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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
加冰块[jiā bīng kuài, ㄐㄧㄚ ㄅㄧㄥ ㄎㄨㄞˋ,    /   ] on the rocks; with ice; iced [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No, it's like ordering with dysentery or without dysentery. No ice.[CN] 不 我可不想拉肚子 不要加冰块 Turistas (2006)
Mud pie for the lady. Ketel One, rocks, for me.[CN] 这位小姐要巧克力派 我要威士忌加冰块 The Glass House (2001)
A "shochu" on the rocks.[CN] 来杯红薯烧酒 加冰块 Su-ki-da (2005)
Sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist, please.[CN] 甜苦艾酒加冰块,放柠檬片 Groundhog Day (1993)
Stoli, please, on the rocks.[CN] 给我一杯伏特加,加冰块 Random Hearts (1999)
Double Johnnie Walker on the rocks. I'll be over there.[CN] 双份约翰走路加冰块 我坐那里 Pistol Whipped (2008)
0n an afternoon when we didn't need to chill the wines, [CN] 在用不着给葡萄酒加冰块的一个下午, Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
No, Chuckie. Get me a double blackjack on the rocks, please.[CN] 给我双份黑Chuckie加冰块 Basic Instinct (1992)
-Bourbon. No ice, please.[CN] - 波本酒,不加冰块 Live and Let Die (1973)
Whiskey on the rocks.[CN] 威士忌加冰块 Talk to Her (2002)
With ice? - Crista![CN] - 加冰块吗? Black Ice (2007)
It's barely cool, want ice?[CN] 不怎么冰,要加冰块吗? Before I Forget (2007)
- Vodka rocks, twist.[CN] - 伏特加,加冰块跟柠檬片 The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
- Bourbon and water, no ice.[CN] - 波本和水, 不加冰块 D.O.A. (1949)
- No ice. - No, no.[CN] 加冰块 Turistas (2006)
Martini on the rocks.[CN] 马丁尼加冰块 The Specialist (1994)
I'll get you some ice.[CN] 我帮你加冰块 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
And scotch neat.[CN] 威士忌,不加冰块 The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
-On the rocks?[CN] -加冰块 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Maker's mark on the rocks, please.[CN] 一杯波本威士忌加冰块 Two Lovers (2008)
Double Jack Daniels on the rocks.[CN] 双份杰克·丹尼尔加冰块 Scent of a Woman (1992)
Gold tequila, straight up.[CN] 龙舌兰不加冰块 The Specialist (1994)
Stoli on the rocks. But a fresh glass, please.[CN] 给我一杯伏特加加冰块,换个新杯子 You've Got Mail (1998)
A double Glenmorangie on the rocks.[CN] 双倍葛兰加冰块 Highlander (1986)
No ice.[CN] 不要加冰块 Last Chance Harvey (2008)
How do you want yours, on the rocks?[CN] 你想怎么喝 加冰块 Alfie (2004)
Jim Beam, ice, water.[CN] 金宾威士忌,加冰块,加水 Groundhog Day (1993)
No place for my make-up bag, no ice in my drinking water, and the hot water burps as it comes out of the faucet.[CN] 化妆包没地方放 饮用水里也不加冰块 热水放出来根本都不热 Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
Three measures Gordon's, one of vodka half of Kina Lillet, shake it over ice...[CN] 三份琴酒加一份伏特加 再加半份苦艾酒,加冰块摇匀 Casino Royale (2006)
And if you wanted to drink it cold, you'd have to put it on ice and it would get too watery.[CN] 总是和室内温度一样,要是你想喝冷的 就得加冰块,可那样它就太淡了,你不记得了? Shattered Glass (2003)
Don't tell me.[CN] 你别说,这大杯威士忌加冰块 The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
- Ice?[CN] - 加冰块? Basic Instinct (1992)
Give me an Espana with lots of ice.[CN] 给我杯酒 多加冰块 Rated R (2008)
Her favorite drink was half a glass of cold beer, or a glass of cola, lemon, and ice mixed with gin.[CN] 她最喜爱的饮料是半杯冰冻啤酒, 或一杯可乐 , 柠檬汁, 和加冰块的杜松子酒. Scent of Love (2003)
Here it is. One 10-cent Coke with ice.[CN] 你要的可乐加冰块 American Graffiti (1973)
- The lady'll have a Bacardi on the rocks.[CN] 请给这位小姐一杯巴卡第加冰块 The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
Bourbon, any kind, on the rocks.[CN] 随便那一种波本酒都行 加冰块 Body Heat (1981)
-Tell him neat, would you?[CN] - 告诉他不加冰块,好吗? Live and Let Die (1973)
On the rocks?[CN] 加冰块吗? The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
One daiquiri and a bourbon on the rocks.[CN] 一杯台克利酒 一杯波旁威士忌加冰块 Far from Heaven (2002)
A Blue Balls on the rocks.[CN] 一对加冰块而不加水的下流睾丸 White Chicks (2004)
Scotch on the rocks, please, little water.[CN] 威士忌加冰块 加点水 The Score (2001)
All right, you want rocks first, though, don't you?[CN] 你最初想加冰块 是吗 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
A little Aqua Velva over the rocks? I rest my case, Doc.[CN] 「香奈儿五号」加冰块 铁证如山了, 医生 Eye See You (2002)
Double Johnny Walker on the rocks for my man.[CN] - 双份尊尼获加加冰块 - 红方还是黑方? Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
You can have yours on the rocks.[CN] 你喝酒可以加冰块 Final Exam (1981)
I don't want it.[CN] 我不要加冰块 French Connection II (1975)
Sweet vermouth, rocks with a twist, please.[CN] 甜苦艾酒加冰块,放柠檬片 Groundhog Day (1993)
Dry Martinis and a Cuban cigar.[CN] 加冰块的马爹尼和古巴雪茄 Barb Wire (1996)


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