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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
党羽[dǎng yǔ, ㄉㄤˇ ㄩˇ,   /  ] henchmen #47,932 [Add to Longdo]

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You must wipe out your enemies with this chance.[CN] 借此机会将朝中残馀党羽 还有反对的忠狗 全都消灭乾净 The Treacherous (2015)
So you have never been a member a right party?[CN] 所以你从来都没站对党羽 Look Who's Back (2015)
Are you crazy?[CN] 光明教残留的党羽 雇了一个军火商 要发动大规模生化恐怖袭击 Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Do everything possible to split his following... and move the majority to support your government.[CN] 尽可能地肃清他的党羽... 让多数人支持你的政府 The Ugly American (1963)
Rest of them sons o' bucks ain't goin' no place.[CN] 他的党羽不会被拘捕 The Patriot (1998)
So, he got his sidekick Swyne to follow a couple of Angvian girls[CN] 他要他的党羽斯万跟踪两个安琪维亚姑娘 The Love Factor (1969)
You're not so tough without a gang, but you were tough that night, weren't you?[CN] 没有了党羽,你也不是硬汉啊, 但你那天晚上很硬汉啊,不是吗? Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Adolf Hitler is dead. Members of his staff are under arrest.[CN] 阿道夫希特勒已经 去世逮捕其所有党羽 The Night of the Generals (1967)
Alice has done a breakdown of all his known haunts in and around London.[CN] 爱丽丝已经对伦敦和伦敦周围 他的党羽进行了整理 The Ipcress File (1965)
That guy was one of them?[CN] 刚刚那个男的也是党羽之一? Castle in the Sky (1986)
I guess the room's well sprinkled with them.[CN] 整个房间满布党羽 Saboteur (1942)
I banish you and your followers from England for the remainder of my lifetime.[CN] 我要将你和你的党羽驱逐出英格兰 在我的有生之年不得回来 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)


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