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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: arline, -arline-
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
marline(n) ปลาทะเลชนิดหนึ่ง
marline-spike(n) เชือกขนาดเล็กที่ฟั่นกันเป็นเกลียว

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
carline(คาร'ไลน์, -ลิง) n. ชื่อตรงสั้น

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- Arline, look!Arline... schau! The Bohemian Girl (1936)
Why don't you call me Arline?Warum nennt ihr mich nicht Arline? The Bohemian Girl (1936)
There's a good idea, why don't we call her Arline?Ja, warum nennen wir sie nicht Arline? The Bohemian Girl (1936)
If I don't want to, why should I call her Arline?Wenn ich nicht will, warum soll ich sie dann Arline nennen? The Bohemian Girl (1936)
- lsn't that funny?- Arline... ist das nicht komisch? The Bohemian Girl (1936)
Stan! Arline's in terrible danger!Arline ist in Gefahr! The Bohemian Girl (1936)
Arline! My child!Arline... mein Kind! The Bohemian Girl (1936)
I'm sorry. I was supposed to ask for Carline.ขอโทษที ฉันคิดว่า ฉันควรได้คุยกับคาร์ลีน Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
Millions of people died yesterday, Carline.คนเป็นล้านตายไปเมื่อวาน แคลีน Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
I tried to stall by going to D.C., but carline's been calling me every single hour.ฉันพยายามหลบ ด้วยการไปที่ดี.ซี. แต่คา์ลีนติดต่อหาฉัน ทุกชั่วโมง The Negotiation (2010)
You asked me to kill my friend, carline, not to bake a cake.คุณขอร้องให้ฉันฆ่าเพื่อน ของตัวเองน่ะคาลีน ไม่ใช่้ผสมแป้งทำเค้ก The Negotiation (2010)
You're a passenger on the Starship Avalon, the Homestead Company's premier interstellar starliner.คุณเป็นผู้โดยสารของ อวาลอน ยานข้ามห้วงจักรวาลสุดหรู โดยบริษัทโฮมสเตด Passengers (2016)
Angel Starline, would passengers please proceed ...Angel Starline, abgefertigte Passagiere bitte ... An Angel on Wheels (1959)
Angel Starline announces, that flight 91 2 from Cairo will be delayed by 4 hours.Angel Starline gibt bekannt, dass die Maschine 91 2 aus Kairo 4 Stunden Verspätung hat. An Angel on Wheels (1959)
- Angel Starline announces the arrival of flight 91 2- Angel Starline gibt bekannt, die Maschine 91 2 An Angel on Wheels (1959)
Attention, Angel Starline announces the departure to Paris.Achtung, Angel Starline gibt den Abflug nach Paris bekannt. An Angel on Wheels (1959)
Hello, I'm Ronald Merrick, I'm here to invite you aboard of our Starliner.Hallo, mein Name ist Roland Merrick, und ich heiße Sie herzlich willkommen an Bord unseres Starliners. Shivers (1975)
Sail through life in quiet comfortSchweben Sie in unserem Starliner ruhig und bequem durch das Leben. Shivers (1975)
Day to day living becomes a luxury cruise when you make your home Starliner Tower aparments.Ihr Leben wird Tag für Tag mehr zu einer Luxus-Kreuzfahrt, wenn Sie erst einmal in einem unserer Starliner-Tower-Apartments leben. Shivers (1975)
Gracious hospitality is easy in any Starliner apartment.Gastfreundlichkeit ist ein Leichtes in unseren Starliner-Apartments. Shivers (1975)
Welcome to Starliner Towers.Willkommen im Starliner-Tower. Shivers (1975)
- Did she live in the Starliner Towers?- Hat sie je im Starliner gelebt? Shivers (1975)
A bizarre murder has Montreal police baffled today as they attemp to untangle events leading to discover of two bodies in the Starliner apartments complex, early this afternoonEs handelt sich um zwei Leichen, die heute Nachmittag im Starliner-Tower-Apartmentkomplex aufgefunden wurden. Shivers (1975)
Maybe Hobbes didn't know it but Annabelle Brown was a pretty popular girl around Starliner Towers- Was? Vielleicht hat Hobbes es nicht gewusst, aber Annabelle Brown war ein sehr beliebtes Mädchen hier im Starliner Tower. Shivers (1975)
Reports of the attacks had been termed irresponsible and histerical ...by a Montreal City Police spokesmanMan mutmaßt, dass die Angriffe gestern Abend in der Nähe des Starliner-Island Shivers (1975)
Rendezvousing with Starliner Rising Star.Zusammentreffen mit Starliner Rising Star. Saga of a Star World (1978)
Changing course to rendezvous starliner Rising Star.Ändern den Kurs, um Starliner Rising Star zu treffen. Battlestar Galactica (1978)
I was supposed to ask for Carline.Ich sollte nach Carline fragen. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
Passengers transferring from Starliner Azimov...Die Passagiere des Starliners Azimov... The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father (1998)
You know, Pearline.Weißt du, Pearline. Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)
Hey, how is little Pearline today?Wie geht's unserer kleinen Pearline heute? Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)
We're shooting Charlene's Fantasy, about a girl who dreams of getting a football star, you.Wir drehen Charlines Traum. Sie träumt von einem Footballstar. Und dieser Star bist du. Danny in the Sky (2001)
Charlene?Charline ! Danny in the Sky (2001)
- Charlene.- Charline. Danny in the Sky (2001)
When they told me the little Beckham take away, as then my little Charline, I will stick with the material.Wenn sie mir den kleinen Beckham wegnimmt, wie damals meine kleine Charline, dann bleibe ich bei dem Stoff. Pure (2002)
Hey, you ever been after marlins, doctors?- Haben Sie schon mal Marline geangelt? Sahara (2005)
Any big marlin out there today?Heute schon ein paar große Marline gesichtet? Dexter (2006)
Honorable judge pearline now presiding.Der ehrenwerte Richter Pearline hat den Vorsitz. It's a Wonderful Lie (2007)
But we all know marlins don't really weigh 3, 000 pounds, right?Aber wir wissen doch alle, dass Marline keine 3.000 Pfund wiegen, oder? The Social Network (2010)
The marlins and the trout?Die Marline und die Forellen.? The Social Network (2010)
This unit belongs to Pearline Cross.Diese Wohnung gehört Pearline Cross. Smoke My Peace Pipe (2010)
This unit don't belong to Pearline Cross.Diese Wohnung gehört nicht Pearline Cross. Smoke My Peace Pipe (2010)
Millions of people died yesterday, Carline.Millionen Menschen sind gestern gestorben, Carline. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (2010)
Nikki, Kelsey, Shawna, Jolene, Earline, Claudine, Nikki, Kelsey, Shawna, Jolene, Earline, Claudine, Ted (2012)
This is Fabienne's daughter, Charline.Das ist Charline, Fabiennes Tochter. Murdered (2012)
She'll pick up Charline.Sie holt Charline ab. Murdered (2012)
I'm glad you have Fabienne and Charline.Ich freue mich, dass du Fabienne und Charline hast. Murdered (2012)
One Hail Mary and 20 carlina -Ein "Gegrüßet seist du, Maria" und 20 Carline... Tears of Blood (2013)
Well, we just came in to get Charline on my health care.Naja, wir wollten nur vorbeischauen um Charline an meine Gesundheitsfürsorge anzupassen. The Crocodile's Dilemma (2014)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
carline thistle(n) a thistle of the genus Carlina
common carline thistle(n) Eurasian thistle growing in sand dunes and dry chalky soils, Syn. Carlina vulgaris
earliness(n) quality of coming early or earlier in time, Ant. lateness
marline(n) a small usually tarred line of 2 strands
marlinespike(n) a pointed iron hand tool that is used to separate strands of a rope or cable (as in splicing), Syn. marlinspike, marlingspike
stemless carline thistle(n) stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe, Syn. Carlina acaulis

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. The quality or state of being beggarly; meanness. [ 1913 Webster ]

Carline thistle

[ F. carline, It., Sp., & Pg., carlina. Said to be so called from the Emperor Charlemagne, whose army is reputed to have used it as a remedy for pestilence. ] (Bot.) A prickly plant of the genus Carlina (Carlina vulgaris), found in Europe and Asia. [ 1913 Webster ]


{ n. [ Cf. F. carlingur, Sp. Pg., & It. carlinga. ] (Naut.) A short timber running lengthwise of a ship, from one transverse desk beam to another; also, one of the cross timbers that strengthen a hath; -- usually in pl. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Carline

{ , n. [ F. carin; cf. It. carlino; -- so called from Carlo (Charles) VI. of Naples. ] A silver coin once current in some parts of Italy, worth about seven cents. Simmonds. [ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Carline

n. The state of being early or forward; promptness. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ LG. marlien, marling, or D. marling, marlijn, fr. D. marren to tie, prob. akin to E. moor, v., and lijn line: cf.F. merlin. See Moor, v., Line. ] (Naut.) A small line composed of two strands a little twisted, used for winding around ropes and cables, to prevent their being weakened by fretting. [ 1913 Webster ]

Marline spike,
Marling spike
(Naut.), an iron tool tapering to a point, used to separate the strands of a rope in splicing and in marling. It has an eye in the thick end to which a lanyard is attached. See Fid. [ Written also marlin spike ] --
Marline-spike bird. [ The name alludes to the long middle tail feathers. ] (Zool.) (a) A tropic bird. (b) A jager, or skua gull.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ F. merliner. ] (Naut.) To wind marline around; as, to marline a rope. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
小节线[xiǎo jié xiàn, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄒㄧㄢˋ,   线 /   ] barline (music) [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Armseligkeit { f }beggarliness [Add to Longdo]
Bändsel { n } [ naut. ]marline [Add to Longdo]
Frühe { f }; Frühzeitigkeit { f }earliness [Add to Longdo]
Gelehrsamkeit { f }scholarliness [Add to Longdo]
Haarlineal { n }straightedge [Add to Longdo]
Silberdistel { f } [ bot. ]carline thistle [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
速さ(P);早さ[はやさ, hayasa] (n) (1) (esp. 速さ) speed; velocity; quickness; rapidity; (2) (esp. 早さ) earliness; (P) [Add to Longdo]


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