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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
缺水[quē shuǐ, ㄑㄩㄝ ㄕㄨㄟˇ,  ] water shortage [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
India risks being the country that suffers most... from the lack of water in the coming century.[CN] 在新的世纪,印度可能成为 缺水最严重的国家 Home (2009)
What doesn't she know? This town is so short of water that the locals store it up in winter for use in summer. I don't see anything about bars.[CN] 那她知道什么? 这个镇子非常缺水... The Way (2010)
Local peoples are affected by the lack of water.[CN] 当地人受到缺水影响 Home (2009)
They know we'll die without water. All they have to do is wait.[CN] 他们知道我们会缺水而亡 他们只要等待就行了 September Dawn (2007)
Muscle cramps are a sign of dehydration.[CN] 肌肉痙攣是缺水的徵兆 Give Peace a Chance (2009)
You're dehydrated and you're stressed.[CN] 你嚴重缺水並且壓力過大 Give Peace a Chance (2009)
I think it is just a trend that we're going through, [CN] 如果缺水,这里很多地方没办法 维持牛群 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
But then, seasonal water scarcity and famine could strike year-round once the glacier vanishes completely.[CN] 冰河完全消失后 季节性缺水和饥荒 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
Water shortages could affect nearly two billion people... before 2025.[CN] 缺水可能在2025年前发生 并且影响将近20亿人 Home (2009)
Mulga parrots can live in waterless areas but no-one in the outback turns down a free drink.[CN] 穆拉加鹦鹉在缺水地区也可以生存 但没有鹦鹉会拒绝内陆的免费水 Australia: Land of Parrots (2008)
It seems as if you're suffering from severe exhaustion and dehydration.[CN] 看上去是極度疲勞和嚴重缺水導致的 Dirty Rotten Scandals (2012)
Taking so many showers when the country's low on water?[CN] 这么能洗澡 什么时候国家能缺水 My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)


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