仰ぐ | [あおぐ, aogu] nach_oben_sehen, emporblicken, achten, verehren, bitten [Add to Longdo] |
侮る | [あなどる, anadoru] verachten [Add to Longdo] |
優劣 | [ゆうれつ, yuuretsu] Vorzuege_und_Nachteile, Vor_und_Nachteile, Unterschied [Add to Longdo] |
利害 | [りがい, rigai] Vor-und_Nachteile, Interesse [Add to Longdo] |
卑しむ | [いやしむ, iyashimu] verachten, herabblicken [Add to Longdo] |
卑しめる | [いやしめる, iyashimeru] verachten, herabblicken [Add to Longdo] |
宿る | [やどる, yadoru] uebernachten [Add to Longdo] |
尊重 | [そんちょう, sonchou] hochschaetzen, hochachten [Add to Longdo] |
廊下 | [ろうか, rouka] Korridor, (ueberdachter) -Gang [Add to Longdo] |
抱負 | [ほうふ, houfu] das_Trachten, das_Streben, Ehrgeiz [Add to Longdo] |
搭 | [とう, tou] EINSTEIGEN, BESTEIGEN, VERFRACHTEN [Add to Longdo] |
搭載 | [とうさい, tousai] -laden, aufladen, verfrachten, verschiffen [Add to Longdo] |
敬う | [うやまう, uyamau] ehren, achten [Add to Longdo] |
泊まる | [とまる, tomaru] uebernachten [Add to Longdo] |
漬物 | [つけもの, tsukemono] eingemachtes_Gemuese [Add to Longdo] |
無視 | [むし, mushi] unbeachtet_lassen, ignorieren [Add to Longdo] |
焦がれる | [こがれる, kogareru] sich_sehnen, verlangen, schmachten [Add to Longdo] |
答申 | [とうしん, toushin] Bericht, Gutachten [Add to Longdo] |
箱 | [はこ, hako] -Kasten, -Kiste, Schachtel, Buechse [Add to Longdo] |
謹む | [つつしむ, tsutsushimu] achten, hochachten [Add to Longdo] |
遵奉 | [じゅんぽう, junpou] -befolgen, beachten [Add to Longdo] |
酢の物 | [すのもの, sunomono] mit_Essig_angemachtes_Gericht [Add to Longdo] |
重箱 | [じゅうばこ, juubako] aufeinandersetzbare_Lackschachteln [Add to Longdo] |
鑑定 | [かんてい, kantei] Gutachten, Beurteilung [Add to Longdo] |
長短 | [ちょうたん, choutan] Laenge, Vor- und Nachteile [Add to Longdo] |
開墾地 | [かいこんち, kaikonchi] bebautes_Land, urbar_gemachtes_Land [Add to Longdo] |