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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
墨鱼[mò yú, ㄇㄛˋ ㄩˊ,   /  ] squid; ink fish; cuttlefish #43,286 [Add to Longdo]

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Pasta nero, squid ink.[CN] 黑意面 墨鱼黑 Pasta nero, squid ink. Social Engineering (2015)
Are you Martha Steward or something? You stop to eat everything! so inconsiderate.[CN] ("红墨鱼"为泰国美食节目) 一点都不知道体谅他人 人家可正在赶路呢 Hello Stranger (2010)
Is there nothing left? - How about Beef noodles?[CN] 怎么什么都没有呀 那要墨鱼丸粗面 My Life as McDull (2001)
Only cuttlefish.[CN] 只有墨鱼才有 Only cuttlefish. The Moral Dimension (1982)
You stop to eat everything! so inconsiderate. Hurry up.[CN] 快点好吗 边走边吃 你以为你在参加"红墨鱼"吗? Hello Stranger (2010)
Huh![CN] 墨鱼 Finding Dory (2016)
You simply won't find such... ...tasty spicy cuttlefish anywhere.[CN] 在外面吃不到这么好吃的椒盐墨鱼 The Second Woman (2012)
The eye of the cuttlefish was already highly developed.[CN] 墨鱼的眼睛已有高度的发展 Origins of Life (2001)
Can you do grilled squid?[CN] 你懂煮烤墨鱼吗? Silmido (2003)
If I am willing to eat this ... this creepy slimy food?[CN] 如果我愿意吃这... 这蠕动的墨鱼 Hello Stranger (2010)
There are a lot of rocks on one side of the beach, and when it's low tide, you can go there and watch the anemones and the ink squids.[CN] 一边有很多岩石不涨潮的时候, 海滩会很美 你可以去那儿看海葵和墨鱼 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Pig intestine, cuttlefish, duck kidney...[CN] 粉肠,墨鱼,鸭肾... I Love Hong Kong (2011)


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