(n) stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe, Syn.Carlina acaulis
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53
[ F. carline, It., Sp., & Pg., carlina. Said to be so called from the Emperor Charlemagne, whose army is reputed to have used it as a remedy for pestilence. ] (Bot.) A prickly plant of the genus Carlina (Carlina vulgaris), found in Europe and Asia. [ 1913 Webster ]
{ n. [ Cf. F. carlingur, Sp. Pg., & It. carlinga. ] (Naut.) A short timber running lengthwise of a ship, from one transverse desk beam to another; also, one of the cross timbers that strengthen a hath; -- usually in pl. [ 1913 Webster ]
{ , n. [ F. carin; cf. It. carlino; -- so called from Carlo (Charles) VI. of Naples. ] A silver coin once current in some parts of Italy, worth about seven cents. Simmonds. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ LG. marlien, marling, or D. marling, marlijn, fr. D. marren to tie, prob. akin to E. moor, v., and lijn line: cf.F. merlin. See Moor, v., Line. ] (Naut.) A small line composed of two strands a little twisted, used for winding around ropes and cables, to prevent their being weakened by fretting. [ 1913 Webster ]
Marline spike, Marling spike (Naut.), an iron tool tapering to a point, used to separate the strands of a rope in splicing and in marling. It has an eye in the thick end to which a lanyard is attached. See Fid.[ Written also marlin spike ] -- Marline-spike bird. [ The name alludes to the long middle tail feathers. ] (Zool.) (a)A tropic bird.(b)A jager, or skua gull. [ 1913 Webster ]
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