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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
懒虫[lǎn chóng, ㄌㄢˇ ㄔㄨㄥˊ,   /  ] lazy fellow (insult); idle slob #57,378 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But you're not.[CN] 你这个懒虫 The Langoliers (1995)
And a lazy person couldn't be part of the big picture, because in my house, you were either part of the big picture, or you were lying down on the job, and if you were lying down on the job, [CN] 而懒人是不能做成一番事业的 在我家,你要么是事业的一部分 要么就是个懒虫 The Langoliers (1995)
Spend my life sitting down.[CN] 懒虫一个 SEAL Team VI (2008)
Lazy bum. Couldn't even make a clog.[CN] 懒虫 你连木底鞋都造不出 Elf (2003)
Get up here, you blasted rug![CN] 快来啊,懒虫飞毯 Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996)
You know we teachers are lazy, don't spoil our image.[CN] 我们老师都是懒虫 别破坏我们的形象 The Wave (2008)
Come on, lazybones, we're late[CN] 起床啦小懒虫,快迟到了 Tear This Heart Out (2008)
It's the same time as yesterday and the day before that, and the day before that. Out of bed, sleepyhead![CN] 昨天也是这个时间,前天也是 大前天也是,起床了,懒虫 Practical Magic (1998)
All right, lazy bones?[CN] 好吗 懒虫 Eden Lake (2008)
You can come in now, you daft buggers.[CN] 你们可以回来搬东西了 你们这群该死的懒虫 The Water Horse (2007)
Y'aII sIackers better figure out what to do for the summer.[CN] 你们这些懒虫最好想清楚这个夏天要干嘛 ATL (2006)
They are good at raising lazy bone[CN] 最聪明的就是养懒虫 Young and Dangerous 3 (1996)
Wake up, little sleepy heads![CN] 醒醒,小懒虫 Winter Wrap Up (2010)
To turn in some welfare mothers... because I am sick and tired of these lazy welfare bums... these cheats, these chiselers...[CN] 之所以带着她们去上访 是因为那些骗取福利金的懒虫 骗子和小偷让我感到厌恶 The Big One (1997)
You're falling behind again, you dozy bollox. Move forward.[CN] 又落在后面了 你这懒虫 爬快点 The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006)
You can't dillydally any longer, craigy-waigy.[CN] 别再磨磨蹭蹭了,小懒虫 The Langoliers (1995)
I think people like to be persuaded.[CN] § 莫成了大懒虫,来抓上一辆购物车吧 § Czech Dream (2004)
Come on, you mugs.[CN] 快点 你们这些懒虫 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
You ate up all the useless, lazy people... And now you're coming back for me.[CN] 你们把所有懒虫都吃了, 现在你们来找我 The Langoliers (1995)
- Hey, lazy cows, you want smoke?[CN] -嗨,懒虫们,要抽烟吗? White Oleander (2002)
- Couch potato. Couch potato... - Outdoorsman.[CN] 你是个大懒虫,大懒虫 你好玩成性 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)
Slacker![CN] 懒虫 Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Get up, you lazy little bug.[CN] 起床了, 你这个小懒虫! James and the Giant Peach (1996)
If we all went out looking like a slob like me, it would be a pretty dreary world.[CN] 如果每个人都像我这个懒虫一样这样穿出门 那这个世界将会多么无趣 Bill Cunningham: New York (2010)
See, you Gen-X, mocha-sipping, chain-smoking slackers need to learn to listen![CN] 看,你GEN -X,喝着摩卡, 链吸烟的懒虫必须要学会倾听! Trojan War (1997)
Son of a bitch.[CN] 懒虫 混蛋 The Tap-Out Job (2009)
He's such a slob![CN] 他可是条大懒虫 Between Love & Goodbye (2008)
Oh, come on. Geez.[CN] 起来啦 懒虫 Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007)
Zoom, you old lounge lizard, what do you say?[CN] 祖姆,大懒虫 你怎么样? Leatherheads (2008)
She's a Royal, all right, a royal pain in the behind![CN] 她是公主,不是懒虫 Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004)
Mine acts like he's in charge and does nothing.[CN] 我还以为 他是个大懒虫. A Spot of Bother (2009)
Hey, Jacko, you lazy bugger.[CN] 嗨 杰尔酷 你这个懒虫 The Proposition (2005)
Upsy-daisey. there we go.[CN] 起来 懒虫 我们出来 Upsy -daisey. there we go. Ball & Chain (2008)
Back to work, you loafers. Eckhart, use your pipe.[CN] 回去做事吧,懒虫 吹哨子 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
Get up, lazybones![CN] 起床了大懒虫 36th Precinct (2004)
You lazy bug![CN] 你这个懒虫! 谁让你停止工作了? James and the Giant Peach (1996)
- You're a couch potato.[CN] 你好玩成性 你是个大懒虫 你好玩成性 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)
Hi. - Hey. Hey, look at the sleepyhead.[CN] -看哪个小懒虫醒了 Life as We Know It (2010)
You came almost three hours before the opening.[CN] 莫成了大懒虫,来抓上一辆购物车吧 Czech Dream (2004)
They say I'm a bum.[CN] 他们说我是个懒虫 Legionnaire (1998)
He's a postal worker. All right, slackers. Trot off home.[CN] 好吧懒虫 快回家吧 Playing by Heart (1998)
Come on, you lazy bastard, I can't do it all.[CN] 快点,懒虫 我一个人搬不动 Feast (2005)
I've never seen you before in my life, but you look like a slacker.[CN] 我从未见过你 你看来就是条懒虫 Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Hey, sleepy.[CN] 懒虫 It's Complicated (2009)
and you weren't part of the big picture, then the langoliers would take you out of the picture.[CN] 如果你是懒虫,那你事业就不需要你 兰格利尔们就会把你抓走 The Langoliers (1995)
All right, listen up, you lazy bunch of lip shits.[CN] 大家听好,你们这些懒虫 American Pie Presents: Band Camp (2005)
Lazy scum.[CN] 懒虫 The Rebel (2007)
Get up, you idler, it's 8:30. How long will you sleep?[CN] 起来呀 懒虫 都八点半了 你睡了多久了? Simon Konianski (2009)
A 1-pound bag of crazy lifting a 1200-pound bag of lazy.[CN] 一磅的疯子拉着 一千两百磅的懒虫 Open Season 2 (2008)
- Outdoorsman. Outdoorsman.[CN] 你是个大懒虫 你好玩成性 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)


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