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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
外遇[wài yù, ㄨㄞˋ ㄩˋ,  ] an extramarital affair #20,722 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He was talking with somebody... about how Bobby was the only one of them who doesn't have a cumare.[CN] 说巴比是他们之中 唯一没有外遇的人 Christopher (2002)
You know, if you told a woman right now at 8:00 in the morning... that her husband was sleeping with Saddam Hussein, she'd be able to find Saddam by 8:00 that night and say, [CN] 她老公跟海珊搞外遇 她晚上八点就会找到海珊 然后跟那王八蛋说 "海珊,别再招惹我老公" Bad Company (2002)
If he did, I would never know about it.[CN] 但如果她有外遇, 我永远也不会知道的。 White Oleander (2002)
- I'm not cheating on Kelly. I never have.[CN] -我没有背着凯莉乱搞 我没外遇 Phone Booth (2002)
No, not yet, I mean she had an affair but it's over.[CN] 不还没有,他有过一段外遇但是结束了 The Last Kiss (2001)
Someone finds out, or someone falls in love... and it ends disastrously[CN] 被人发现有了外遇 最后结局都很惨 Unfaithful (2002)
- He wouldn't have an affair.[CN] -她不会有外遇的。 White Oleander (2002)
Okay. I believe she's having an affair.[CN] 我相信她有外遇 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
- I think it's because he's having an affair.[CN] -我想是因为他有外遇了。 White Oleander (2002)
Now, if the situation was reversed, and a woman was approached by a gorgeous guy outside the restroom, given a similar line, 99 percent of women would say...[CN] 现在, 假如情况相反, 一个女人 在洗手间外遇见一个极好的男人 情形和说法完全类似 百分之九十九的女人会说... This Girl's Life (2003)
- You're cheating.[CN] -你有外遇 Phone Booth (2002)
Then why did he have an affair?[CN] 那为什么他会有外遇 One Fine Spring Day (2001)


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