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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
积极[jī jí, ㄐㄧ ㄐㄧˊ,   /  ] active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive #584 [Add to Longdo]
积极[jī jí xìng, ㄐㄧ ㄐㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄥˋ,    /   ] zeal; initiative; enthusiasm; activity #3,975 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
All right.[CN] 他们会很积极 The Defiant Ones (1958)
He thinks and argues about them instead of moping.[CN] 他并不因此而闷闷不乐 而是积极思考,参与讨论 The Lodger (1944)
And become a positive newspaper.[CN] 要办成一份积极的报纸。 Scandal Sheet (1952)
I was an ordinary healthy guy, and she was an ordinary healthy girl.[CN] 我是个平凡普通的男孩 她是个健康积极的女孩 Detour (1945)
In athens, you were very energetically seeking his record in the relief commission archives.[CN] 在雅典,你前往救济委员会 积极寻找他的档案,为什么? The Mask of Dimitrios (1944)
Two weeks ago, two magazines, at the same time variously called me... a warmonger and a conscientious objector in the review of the same speech.[CN] 两周前,有两家杂志不约而同的称我为... 战争罪犯和积极的反政府分子,起因是同一篇演讲 Insignificance (1985)
I had no idea he was so motivated.[CN] 我都不知道他如此积极上进 Clueless (1995)
* We better accentuate the positive *[CN] 我们最好 强调积极 The Mighty Ducks (1992)
My old mother is still alive and is very active, in spite of her age.[CN] 我妈还健在 虽然年事已高但仍积极 Wild Strawberries (1957)
You seem to be so positive about this Keun case.[CN] 你似乎对这个库能的案子很积极 The Devil Strikes at Night (1957)
She has a wonderful vitality, a natural optimism... and that's the best medicine anyone can have.[CN] 她有无穷的活力和积极的心态... 这对她来说就是最好的药了 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
Kind of jerk.[CN] 积极的,不是吗? 一个小混蛋。 Dollman (1991)


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