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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
飞舞[fēi wǔ, ㄈㄟ ㄨˇ,   /  ] to flutter; to dance in the breeze #16,369 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
♪ Bees by the dozen ♪[CN] "蜜蜂成群飞舞" Home on the Range (2004)
Yoga I've trained to a state that able to turn and dance in the air[CN] 瑜伽 我境界练到 凌空转身再飞舞 Himalaya Singh (2005)
flowers see the bee swing, like your vision in my mind.[CN] 蜜蜂在花间飞舞 你的身影在我脑海萦绕 Parineeta (2005)
Listen, it's outside... up in the breeze, under the wide open sky.[CN] 听 外面 在开阔天空下 在微风中飞舞 The Lion King 3: Hakuna Matata (2004)
Paper in flightm A rose pays a visit.[CN] 飞舞的纸片 一朵玫瑰前来拜访 Young Andersen (2005)
And this female carpenter bee, also drawn to the new flush of flowers, visits many different kinds, but strangely, almost all of them are yellow.[CN] 这一只雌木蜂亦被吸引 沉醉于花丛当中 它在百花丛中飞舞 但奇怪的是 几乎所有的花都是黄色的 Islands That Changed the World (2006)
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.[CN] 像蝴蝶般飞舞, 像蜜蜂般叮刺. Son of the Mask (2005)
The flowers see the bee swing, like your vision in my mind.[CN] 蜜蜂在花间飞舞 你的身影在我脑海萦绕 Parineeta (2005)
"The hurricanes swirl around like bees over the vast desert expanse."[CN] "爱似狂风飞舞,穿越宽广的沙漠" Paheli (2005)
Paper in flight...[CN] 飞舞的纸片... Young Andersen (2005)
How the fuck could you eat at a nasty-ass strip club?[CN] 你在浪臀飞舞的酒吧里 也他妈的吃得下去? Chris Rock: Never Scared (2004)


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