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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
受享[shòu xiǎng, ㄕㄡˋ ㄒㄧㄤˇ,  ] to enjoy [Add to Longdo]

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He could at least slap on a smile and try to have a good time.[CN] 他起码也挤出个笑容 享受享 Sex and the City 2 (2010)
Please, I very rarely look cool. This is a big moment for me. Just take it.[CN] 我难得能耍酷,就让我享受享受吧 Knocked Up (2007)
- I'm taking myself out.[CN] - 我也要去享受享 The Oranges (2011)
I want to enjoy this[CN] 受享 Aquamarine (2006)
So the bum jiggled all the way to Αuckland and thought it was a vacation, only to discover it had to go horseback-riding![CN] 就这样扭呀扭呀 扭到奥克兰 以为可以享受享受了 谁知道还要骑马 McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten (2009)
Apparently, Edie is having a gentleman friend over for dinner, and I think she plans on entertaining into the wee hours, if you know what I mean.[CN] 是的, Edie今晚要和一個紳士共進晚餐 我猜她今晚打算好好享受享受, 你知道我的意思吧. Pilot (2004)
You spent all these years knocking yourself out cleaning, you should enjoy this.[CN] 你这么多年累死累活的做卫生 你应该享受享 Humm Vac (2001)
- You're so evil.[CN] 我想要你闭嘴好让我享受享 StarStruck (2010)
Dan the weatherman says a fog bank is rolling in offshore, so if i were you, i would lock the doors throw away the keys and whip up a pitcher of martinis... , while you listen to another hour of music on kab, [CN] 气象员丹预报, 一条雾带正在近海处蠢蠢欲动... 如果我是你们的话, 就会都乖乖把门上锁... 接着把钥匙扔在一边, 弄上一罐马天尼好好享受享受... The Fog (2005)
I'd just like to be able to take a girl someplace nice once in a while.[CN] 我只希望有天能带马子去享受享 Matchstick Men (2003)
It's a real beauty deal here. Why shouldn't I have a few perks?[CN] 这里的待遇妙不可言 为什么我就不能享受享受? Casino Jack (2010)
We could both settle down here and you could have a pleased life.[CN] 然後你可以享受享受幸福的生活. The Last Airbender (2010)


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