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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -濟-, *濟*
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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, jì, ㄐㄧˋ] to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  齊 [, ㄑㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] water
[, jì, ㄐㄧˋ] to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
Radical: , Decomposition:   氵 [shuǐ, ㄕㄨㄟˇ]  齐 [, ㄑㄧˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] water
Variants: , Rank: 360

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: to help; aid; relieve; to ferry; cross
On-yomi: サイ, セイ, sai, sei
Kun-yomi: す.む, す.ます, すく.う, な.す, わた.す, わた.る, su.mu, su.masu, suku.u, na.su, wata.su, wata.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,
[] Meaning: settle (debt, etc.); relieve (burden); finish; come to an end; excusable; need not
On-yomi: サイ, セイ, sai, sei
Kun-yomi: す.む, -ず.み, -ずみ, す.まない, す.ます, -す.ます, すく.う, な.す, わたし, わた.る, su.mu, -zu.mi, -zumi, su.manai, su.masu, -su.masu, suku.u, na.su, watashi, wata.ru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , , Rank: 168

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[jì, ㄐㄧˋ, / ] aid; ferry; frugal #7,663 [Add to Longdo]
经济[jīng jì, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ,   /  ] economy; economic #127 [Add to Longdo]
市场经济[shì chǎng jīng jì, ㄕˋ ㄔㄤˇ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ,     /    ] market economy #2,394 [Add to Longdo]
经济效益[jīng jì xiào yì, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ㄒㄧㄠˋ ㄧˋ,     /    ] economic benefit #4,444 [Add to Longdo]
济南[Jǐ nán, ㄐㄧˇ ㄋㄢˊ,   /  ] Ji'nan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China #4,861 [Add to Longdo]
经济学[jīng jì xué, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,    /   ] economics (as a field of study) #6,128 [Add to Longdo]
经济学家[jīng jì xué jiā, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄚ,     /    ] economist #6,416 [Add to Longdo]
救济[jiù jì, ㄐㄧㄡˋ ㄐㄧˋ,   /  ] emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods #9,792 [Add to Longdo]
计划经济[jì huà jīng jì, ㄐㄧˋ ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ,     /    ] planned economy #9,859 [Add to Longdo]
经济体制[jīng jì tǐ zhì, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ㄊㄧˇ ㄓˋ,     /    ] economic system #10,394 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Thank you, thank you.[CN] 菲律賓航空公司 經 #MurphysLaw (2015)
"that there will be no book tour for 'Slave, ' further fueling suspicions about his or her identity."[CN] 200) }{ \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }讓人難以捉摸的諾蘭·慈 200) }"諾蘭·慈的身份目前無人知曉 "The current identity of Nolan Keats is unknown. Control (2016)
And the only thing you're really protecting is the supremacy of your government.[CN] 這攸關 經 和社會控制 Snowden (2016)
Way to go.[CN] 各位,瓦里斯坦的亮點 Snowden (2016)
You don't strike me as a girl who likes to read smut. It's for Dillon's book club, and it's not smut. Oh, okay. "His penis throbbed."[CN] 200) }{ \an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }《奴隸》 諾蘭·慈著 200) }謝謝 Thank you. Control (2016)
It's not an amphibian under the tunnel, but a human.[CN] 你們知道造成國家多大的經損失嗎 Tunnel (2016)
- All right.[CN] 200) }沒有 No. 200) }但是慈筆下的男人是女人真正想要的男人 but Keats writes men that women actually want. Control (2016)
And that's it? - Yes.[CN] - 有兩張經艙嗎 #MurphysLaw (2015)
You may be nothing in Beijing but may be something in other places[CN] 北京人材 地方一枝獨秀 Samsara (1988)
You been there?[CN] 你到過裴? Heat (1995)
do you agree with him?[CN] 但其實在技術和經上都是可能的 Earth Is a Hot Mess (2017)
So have you had the conversation yet? Okay, then when?[CN] 200) }"慈的對外事務代理人最近宣布 Keats' literary agent recently announced Control (2016)


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