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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
近因[きんいん, kin'in] (n) immediate or proximate cause [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"Is currently wanted in the U.S.S.R. on the charges of murder, kidnapping, rape extortion, currency speculation and drug dealing."[CN] 因贩毒而被送去劳改营六年 最近因为谋杀 绑架 强暴 乐索 假钱 Red Heat (1988)
I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.[CN] 近因为缺少性生活 我感到非常饥渴 50 First Dates (2004)
I'm going to Yale.[CN] 而我也要去耶鲁了 我最近因此很受打击 Valentine's Day (2010)
Furthermore, as there are problems concerning human rights recently, we also cannot simply anyhow arrest people.[CN] 而且最近因为涉及人权问题 我们也不能随便抓人 Silenced (2011)
There is no way that Mr. Millam and his bank could know of this proximate cause.[CN] 米兰姆先生及其银行不可能 预见到这种近因 Boom De Yah Da (2013)
Now, listen closely because I'm about to tell you a secret.[CN] 现在,听接近因为 我正要告诉你一个秘密。 How to Rob a Bank (and 10 Tips to Actually Get Away with It) (2007)
I didn't want to bring this up... but the detective in question and Ms. Doherty... have recently gone through a rather bitter divorce.[CN] 我不想把它提出来 但涉嫌的探员及Doherty女士 最近因离婚案闹的很不快 Forbidden Sins (1999)
The "A" had recently fallen from its own weight.[CN] A最近因过重而掉落 Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)
Mrs. Knox had recently been given a Spire Award for making a large donation, [CN] Knox最近因为一个大笔捐赠 被授予了一项最高奖项 Bang (2010)
I, uh, I realize that I've made things difficult fou lately.[CN] 我意识到最近因为我的事让你很为难 Map 1213 (2006)
Recently, the investigation has given me headaches.[CN] 近因为检查什么的 已经够头疼了 那帮孩子们还总是在给我添麻烦 Silenced (2011)
Right now, it's not so much people keeping them as pets, but they come from disturbed areas.[CN] 近因为人们把他们当宠物养,这种情况比较少。 现在,他们来自那些不安定的地方。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)


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