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静思[せいし, seishi] (n, vs) meditation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Calm your mind...[CN] 静思绪... Calm your mind... Love in the Time of Hydra (2015)
I come here when I really need to think.[CN] 我需要冷静思考的时候就来这里 The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (2006)
They can kiss my ass 'cause it's not.[CN] 我有一个梦幻工作 我可以在这里退一步... 冷静思考之后 发现... After Porn Ends 2 (2017)
I couldn't make myself think right.[CN] 我不能让自己冷静思 Detour (1945)
Calm your mind.[CN] - 不 - 冷静思 Making Friends and Influencing People (2014)
And clear your mind.[CN] 深呼吸 冷静思 Making Friends and Influencing People (2014)
Like our own science retreat.[CN] 我们独特的科学静思 The Focus Attenuation (2014)
So, the guys and I are talking about having kind of a science retreat this weekend.[CN] 我和兄弟们讨论 想要在这个周末做个科学静思 The Focus Attenuation (2014)
At a moment like this, I'm sure you'd rather be left alone, for reflection.[CN] 在这个时刻 我相信你会希望独处静思 Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
I could just sit up here all day thinking about it. Couldn't you?[CN] 我会整天坐着静思 你会吗 Saboteur (1942)
She's not thinking straight. She'll buy anything.[CN] 她无法冷静思考 你说什么她都会相信 Addicted to Love (1997)
I'm going to bring you to a peaceful land, to let you repent[CN] 我要带你去一个安乐净土 让你远离尘世,静思己过 Green Snake (1993)
Poor Ted just wondered silently...[CN] 可怜Ted还在静静思考... Bedtime Stories (2013)
Cool what?[CN] 静思考什么? Felon (2008)
Just continue your meditation. I'll be back.[CN] 继续静思,我马上回来 Man on the Moon (1999)
- And I couldn't think straight.[CN] 我没法冷静思 The Waitress Is Getting Married (2009)
Ooh, we could have one of those retreats.[CN] 哦 我们可以来一次静思 The Focus Attenuation (2014)
I require a fucking moment![CN] 我需要时间冷静思 Missio (2011)
I'm working through something, [CN] 我有些事要处理 I'm working through something, 需要地方安静思考 and I just need space to think. Byzantium (2015)
You know, I was thinking maybe we should cool it for a while.[CN] 你知道,我想我们得冷静思考一下 Felon (2008)
I can even begin to figure out how I'm going to hande this.[CN] 我现在已经没法冷静思考该怎么办了 Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
- So we just gotta stay calm, and think with clear heads.[CN] 所以我们只要平静下来 -冷静思 The Marine 2 (2009)
I know, Andy, and we don't doubt your devotion to transcendental meditation.[CN] 我知道,安迪 我们不怀疑 你对超凡静思的热爱 Man on the Moon (1999)
We don't need marksmen, just people who can think clearly.[CN] 我们不需要射手. 我们只需要能冷静思考的人. The Underneath (1995)
When you said you needed time to think, you were lying.[CN] 你说你需要时间冷静思考 其实根本就是在骗人 Special (2005)
He doesn't explain the new with the old according to reason but believing whatever is said, provided that it brings anguish.[CN] 他没有依照事理冷静思考 只是相信一切所言 徒增苦恼 Oedipus Rex (1967)
Good place to clear the mind.[CN] 是个静思的好地方 Hide and Seek (2005)
Thor, stop and think.[CN] 托尔 停下来 冷静思 Thor (2011)
Please let them go From now on, you should forget your past and repent[CN] 从今以后,你要断尽俗念 静思己过,皈依我佛,刻苦修行 Green Snake (1993)
Calm your mind.[CN] 静思 Making Friends and Influencing People (2014)
For my own part, I have towards heaven breathed a secret vow to live in prayer and contemplation, only attended by Nerissa here, [CN] 至于我自己 我向 上天秘密发誓 我要祈祷和静思 只由娜瑞萨陪伴 The Merchant of Venice (2004)
It'll give us both a chance to think things out for a while.[CN] 这也给了我们 一个静静思考的机会 Giant (1956)


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