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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
大骨[おおぼね, oobone] (n) large bone; thick bone [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He walked into financial aid Fell and broke a bone[CN] # 他走进学校财物室, 摔断一根大骨头 # Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002)
Remember Ma with the bone?[CN] 记得妈做的大骨吗? Everybody Hurts (2002)
Remember I got BB's in the mouth?[CN] 还记得我嘴里的大骨头吗? Small Time Crooks (2000)
We had no idea how we were going to be able to get all these other things.[CN] 但我们真是不知道如何把那些大骨头运走的 Dinosaur 13 (2014)
- Not the big bone, but the little one. - Yeah.[CN] 不是大骨头 是那根小的 好的 Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
With jaws powerful enough to crush the caribou's largest bones they will leave little behind.[CN] 具有足以咬碎驯鹿大骨的强劲上下颚 狼群可以将一头鹿一丝不剩的吃个精光 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
But what's no joke is you're CEO of Daley Devices, creator of such indispensable items as the Super Big Dog Bone![CN] 但你是戴利设计公司的CEO 发明了如此必不可少的产品 比如狗狗们最爱的超级大骨 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
Do you mean big-boned?[CN] "你是说大骨女么?" Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown (2008)
Hi, Bones. Hi![CN] 大骨头 嗨! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Such an injury in old age...[CN] 年紀這麼大骨折... The Cloud-Capped Star (1960)
But at least when my mom went on a vacation... she cooked a huge pot of soup before she left.[CN] 我媽她好說也做一鍋大骨湯出去 Episode #5.12 (2013)
Whoa. "Big Bone" Simone, huh?[CN] 哇。 "大骨"西蒙,是吧? Cat Run 2 (2014)


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