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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
铜牌[tóng pái, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄆㄞˊ,   /  ] bronze medal #14,600 [Add to Longdo]

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Yoon Ock-hee, Kyungbook Yecheon county office advanced to the final of individual woman At this point, Park can only hope for the bronze.[CN] 这个时候,朴南珠只能期待 与来自醴泉郡政府的尹玉熙 争夺铜牌 The Host (2006)
He may have to settle for the Bronze.[CN] 大概只能得铜牌 Batman Forever (1995)
Took home a bronze.[CN] 带回家一块铜牌. The One with the Stoned Guy (1995)
The Finn wins, Gammoudi second, Stewart takes the bronze.[CN] 芬兰人第一 Gammoudi第二 Stewart拿到了铜牌 Without Limits (1998)
I won bronze at the Olympic Games in women's team showering.[CN] ...在奥运会的女子淋浴团体赛上得了铜牌噢! (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2004)
American bronze medallist marathon bicyclist Brian Smith...[CN] 美国马拉松自由车赛铜牌得主 Natural Born Killers (1994)
Still medaled.[CN] 你还是可以赢得铜牌 Joy Ride (2001)
He won a bronze medal in Moscow.[CN] He won a bronze medal in Moscow. 他在莫斯科赢到过一块铜牌 The Devil's Double (2011)
The Finn wins, Gammoudi second, Stewart takes the bronze.[CN] 芬兰人冠军 Gammoudi第二 Stewart拿到铜牌 Without Limits (1998)
Number three, the bronze medal.[CN] 第三名... 铜牌 Ocean's Eleven (2001)
The boss is gonna bronze your balls.[CN] 老板是要去你的球铜牌 Afterglow (1997)
The 3 medals are between these 5 men. What price has he paid?[CN] 金银铜牌 将会在这五人中产生 这要付出怎样的代价去争夺? Without Limits (1998)


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