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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
唐代[Táng dài, ㄊㄤˊ ㄉㄞˋ,  ] Tang dynasty (618-907) #14,201 [Add to Longdo]

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The Tang Dynasty horse.[CN] 我的唐代青铜马 看见没 The Tang Dynasty horse. See? Diamonds Are Forever (2015)
Yeah, listen, this, uh, this young, tattooed miscreant stole a Tang Dynasty horse from the shop.[CN] 听着 有个纹身的的毛头小子 Yeah, listen, this, uh, this young, tattooed miscreant 从店里偷了一个唐代青铜马 stole a Tang Dynasty horse from the shop. Diamonds Are Forever (2015)
We'd be lucky if your alleged Tang horse was worth a tenth of that.[CN] 你所谓的唐代青铜马 We'd be lucky if your alleged Tang horse 要是值一万都谢天谢地了 was worth a tenth of that. Diamonds Are Forever (2015)
Today, the Father of Solar Engery, Dr. Masterson, will be present at the exhibition of...[CN] 今天 太阳能之父马博士会出席 一个唐代出土文物的展览 Future X-Cops (2010)
Lao Guan Dai was the most important Daoist Temple in Tang Dynasty China.[CN] 楼观台是唐代中国最重要的道观。 The First Christianity (2009)
He's carrying a shipment in a Tang Dynasty horse.[CN] 他这次运了一匹唐代的马匹 The Lineup (1958)
Now I declare the "Unearthed Relics of the Tang Dynasty" exhibition is now opened[CN] 现在我宣布 2080年唐代出土文物展现在开幕 Future X-Cops (2010)
As long ago as the Tang Dynasty the great poet Li Bai wrote these famous lines[CN] 早在唐代 大诗人李白 就在这里留下了著名的诗句 Still Life (2006)
Legendary Pootie Tang has done it once again with his new song--[CN] 唐代传奇Pootie已经做到了 再次与他的新曲 - Pootie Tang (2001)
Since the inception of Pootie Tang's PSA campaign... sales of Lecter burgers are down 30%...[CN] 自成立以来 唐代的Pootie的PSA的运动... 莱克特销售汉堡包 下降了30%... Pootie Tang (2001)
I always had a high opinion of Pootie Tang.[CN] 我始终有一个高的意见 唐代的Pootie。 Pootie Tang (2001)
... thoughtit'dbe betterifDon made all the speeches for the team.[CN] 唐代表发言会比较好 Singin' in the Rain (1952)


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