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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
党是[とうぜ, touze] (n) party platform; party principles [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But nothing ordered by the Party is beneath dignity... and the Party was right.[CN] 但党认为尊严不算什么 而且党是对的 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
Whoever is the president or the ruling party.[CN] 其实谁当总统,执政党是 Born to Be King (2000)
So the dogs, being man's best friend, rose up.[CN] 党是人类最要好的朋友 Cats & Dogs (2001)
It's good party stuff, but it puts the PM in a very difficult situation.[CN] 大臣 这对政党是个好口号 It's good party stuff, 但是这让首相很难堪 but it puts the PM in a very difficult situation. Open Government (1980)
And SPECTRE always delivers what he promises.[CN] 幽灵党是言出必行的 From Russia with Love (1963)
OK. Who were your playmates?[CN] 好的, 你的同党是谁? Serpico (1973)
However, if these demands are not met...[CN] 红伐党是支持人道主义的 但是 如果你们不撤军 True Lies (1994)
We are a third force, it is true. But an active force.[CN] 党是第三股力量 没错 但是是有活力的力量 Amor Estranho Amor (1982)
Republicans are fucking idiots, the Democrats are fucking idiots, conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.[CN] 共和党是他妈的白痴, 民主党是他妈的白痴, 保守派和自由派都是白痴白痴。 Chris Rock: Never Scared (2004)
These rebel Iraq problem![CN] 对付叛党是伊拉克的事 Three Kings (1999)
Let me ask you this. "The party is my mother.[CN] 我问你,党是我的妈,下一句是什么 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }Let me ask you this. "The party is my mother. Biao jie, ni hao ye! III zhi da ren jia dao (1993)
No party? It's not true. The party is no one but you.[CN] 没有党 不对 党是 1900 (1976)


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