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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
常食[じょうしょく, joushoku] (n, vs) daily food; regular diet; staple food [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Oh. Um... are we talking everyday food, or fine dining?[CN] 我们是在说日常食物还是精致的美食 Number One Fan (2013)
Among them 20% eat Kasher...[JP] コーシャを常食しているのは 20% ? - もっと少ないかも Serial (Bad) Weddings (2014)
"they use to hunt and eat the deadly temblón--[JP] "命にかかわる電気ウナギを 常食にしていたが" Death Do Us Part (2015)
We've got enough M.R.E.S to feed a small army.[JP] 常食ならたくさんあるから Chupacabra (2011)
People buy buckwheat. In preparation for the next invasion.[JP] 市民は 非常食を買い占め始めた Attraction (2017)
What about emergency rations?[JP] 常食はありますか? Bloodline (2014)
In response to their fibrous diet, the gorillas have developed extra-large chewing teeth and extra-powerful jaw muscles anchored to a prominent ridge of bone on the crown of their head.[CN] 为解决它们含纤维的日常食物 大猩猩发展出特大型牙齿咀嚼 和特别的强大下颚肌肉 Fire (2010)
Saved for the last of the last resort.[CN] 非常时期用的非常食 Mushroom Samba (1999)
Why do we always have to eat welfare food?[JP] いつも非常食ばっかだよな Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
We don't regard dolphin as food.[CN] 我们不把海豚肉当作日常食 The Cove (2009)
Did he eat anything unusual today?[CN] 他今天吃了什么异常食物吗? Thérèse (2012)
Come on, honey. Mommy's going to pick you up for a proper meal.[CN] 亲爱的,妈带妳出去吃正常食 Black Butterflies (2011)


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