] 请你们让她见识一下 你们有多安静、多听话 -我们现在要离开学校了 The Birds (1963)
Elaine Robinson has left the school.[CN] Elaine Robinson已经离开学校了. The Graduate (1967)
So you'd be Major Longbaugh. Whaddaya say?[CN] 这么说你就是朗堡夫少校了 你觉得怎么样? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Yuki came to school?[CN] 小雪 来学校了 The Garden of Words (2013)
That's dumb. You got a scholarship to Duke and you're gonna live in the dorm.[CN] 别傻了,你得到了杜克大学的奖学金, 就要去住校了 The Man in the Moon (1991)
Ellen can't wait to switch schools.[CN] 埃伦已经等不及要转校了 What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
I've blown school out.[CN] -是 我"开除"学校了 A Hard Day's Night (1964)
Has he left school yet?[CN] 他已经离开学校了? The Debut (1977)
- I'm going to boarding school anyway.[CN] - 反正我就要上寄宿学校了 The Granddaughter's Model (1971)
That little boy is going to school.[CN] 小男孩去学校了 Il Posto (1961)
The kids couldn't go to school because the roads were blocked.[CN] 孩子们都不能去学校了 因为道路都堵塞了. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)
Well, he was made Honorary Colonel in our state militia the day he arrived in Hillsboro.[CN] 他在来到希尔斯伯勒的当天 便被任命为本州民兵组织的荣誉上校了 Inherit the Wind (1960)
- He'll go to a new school.[CN] - 他马上就会上新的学校了 Call Northside 777 (1948)
You've been promoted to lieutenant colonel.[CN] 你已经晋升为陆军中校了 The Night of the Generals (1967)
There is no school anymore.[CN] 再也没学校了 The Children's Hour (1961)
Monika, I'm going to start night school.[CN] 莫妮卡 我准备上夜校了 Summer with Monika (1953)
Take Nancy out of school?[CN] 南茜也别去学校了 Cape Fear (1962)
We got our food that way. My sisters and I couldn't go to grammar school from that.[CN] 我们就以此为生 从那以后,我和我的妹妹就不能去语法学校了 The Assault (1986)
Were you at school?[CN] - 你去学校了吗? Palermo or Wolfsburg (1980)
You're never going back to that school again. Never.[CN] 你别再回那个学校了 再也别回了 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
I haven't been in a school for a long time.[CN] 好久没来学校了 Diabolique (1955)
I must get to the school! I must hurry... And get to the school![CN] 我要去学校了 我得赶紧去学校了 The Blue Angel (1930)
Welcome back, chief. You bring your cosmetics to school, chief?[CN] 欢迎回来啊,长官, 你把你的化妆箱也拿来学校了吗? Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Now we can finally tear down our old school... and that can become our playground.[CN] 现在我们终于 可以拆了旧学校了... 那就能成为我们的操场 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
And on Thursday, there I was, in school.[CN] 星期四我就已经在学校了 The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947)
Rob's gone to school and Peggy's driving downtown with Fred.[CN] 罗勃去学校了, 佩吉和弗莱德开车去市区了。 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Because next time it's not going to be the corrective school .[CN] 因为下一次就不会是感化学校了 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
- He left school.[CN] - 怎么了? - 他离开学校了 Vesna na Zarechnoy ulitse (1956)
Had you stayed, you'd be major by now.[CN] 上士 如果你留下的话, 现在已成少校了 Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Pretty soon, I'll have enough saved to open a karate school.[CN] 很快, 我的积蓄就能够开一家空手道学校了. Earthquake (1974)
I'll be captain soon, we can sail away.[CN] 我很快就是上校了我们可以一起远航 Paprika (1991)
Think of the school.[CN] 你不想回学校了吗? Onimasa (1982)
Won't it be wonderful when you can go back to school again?[CN] 等你可以回到学校了 一定时间美好的事情,不是吗? Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
No more boarding school.[CN] 不上寄宿学校了 Body of Love (1972)
Chances are, she is visiting friends or way at college.[CN] 有可能她去拜访朋友了,或者去学校了 Strangers in the Night (1944)
Did you explain school to him?[CN] 你跟他说什么是学校了 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
After many years... of graduating many fine police officers, the State says... it can no longer afford two police academies.[CN] 多年来 毕业了许多优秀的警官 政府说 它负担不起两所警察学校了 Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986)
You're promoted colonel.[CN] 你升上上校了 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
I kind of miss school.[CN] 我有点怀念学校了 Breaking Away (1979)
But there will be no more school.[CN] 但以后不会再有学校了 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
He goes to military school.[CN] 他去上军校了 The Roommates (1973)
Me and Major have had our ride already.[CN] 我已经骑过少校了 Napoleon and Samantha (1972)
Now I can go to that new school out in the country.[CN] 知道吗? 我现在可以上新学校了 Magnificent Obsession (1954)
Felt a bit lonely.[CN] 感觉有点孤独 鲁尼今天回学校了 Felt a bit lonely. Victim (1961)
By the way, I heard that one our common acquaintance has settled in your school.[CN] 打听下,我听说我们一个熟人刚调进你们学校了 By the way, I heard that one our common acquaintance has settled in your school. We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
Boy, I hated to leave New Trends. It was a blast.[CN] 天哪 我恨死离开新潮流学校了 那才叫爽 The Trouble with Angels (1966)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
校了[こうりょう, kouryou] letzte_Korrektur [Add to Longdo]


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