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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
呼噜[hū lū, ㄏㄨ ㄌㄨ,   /  ] onomat. to snore; wheezing #34,526 [Add to Longdo]
呼噜[hū lū lū, ㄏㄨ ㄌㄨ ㄌㄨ,    /   ] onomat. to snore; wheezing #104,040 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
(snoring)[CN] (打呼噜 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
Milk? For beasts of prey?[CN] 你听不到它们呼噜 The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)
And you tell your husband to stop snoring![CN] 也让你的丈夫别打呼噜 Summer with Monika (1953)
"All you do is turn over and snore."[CN] -你只会转过身去打呼噜 The Seventh Seal (1957)
Maybe he'll strike you or maybe grunt and kiss you.[CN] 他会打你,还会打呼噜,也可能会吻你! A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
(grunts)[CN] 呼噜声) Hatchet III (2013)
As I remember, when you lie flat on your back, you snore.[CN] 我记得,当你躺平的时候 你打呼噜了。 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
(SNORING)[CN] (打呼噜 The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014)
Why don't you gentle down- quit snorting and raring around?[CN] 你为什么不能温和点儿 戒了打呼噜和四处生气? Saratoga Trunk (1945)
GRUNTS[CN] (呼噜声) Water (2010)
Well, at least nobody snores.[CN] 起码没有人打呼噜 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)


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