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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
前菜[ぜんさい, zensai] (n) relishes; hors d'oeuvres; smorgasbord [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Let me see. To start, I think I'll...[CN] 让我想想,前菜的话,我要... Vertigo (1958)
...noodle soup, turkey with boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice, pickles and cucumber salad[JP] パスタスープ 七面鳥の焼肉 前菜には揚げたジャガイモ ジャガイモのピュレ そしてライス サラダにはピクルスときゅうり The Exam (2011)
Can we go now, before I become an appetizer?[CN] 在我变前菜以前,可以走了吗? Marmaduke (2010)
What's for starters?[JP] 前菜は? 3 Idiots (2009)
I ordered you pasta fagiol and we'll get an antipasto to share.[CN] 我帮你点了义大利面 然后我们在点一些前菜来分 D-Girl (2000)
Ordering two tasting menus. Fire two amuse-bouche.[CN] 两份尝鲜菜单,准备两道前菜 No Reservations (2007)
Well, excuse me, I better go check on the hors d'oeuvres. But it was great to finally meet you.[JP] それじゃあ 失礼して 前菜を見てくるわ Bridesmaids (2011)
I'll hold onto that. We'll read it together over an aperitif.[JP] これは預かっておく 前菜の時にでも 読もう Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
No, small plate, starter. He's practically licked it clean.[JP] いいや、前菜を きれいに平らげた The Hounds of Baskerville (2012)
-...a new appetizer with my compliments? -lt's cooked just fine.[CN] 另一道前菜 我的鹅肝烤得刚刚好 No Reservations (2007)
Rather, an appetizer with asparagus and cippolini onions and it has a side of sliced watermelon radishes.[CN] 其实算是前菜,包括芦笋和齐波里尼葱头 以及切片的西瓜小萝卜 No Reservations (2007)
The hors d'oeuvres are so bad the worst dishes you have ever seen.[JP] 前菜はとてもひどく・・・ あなたが今まで見た中で最悪の代物となるだろう The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)


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