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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
投手板[とうしゅばん, toushuban] (n) pitchers plate [Add to Longdo]

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On the mound is Go, KANO's captain.[CN] 投手板上是嘉农队队长吴明捷 Kano (2014)
Marichal on the rubber, into a stretch. Here's the pitch and there he goes.[CN] 马瑞查上投手板 展身 投球 跑垒 Irma la Douce (1963)
Go returned to the mound, and he is calm.[CN] 吴明捷走回投手板上,沉着准备 Kano (2014)
Yoshida is waiting on the mound for Go.[CN] 吉田君在投手板上等着吴君就定位 Kano (2014)
It doesn't look like Go is leaving the mound.[CN] 看来吴君没有打算要离开投手板 Kano (2014)
- Um... Sir, no rubber, sir.[CN] -先生,没有投手板 Million Dollar Arm (2014)
Go knelt down on the mound.[CN] 吴君在投手板上蹲下来了 Kano (2014)
He's taking his feet off the pitcher's rubber.[CN] 他把脚退开投手板 Kano (2014)
Genius Go is getting ready on the mound.[CN] 麒麟子吴君站在投手板上准备 Kano (2014)
Go is walking slowly back to the mound.[CN] 吴投手慢慢地走回投手板 Kano (2014)
On the mound is Joshiya, captain of Sapporo.[CN] 投手板上是札幌商业的队长,锭者 Kano (2014)


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