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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
洗手液[xǐ shǒu yè, ㄒㄧˇ ㄕㄡˇ ㄧㄝˋ,   ] liquid hand soap [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm also gonna get a glitter Bonnebell dispenser for all the girls'bathrooms.[CN] 我会给每个女生洗手间 安装一个发光洗手液供给器 Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
But I do need a liquid soap dispenser.[CN] 不过我还真需要一个 呃 洗手液瓶子 I Remember That (2007)
Purell me.[CN] 给我点洗手液 I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)
I'm gonna go get some hand sanitizers.[CN] 我想去买点洗手液 Numb (2007)
- Oh, that's-that's hand sanitizer.[CN] - 哦,那是,是洗手液 Nim's Island (2008)
All right, look, we gotta make sure we got some more of this, all right?[CN] 洗手液要多带一点 Snakes on a Plane (2006)
They make Ibuprofen, hand lotion, toothpaste.[CN] 生产洗手液牙膏 Doppelgänger (2001)
I offered to help, and she said "yes, please."[CN] 因为... 美纪说 "洗手液用完了,我正要换洗手液" Kisaragi (2007)
Uh, Purell.[CN] 呃,普瑞尔牌免水洗手液 Nim's Island (2008)
I refilled her hand soap, dish washing liquid, salad oil, olive oil... everything, even for stuff she didn't ask for.[CN] 她这么说的? 进房间了啊... 洗手液,清洗剂,橄榄油... Kisaragi (2007)
Boraxo waterless hand cleaner really cleans up for us.[CN] Boraxo免水洗手液 洗洗更干净 Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
You come here with your laptop computer and your malaria medicine and your little bottles of hand sanitizer.[CN] 你带着你的笔记本电脑来到这 还有疟疾药和小瓶装的洗手液 Blood Diamond (2006)


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