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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
中风[zhòng fēng, ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄈㄥ,   /  ] suffer a paralyzing stroke #13,334 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Osteoporosis, strokes, kidney stones, [CN] 骨质疏松症, 中风, 肾结石, Earthlings (2005)
They died of strokes right after they sold the place.[CN] 他们把房子卖掉之后,因中风过世 The Skeleton Key (2005)
- Like a stroke or something.[CN] 好像中风发作 The Skeleton Key (2005)
No. Stroke pretty much paralyzed him.[CN] 不能,因中风而麻痹了 The Skeleton Key (2005)
Her stroke.[CN] 中风 Edison (2005)
For God's sake, this is insane. The man had a stroke.[CN] 拜托,真的有够夸张 他不过是中风发作 The Skeleton Key (2005)
You look like you just had a stroke[CN] 你看起来好象刚刚中风发作了 In Her Shoes (2005)
Um... it starts out as a kind of first-person narrative... about a guy taking care of his father after a stroke.[CN] 呒... 开始是一种第一人称叙述... 一个男人照顾他中风后的父亲。 Sideways (2004)
He can't speak. Barely moves.[CN] 他说不出话,动弹不得 得过中风... The Skeleton Key (2005)
- Just before he had his stroke.[CN] 中风发作前认识的 The Skeleton Key (2005)
Ben was in the attic, wasn't he, when he had his stroke?[CN] 中风发作时,不就在阁楼里面吗? The Skeleton Key (2005)
Stroke?[CN] 中风? Edison (2005)


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