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(เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหา gustu มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาใหม่โดยใส่ดอกจันทน์ (wild-card) ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: *gustu*)
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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Augustus.Augustus. The Survivalist (2015)
My brother's name was Augustus.Der Name meines Bruders war Augustus. The Survivalist (2015)
Gustus warned me about you, But I didn't listen.Gustus hat mich vor euch gewarnt, doch ich habe nicht gehört. Remember Me (2015)
How's Gustus?Wie geht es Gustus? Remember Me (2015)
Gustus will live.Gustus wird es überleben. Remember Me (2015)
Gustus would never harm me.Gustus würde mir niemals weh tun. Remember Me (2015)
How did you know it was Gustus?Woher wusstest du, dass es Gustus war? Remember Me (2015)
You felt something for Gustus.Du hast etwas für Gustus gefühlt. Bodyguard of Lies (2015)
We beat it with hammers and chains, hired a mule team, drove it to Rome, sold it to a cardinal as an antique from the reign of Augustus.Wir bearbeiteten sie mit Hämmern und Ketten, schafften sie nach Rom und verkauften sie einem Kardinal als Antiquität aus der Zeit des Augustus. Entirely Beloved (2015)
- How was Augustus's play?Wie war, ähm, Augustus' Stück? Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Darling. Augustus is here.Liebling, Augustus ist hier. Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
- How are you, Augustus?Wie geht's dir, Augustus? Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
I can assure you that Augustus Goldman is fully engaged.Ich garantiere Ihnen, Augustus Goldman ist voll ausgelastet. Founder's Mutation (2016)
We'd like to talk to Augustus Goldman.Wir möchten mit Augustus Goldman sprechen. Founder's Mutation (2016)
Augustus Goldman is the only one who might know how it all fits together.Augustus Goldman ist der Einzige, der wissen könnte, wie das zusammenpasst. Founder's Mutation (2016)
Augustus.Augustus? Founder's Mutation (2016)
I've spoken to Augustus. He said he'd be happy to meet you.Ich habe mit Augustus geredet, er sagt, er trifft Sie gerne. Founder's Mutation (2016)
Augustus worked for them.Augustus hat für sie gearbeitet. Founder's Mutation (2016)
He will eat for Bennet, but not for me.- Augustus! Some Conscience Lost (2016)
It's good to see you again, Mr. Reid.Augustus und ich sind auf die Armenschule gegangen. Some Conscience Lost (2016)
I did. I know.Du musst nicht traurig sein, Augustus. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
We girls would fight and scratch for who one day might be your woman.Assistant Police Commissioner Augustus Dove. Beobachten Sie ihn und erstatten Sie mir Bericht. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
Rose, may I ask you something?Warum bist du alleine, Augustus? Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
Now we know not how, but Augustus Dove himself is somehow also tangled within all.Wir wissen nicht wie, aber Augustus Dove ist ebenfalls in all das hier verstrickt. Daher bitte ich Sie erneut: Helfen Sie uns bitte. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
Bennet!Augustus! Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
All will be well.Augustus? Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
It was beneath that curiosity shop.Aber das weißt du doch längst, Augustus. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
But I cannot make that my life sole calling if the watching of him must be done each and every minute of each and every day.Er ist nicht mehr zu retten, Augustus. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
As all animals require, chaining or slaying.- Augustus, ich brauche deinen Segen nicht. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
He is past saving, Augustus.Augustus? Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
And wish for my sanction.Augustus! Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
I do not require your sanction.Gustus, bitte! Ich werde mich bessern. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
Somewhere.Zufrieden sein. Das will ich auch, Gustus. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
What do you want? To live, grow old, be happy.Aber Segeln muss man so oder so, Augustus. Edmund Reid Did This (2016)
Her Majesty the Queen, last night, bestowed the Companion of the Order of the Bath to Assistant Commissioner Augustus Dove.Empfänger war Assistant Commissioner Augustus Dove." "Die Zeremonie fand in der Toynbee Hall statt, wo kein Geringerer als Kolonialminister Joseph Chamberlain den Orden übergab." No Wolves in Whitechapel (2016)
Hello to you, young man.- Nein. Augustus, du musst das auch hören. No Wolves in Whitechapel (2016)
I shall set about seeing how else the trail that leads to us may be broke and scattered.Wie, Augustus? Wie willst du sie verwischen? No Wolves in Whitechapel (2016)
I see that, Bennet, I do.Allein Augustus Dove. No Wolves in Whitechapel (2016)
(Augustus) Rose...Ich brauche Sie vielleicht für den bevorstehenden Kampf, mag sein. Aber Sie lassen von Augustus Dove ab! Verstanden? No Wolves in Whitechapel (2016)
As far as everyone else is concerned, going to the Prime Minister and way beyond, Charles Augustus...Für alle anderen, auch die Premierministerin und andere Beamte, ist Charles Augustus... The Six Thatchers (2017)
Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antonius Augustus!Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus! Enemy of the Senate (2016)
Augustus always had such, well, not exactly nice things to say about you.Augustus wusste immer, nun, nicht so nette Sachen über Sie zu erzählen. xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
We thought we'd end with Augustus' favorite song.Wir wollen mit Augustus' Lieblingslied enden. xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Good morning, Augustus.Guten Morgen, Augustus. Chapter 57 (2017)
When we met in Spotsylvania, how did you know... so many specific things about Augustus, uh... about Augustus Underwood's death?Als wir uns in Spotsylvania trafen, woher wussten Sie da... so viele Einzelheiten über Augustus? Über Augustus Underwoods Tod? Chapter 57 (2017)
I did learn one true thing about Augustus Underwood.Eine wahre Sache fand ich aber über Augustus Underwood heraus. Chapter 57 (2017)
How was your great-great-great-grandfather Augustus?Was macht dein Urururgroßvater Augustus? Chapter 57 (2017)
Augustus Underwood was just another redneck who died fighting for the wrong side, forgotten by everyone but you and me.Augustus Underwood war ein Hinterwäldler, der auf der falschen Seite kämpfte... von allen außer dir und mir vergessen. Chapter 63 (2017)
In the name of Mr. Augustus Esmond.Auf den Namen Mr. Augustus Esmond. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
You knowthe Augustan steps?Kennst du die Augustustreppe? Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
augustus(n) Roman statesman who established the Roman Empire and became emperor in 27 BC; defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC at Actium (63 BC - AD 14), Syn. Octavian, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, Gaius Octavianus
albert(n) prince consort of Queen Victoria of England (1819-1861), Syn. Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel, Prince Albert
cumberland(n) English general; son of George II; fought unsuccessfully in the battle of Fontenoy (1721-1765), Syn. Butcher Cumberland, Duke of Cumberland, William Augustus
lindbergh(n) United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (1902-1974), Syn. Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Charles A. Lindbergh, Lucky Lindy, Charles Lindbergh
menninger(n) United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1893-1990), Syn. Karl Augustus Menninger, Karl Menninger
murray(n) Scottish philologist and the lexicographer who shaped the Oxford English Dictionary (1837-1915), Syn. James Murray, Sir James Augustus Murray, James Augustus Henry Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry Murray, James Augustus Murray, Sir James Murray
philip ii(n) son of Louis VII whose reign as king of France saw wars with the English that regained control of Normandy and Anjou and most of Poitou (1165-1223), Syn. Philip Augustus
pugin(n) English architect who played a prominent role in the 19th century revival of Gothic architecture (1812-1852), Syn. Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
roebling(n) United States engineer (born in Germany) who designed and began construction of the Brooklyn bridge (1806-1869), Syn. John Roebling, John Augustus Roebling
tiberius(n) son-in-law of Augustus who became a suspicious tyrannical Emperor of Rome after a brilliant military career (42 BC to AD 37), Syn. Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus
titus(n) Emperor of Rome; son of Vespasian (39-81), Syn. Titus Flavius Vespasianus, Titus Vespasianus Augustus
watson(n) United States telephone engineer who assisted Alexander Graham Bell in his experiments (1854-1934), Syn. Thomas Augustus Watson

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
Angustura bark

See Angostura bark. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
奥古斯都[Ào gǔ sī dū, ㄠˋ ㄍㄨˇ ㄙ ㄉㄨ,     /    ] Augustus (name) [Add to Longdo]


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