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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -析出-, *析出*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
析出[xī chū, ㄒㄧ ㄔㄨ,  ] to separate out #33,749 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
析出[せきしゅつ, sekishutsu] (n, vs) { chem } separating; eduction [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That was the computer's readout as of today.[CN] 这数字是今天根据电脑分析出来的 好呀 Game of Death (1978)
And there's no tissue for me here.[JP] 私が分析出来るような 組織はないわね El Carnicero en el Coche (2013)
- Within 45 seconds... the microprocessor computes your systolic and diastolic pressure.[CN] 在45秒内, 微处理器就能够 分析出你的收缩压与舒张压 Wall Street (1987)
So, I was able to reconstruct the communication off the card's data recorder.[JP] おかげで解析出来た データ装置から Simon Says (2014)
It's so complex, not even STAR Labs computers can analyze it completely.[CN] 成份很复杂,即使星报实验室的电脑 也无法完全分析出 Smart Kids (1993)
The old man's not dumb. He'll figure it out.[CN] 他们不是那么傻 会分析出来的 No Man of Her Own (1950)
That was enough to analyze the suspects' height, weight, build, and skin color, so I did.[JP] それだけあれば 容疑者の身長 体重 体つき 肌の色を分析出来る で やってみた Not One Red Cent (2012)
And what did we learn from analyzing the oil which this criminal so enjoys using on the garage hinges?[CN] 那个罪犯很热衷地 往车库铰链上倒的油 能分析出什么结果 Watch Out for the Automobile (1966)
I merely came to find out if you've analyzed my dream.[CN] 我只是来看看 你是否分析出了我的梦 David and Lisa (1962)
That's not who you are.[CN] 心理分析根本就是胡扯 分析出来的根本就不是真正的你 Mindhunters (2004)
Alec, if I could get you a complete spectrum analysis of the cellular array from the night of the murder, would you be able to analyze it for wavelength and strength?[JP] 画像配列を完全に時系列で 光学分析出来たとしたら 映像として再生出来るでしょ? The Politics of Time (2012)
According to Dr. Kwok, the analyzer indicated the casualty belongs to C grade.[CN] 据郭博士说 分析仪分析出的杀伤力是C级 The Wesley's Mysterious File (2002)


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