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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
务实[wù shí, ㄨˋ ㄕˊ,   /  ] pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues #7,892 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Callan's mother, died in childbirth.[CN] 如我所说 你很务实 As I said, a practical people. Warcraft (2016)
- Fine, dark suit.[CN] 好 深色套装 而浅色套装看上去务实 Fine, dark suit. The Ministerial Broadcast (1986)
As you see, mine is a very practical offer, not dictated by passions or ideals or beliefs that I don't share.[CN] 你应该明白 我的要求非常务实 不是一时冲动 也不是异想天开 Senso (1954)
She was kind, honest, and down to earth.[CN] 她待人友好,诚实,而且很务实. My Name Is Tanino (2002)
Ike wants a realistic estimate, George. You're in the middle of a fight now.[CN] 乔治,艾克要务实的估计 Patton (1970)
Practicality begins at home.[CN] 务实起于家中 Saratoga Trunk (1945)
The service here is atrocious![CN] 务实在太差了 K-PAX (2001)
'And since Mobutu was an extraordinarily practical man, 'down under the stadium, which seated 100, 000 people, 'were detention pens and rooms and chambers 'where you could imprison as many as a couple of thousand people.[CN] 蒙博托是一个十分务实的人 'And since Mobutu was an extraordinarily practical man, 在能容纳十万人的体育场 'down under the stadium, which seated 100, 000 people, 地下是关犯人的囚牢 'were detention pens and rooms and chambers When We Were Kings (1996)
- You better be for real. - Yep, yep[CN] - 你最好务实一点. Dangerous Minds (1995)
So, a real message of hope and good cheer from Roland, an ace guy![CN] 感谢Roland带给我们务实的建议和鼓励 真是个好人 Demolition (1982)
A pragmatic anarchist.[CN] 务实的无政府主义者 The Player (1992)
You're a very clever man, Captain.[CN] 您是个务实的人,船长。 Pirates of the 20th Century (1980)


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