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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: kimono, -kimono-
Possible hiragana form: きもの
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
kimono(n) ชุดกิโมโน, See also: ชุดประจำชาติของญี่ปุ่น

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
kimono(คิโม'โน) n. เสื้อกิโมโนของญี่ปุ่น, เสื้อคลุมหลวมของผู้หญิง., See also: kimonoed adj.

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
kimono(n) เสื้อกิโมโน

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well, if you're going to open the kimono and talk real shares... We need more details...Wenn Sie mal den Kimono ein wenig lüften und sagen, was wirklich dabei rumkommt? ...Through Competition (2014)
Oh, a summer kimono.Oh, ein Sommerkimono. Our Little Sister (2015)
You look pretty good in that summer kimono.Der Sommerkimono steht dir nicht schlecht. Our Little Sister (2015)
How did the boys like your kimono?Wie fanden die Jungs deinen Sommerkimono? Our Little Sister (2015)
She's wearing Grandma's.Sie trägt Omas Kimono. Our Little Sister (2015)
You ever try a "soiled kimono"?Kennst du den "dreckigen Kimono"? A Very Murray Christmas (2015)
She was far from home and proud of her culture, and she set up everything in this room to make herself feel comfortable, right down to giving my father this very kimono and laying out a map of her hometown.Sie war weit entfernt von Zuhause und stolz auf ihre Kultur... und sie hat alles im Raum vorbereitet, um sich heimisch zu fühlen, bis hin zur Übergabe dieses Kimonos an meinen Vater und dem Auslegen der Karte ihrer Heimatstadt. Privilege (2015)
Yeah. You look great in my kimono.Mein Kimono steht dir gut. New World Coming (2015)
It's called a kimono, James.Es ist ein sogenannter Kimono, James. Ride Along 2 (2016)
They make them for men.Ein Kimono für Männer. Ride Along 2 (2016)
Eventually Kim Yeon took off her clothing. Ximen Qing carefully watches her nether regions. There is not one strand of hair, so beautiful like a jewel."Als Jinlian endlich ihren Kimono auszog, erforschte Ximen-Qing ihre südliche Pforte und stellte fest, dass sie vollständig haarlos, so weiß und weich wie Schnee und glatt wie ein Jadekristall..." The Handmaiden (2016)
Eventually, Kim Yeon Takes off her clothes. Ximen Qing."Als Jinlian endlich ihren Kimono auszog, erforschte Ximen-Qing ihre südliche Pforte und stellte fest," The Handmaiden (2016)
Yeah, well, I left my kimono home.Ja, mein Kimono ist zu Hause. The King and I (2016)
I have a couple of kimonos made out of that.Daraus habe ich einige Kimonos fertigen lassen. Bite Flight Wing-Man Bonnie (2016)
- Yes, but most of my kimonos are very short.Ja, aber die meisten meiner Kimonos sind sehr kurz. Bite Flight Wing-Man Bonnie (2016)
My kimonos are short, too.Meine Kimonos sind auch kurz. Bite Flight Wing-Man Bonnie (2016)
Uh, Mom... so, last time I saw you, you were wearing only kimonos.Mom, als ich dich das letzte Mal sah, trugst du nur Kimonos. Hair Recital Rainbow Mom (2016)
Try wearing a little less clothing next time. Lose the kimono... Maybe you won't pull down the walls.Bei der ganzen dicken Kleidung zieh doch mal den Kimono aus und hänge es an die Wand! Bad Blood (2017)
I like your kimono.Ich mag Dein Kimono. Bad Blood (2017)
It's not the first time I've been given shit about the kimono.. Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ich hängen bleibe mit dem Kimono. Bad Blood (2017)
This Janet Jackson-looking girl, wearing a kimono on a Tuesday night like it's no big deal, she's cool as fuck.Die da, die wie Janet Jackson aussieht und am Dienstag Kimono trägt, als sei das ganz normal, die ist scheiße cool. Long-Ass Pants (2017)
So... the Janet Jackson girl in the kimono, Also... Das Janet-Jackson-Mädel mit dem Kimono... Long-Ass Pants (2017)
I'm walking behind Yvette Delys. She's undressed, wearing only this kimono.Ich laufe hinter Yvette Delys, die nur diesen Kimono trägt. Accused, Stand Up! (1930)
Where did you get that kimono?Woher hast du den Kimono? Red Dust (1932)
- Twenty-five kimonos?- 25 Kimonos? Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
Three bloomers, 25 kimonos, 10 slips five panties, 15 chemises.3 Miederhosen, 25 Kimonos, 10 Unterröcke, 5 Höschen, 15 Chemisen. Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
Seventeen to one. Twenty-five kimonos.17 zu 1. 25 Kimonos. Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)
Ogin's always been known by her kimonos.Ogin hat man immer an ihren Kimonos erkannt. Stray Dog (1949)
You see, before war, Kimono, Gemälde, Mädchen... Halls of Montezuma (1951)
Maybe I have tobacco for later, huh, sir?Ich bin Freund der Amerikaner. Kaufe Kimono, Gemälde... Halls of Montezuma (1951)
And also that linen kimono she used to wear in summer?Vielleicht auch noch den Leinenkimono. Tokyo Story (1953)
Wearing this kimono and my hair up in curlers.Im Kimono und mit den Lockenwicklern. The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
Sitting here in this kimono and my hair all...Ich sitze hier im Kimono mit lauter... The Glenn Miller Story (1954)
You could have kimonos, and rings, and toilet water with Italian names.Kimonos und Ringe und Kölnisch Wasser mit italienischen Namen. Don't Bother to Knock (1952)
Who's the tall, dark one in the black kimono?Wer ist der dunkelhaarige Lange im schwarzen Kimono? Kiss Them for Me (1957)
she's fixing her kimono!ดูเธอจะแก้ไขกิโมโนของเธอ! Princess Mononoke (1997)
I want you to see the kimono I'll be wearingโอ้ เยี่ยมไปเลย Crying Out Love in the Center of the World (2004)
-That kimono was worth more than you.กิโมโนนั่นมีค่ามากกว่าเธอเสียอีก. Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
-I haven't done anything, I promise you. -Her little trick with than kimono will cost you.ฉันไม่ได้ทำอะไรเลย ฉันสัญญา แกจะต้องชดใช้สิ่งที่แกทำกับกิโมโหตัวนั้น Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
Kimono destroyed, Geisha school, rice and pickles, train ticket, Mr. Bekku, ... all this on top of the money I paid Mr. Tanaka?กิโมโนเสียหาย, ค่าเรียนที่โรงเรียนเกอิชา, ค่าข้าว, ค่าตั๋วรถไฟ, ทั้งหมดนี่ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
floating in a silk kimono, the chairman at my side.ลอยอยู่ในชุดกิโมโน โดยมีท่านประธานอยู่ข้างๆฉัน Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
-It's that kimono, she remembers how you destroyed it, now she wants to get even. An odd picture isn't it?ไม่อยากเชื่อว่าเธอสนใจชิโอะ มันคงเป็นกิโมโมตัวนั้น เธอคงจำได้ว่าแกทำลายมันยังไง ตอนนี้เธอคงต้องการเอาคืน Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
-About your kimono... You may apologise if you wish.เธอจะขอโทษก็ได้ ถ้าเธอต้องการ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
As for the kimono, I'm no fool Chiyo.สำหรับเรื่องกิโมโน ฉันไม่ได้โง่นะ ชิโยะ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
From that moment I told myself when I make tea, when I pour sake, when I dance, when I tie my kimono it will be for the chairman, until he finds me until I am his.นับจากนาทีนั้นฉันบอกกับตัวเองเมื่อฉันชงชา เมื่อฉันผสมสาเก เมื่อฉันเต้น เมื่อฉันมัดตัวเองกับชุดกิโมโน มันจะเป็นเพื่อท่านประธานคนนั้น จนกว่าเขาจะหาฉันเจอ จนกว่าฉันจะกลายเป็นของเขา Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
Right through your beautiful kimono. Such a pity.ทำให้กิโมโนสวยๆ เป็นรู น่าเสียดาย Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
Mameha asked me to show you my kimono collection.มาเมฮะขอให้ผมเอากิโมโนที่สะสมให้คุณดู Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
It's quite venerated, my grandfather and father, collected kimono before me.มันสืบทอดมาหลายรุ่น ปู่จนถึงพ่อของผม ต่างเก็บสะสมกิโมโน Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
I've given a number of valuable kimono to Mameha. I like to give presents to beautiful girls.ผมยกกิโมโนที่มีค่าตัวหนึ่งให้มาเมฮะ ผมชอบยกกิโมโนให้ผู้หญิงสวยๆ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)
Don't worry, I have experience in knotting kimonos, and untying them as well.ผมเคยช่วยคนใส่ชุดกิโมโน เหมือนกับถอดมันนั่นแหละ Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
kimonoAlso, those of you who don't have the chance to wear a 'kimono', go for it and wear one!
kimonoDo you wear a kimono?
kimonoEveryone was dressed in a beautiful kimono at the party.
kimonoHer figure will be shown off to advantage in a kimono.
kimonoHer kimono and obi combination is smart, isn't it?
kimonoI love looking at everyone's colorful kimono on Jan. 15, Adults Day.
kimonoI only wear a kimono about once a year.
kimonoIt's very difficult even for a Japanese to put on a kimono.
kimonoMen in kimonos are no longer a common sight in Tokyo.
kimonoMy mother always puts on kimono at home.
kimonoShe certainly looks beautiful in a Japanese kimono.
kimonoThe main street is filled with girls in kimonos.
kimonoThis is the only kimono that my mother bought me.
kimonoWill you put on this kimono?
kimonoYou look good in a kimono.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
กิโมโน(n) kimono, Example: ปัจจุบันจะหาหญิงชาวญี่ปุ่นสวมชุดชุดกิโมโนนั้นแทบไม่ต้องหาแล้ว, Count Unit: ผืน, Thai Definition: เครื่องแต่งกายแบบดั้งเดิม ประจำชาติชองญี่ปุ่น, Notes: (ญี่ปุ่น)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
kimono(n) a loose robe; imitated from robes originally worn by Japanese

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
article of clothing, fr. ki to wear + mono thing. ]1. A kind of loose robe or gown tied with a sash, worn as a traditional outer garment by Japanese women and men. Women may wear it with a broad sash called an obi, having a large bow in the back. At present (1998), most Japanese wear it only at home or on ceremonial occasions, western-style clothing being more common in the workplace. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC ]

2. A similar gown worn as a dressing gown by women of Western nations. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n.; pl. -nos /plu>. [ Jap.,

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
和服[hé fú, ㄏㄜˊ ㄈㄨˊ,  ] kimono; Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western clothing 洋服 #29,683 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
帯(P);帶(oK)[おび(P);たらし(ok), obi (P); tarashi (ok)] (n) (1) obi; kimono sash; (2) (おび only) (See 帯紙) paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc.; (P) #1,377 [Add to Longdo]
反(P);段;端[たん, tan] (n, n-pref) (1) variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos #2,315 [Add to Longdo]
[たとう, tatou] (n) (abbr) folding paper-case; kimono wrapping paper #11,420 [Add to Longdo]
生き物[いきもの, ikimono] (n) living thing; animal; (P) #15,403 [Add to Longdo]
着物[きもの, kimono] (n) (1) clothing; clothes; (2) kimono (or other trad. Japanese clothing); (P) #15,858 [Add to Longdo]
[ふき, fuki] (n) (obsc) turned-back hem of a kimono [Add to Longdo]
お腰;御腰[おこし, okoshi] (n) (1) (hon) (See 腰・1) buttocks; lower back; waist; hips; (2) (fem) (See 腰巻) kimono underskirt [Add to Longdo]
すまじきものは宮仕え[すまじきものはみやづかえ, sumajikimonohamiyadukae] (exp) phrase indicating that it is better to work for oneself than to work for someone else [Add to Longdo]
ちゃんちゃんこ[chanchanko] (n) padded sleeveless kimono jacket; Japanese vest [Add to Longdo]
チヨッキ[chiyokki] (n) long vest with open sleeves; chokki vest; kimono vest [Add to Longdo]
[あわせ, awase] (n) lined kimono [Add to Longdo]
暗記物[あんきもの, ankimono] (n) a work or subject to be memorized (memorised) [Add to Longdo]
伊達締め;伊達締[だてじめ, datejime] (n) small, thin fabric belt worn over the kimono and under the obi in order to protect the fabric [Add to Longdo]
衣冠[いかん, ikan] (n) kimono and ancient head-dress [Add to Longdo]
衣紋掛け;衣紋掛[えもんかけ, emonkake] (n) rack or hanger for hanging kimono, coats, etc. [Add to Longdo]
一帳羅;一張羅[いっちょうら, icchoura] (n) one's (only) good suit (or kimono) [Add to Longdo]
引き物[ひきもの, hikimono] (n) a gift [Add to Longdo]
下前[したまえ, shitamae] (n) (See 上前・1) part of the fabric that is tucked closest to the skin when wearing a garment that is wrapped in front of one (such as a kimono) [Add to Longdo]
歌舞伎者;傾奇者;かぶき者[かぶきもの, kabukimono] (n) dandy; peacock; early-17th-century equivalent of present-day yakuza; Edo-period eccentric who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes, peculiar hairstyle, and weird behavior [Add to Longdo]
花衣[はなごろも, hanagoromo] (n) (See 花見) fancy kimono used for cherry blossom viewing; fancy kimono [Add to Longdo]
花嫁姿[はなよめすがた, hanayomesugata] (n) image of a bride dressed in her wedding gown (wedding kimono, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
解き物;解物;ほどき物[ほどきもの;ときもの(解き物;解物), hodokimono ; tokimono ( toki mono ; kai mono )] (n) unsewing; clothes to be unsewn [Add to Longdo]
怪奇物語り[かいきものがたり, kaikimonogatari] (n) mystery story [Add to Longdo]
懐紙[かいし;ふところがみ, kaishi ; futokorogami] (n) (1) paper folded and tucked inside the front of one's kimono (esp. for use at the tea ceremony); (2) paper used for writing tanka [Add to Longdo]
絵巻物[えまきもの, emakimono] (n) picture scroll; (P) [Add to Longdo]
掛け襟[かけえり, kakeeri] (n) protective collar on kimono or bed clothes [Add to Longdo]
株価指数先物[かぶかしすうさきもの, kabukashisuusakimono] (n) stock index futures [Add to Longdo]
株価指数先物取引[かぶかしすうさきものとりひき, kabukashisuusakimonotorihiki] (n) stock price index futures trading; stock-index futures trading; trading of stock index futures [Add to Longdo]
株式先物取引[かぶしきさきものとりひき, kabushikisakimonotorihiki] (n) stock futures trading; stock futures transaction [Add to Longdo]
巻き物;巻物;巻きもの[まきもの, makimono] (n) (1) (usu. 巻(き)物) scroll; rolled book; makimono; (2) (usu. 巻きもの) scarf; muffler; stole; (3) (usu. 巻きもの) (See 巻き寿司・まきずし) sushi made rolled in nori seaweed with a core of filling [Add to Longdo]
丸洗い[まるあらい, maruarai] (n, vs) washing kimonos without taking them apart [Add to Longdo]
詰め袖;詰袖(io)[つめそで, tsumesode] (n) (See 八つ口) kimono with completely attached sleeves (i.e. lacking an opening on the side under the armpit) [Add to Longdo]
居敷[いしき, ishiki] (n) kimono seat lining [Add to Longdo]
共裏[ともうら, tomoura] (n) lining a kimono with the same material as the kimono itself [Add to Longdo]
胸紐[むなひも;むねひも;むなひぼ, munahimo ; munehimo ; munahibo] (n) (1) string tied to the chest of one's kimono or haori; (2) (arch) childhood (period where one would wear such a string) [Add to Longdo]
衿下[えりした, erishita] (n) usu. the drop between collar and bottom hem on kimono, yukata, etc. [Add to Longdo]
襟付き;襟付;襟つき[えりつき, eritsuki] (adj-no) (1) collared; having a collar; (n) (2) (arch) lifestyle; circumstances; what can be observed about one's wealth by looking at one's collar; (3) (obsc) (See 襟元) one's collar when wearing multiple kimonos [Add to Longdo]
薫き物;薫物[たきもの, takimono] (n) mixture of frangrant woods, etc. used for making incense [Add to Longdo]
群肝の;村肝の[むらぎもの;むらきもの, muragimono ; murakimono] (n) (arch) (pillow word for 心) (See 群肝・むらぎも) amassed feeling; build-up (of thoughts) [Add to Longdo]
軍記物語[ぐんきものがたり, gunkimonogatari] (n) war chronicle [Add to Longdo]
経帷子[きょうかたびら, kyoukatabira] (n) white kimono in which dead person is dressed [Add to Longdo]
肩揚げを下ろす[かたあげをおろす, kataagewoorosu] (exp, v5s) (1) (obsc) (See 肩揚げ) to come of age (for a girl); (2) (obsc) to lengthen the sleeves of a kimono [Add to Longdo]
元気者[げんきもの, genkimono] (n) live wire (a person) [Add to Longdo]
元禄袖[げんろくそで, genrokusode] (n) short and round sleeves of a kimono [Add to Longdo]
後ろ身頃[うしろみごろ, ushiromigoro] (n) back part of a kimono [Add to Longdo]
御太鼓;お太鼓[おたいこ, otaiko] (n) (abbr) (See 御太鼓結び) very common way of tying a woman's kimono sash [Add to Longdo]
御太鼓結び;お太鼓結び[おたいこむすび, otaikomusubi] (n) very common way of tying a woman's kimono sash [Add to Longdo]
好き者[すきもの, sukimono] (n) (vulg) dilettante; lecher; nymphomaniac [Add to Longdo]
国債先物[こくさいさきもの, kokusaisakimono] (n) government bond futures [Add to Longdo]
腰巻き;腰巻[こしまき, koshimaki] (n) loincloth; waistcloth; kimono underskirt [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
丹前[たんぜん, tanzen] wattierter_Herrenkimono (fuer Hausgebrauch) [Add to Longdo]
付き物[つきもの, tsukimono] Zubehoer, Bestandteil [Add to Longdo]
働き者[はたらきもの, hatarakimono] harter_Arbeiter, tuechtiger_Mann [Add to Longdo]
呉服[ごふく, gofuku] Kimonostoff [Add to Longdo]
呉服屋[ごふくや, gofukuya] Kimonogeschaeft [Add to Longdo]
履き物[はきもの, hakimono] Fussbekleidung, Schuhwerk, -Schuhe [Add to Longdo]
履物[はきもの, hakimono] Fussbekleidung, Schuhwerk [Add to Longdo]
書き物机[かきものづくえ, kakimonodukue] Schreibtisch [Add to Longdo]
浴衣[ゆかた, yukata] Yukata (Sommerkimono aus Baumwolle) [Add to Longdo]
着物[きもの, kimono] Kimono [Add to Longdo]
絵巻物[えまきもの, emakimono] Bilderrolle [Add to Longdo]
置物[おきもの, okimono] Schmuckgegenstand [Add to Longdo]
足袋[たび, tabi] japanische_Socken (zum Kimono) [Add to Longdo]


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