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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
力石[ちからいし, chikaraishi] (n) lifting stone [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You won't be able to beat Rikishi or anyone with punches like that![CN] 现在这种程度,不要说力石了 你谁也打不过 出拳 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
Rikishi attacks! Rikishi attacks![CN] 力石攻势,力石攻势 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
Rikishi, that's enough![CN] 力石,够了 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
This is bad. Rikishi is really mad right now.[CN] 不好了,力石那家伙真的怒了 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
- You think you can beat Rikishi?[CN] 放弃吧,你打不过力石 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
Rikishi Tooru...[CN] 力石 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
"Power rocks" at the shrine.[CN] (9豐子的聲音) 在神社裏有試力石 A Last Note (1995)
- Rikishi, could you KO him pretty soon.[CN] 力石,快点KO吧 来,KO Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
- Rikishi![CN] 力石 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
Rikishi is featherweight, but Joe is much lighter than that.[CN] 力石是次轻量级,丈与他相差甚远 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)
Even I know of Rikishi's name![CN] 力石的鼎鼎大名,连我都知道 Tomorrow's Joe (2011)


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