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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
由于[yóu yú, ㄧㄡˊ ㄩˊ,   /  ] due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because #197 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But they finished in apanhando, for being in bigger number.[CN] 最后由于兵力优势 他们不断打垮我们 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
I think it helped our army and made them realise, because the British came down from the north and did help, that this was going to be a cooperative effort, that we couldn't win it alone.[CN] 我想这帮助了我们的军队 这也使他们意识到, 由于英国人从北面下来并帮了很大忙, 这将是一次合作的努力, 我们不可能独自赢得战争 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
Preliminary reports on last night's tragedy... at Glendale Boulevard indicate a 16-foot section of the main gas line... had been damaged in the recent tremor.[CN] 关于昨晚的悲剧事件的初步报告显示 在格兰戴尔大道发生的悲剧事件是 由于主要天然气管一个16英尺的部件 在最近的地震中损坏了 Save the Tiger (1973)
The majority of the brigades, between decreases and illnesses, already it was in the combat lines it has 4 or 5 months and was arrasada.[CN] 大多数旅团, 由于伤亡和疾病... 他们已在敌后战斗了四到 五个月... 都被消耗殆尽了 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
As that battle had counted with four aircraft carrier, the version that had counted in them it was that three had returned e one was in péssimo been, but the Anglo-American section said that they had destroyed the four.[CN] 由于有四艘航母参加了这场战役, (那么)根据我们听到的说法, (应该)有三艘已经回来了, 尽管有一艘被严重损坏 Japan: 1941-1945 (1974)
Due to last week's heavy rainfall...[CN] 由于上星期天下雨的关系 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
(Harris) The effectiveness of the first Hamburg raid was due to us at last getting permission to use something we'd had in the bag for a long time, which was known as "window", which was the dropping of clouds of aluminium paper strips, [CN] 第一次汉堡空袭如此有效 是由于我们终于获得允许 使用我们在包里放了很长时间的一件东西, 它被称为"窗户", Whirlwind: Bombing Germany - September 1939-April 1944 (1974)
Given E that the naval convoys that we had to protect also they were deceived frequent in the route, it does not admire that let us have failed many times.[CN] 由于被导航去的那个地点, 护航船队也经常同样地搞错, 因此我们没能碰到许多 护航船队也就不奇怪了 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
Houses left vacant by Jews were stripped of wood for use as fuel.[CN] 由于犹太人离去而空出的房子 被人拆走木头 以用作燃料 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
Because of the adverse... not entirelyfavourable press reaction to your interview, the otherChannel wants you fortheirprogramme.[CN] 由于反对的声浪 Because of the adverse... 就是说 您的访谈并没有获得一致的赞同 not entirelyfavourable press reaction to your interview, 其他频道想让您上他们的节目 the otherChannel wants you fortheirprogramme. Big Brother (1980)
For they shall inhibit their girth.[CN] 由于他们将抑制他们的腰身。 Life of Brian (1979)
Army groups found often that they couldn't do what they wanted to for lack of supplies, particularly petrol.[CN] 集团军群经常发现 由于缺乏补给品, 特别 是汽油, 他们不能做他们想要做的事情 Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
Might even go to jail, for subversive activities.[CN] 甚至进监狱, 由于破坏性的活动 Allonsanfan (1974)
Mr McQueen, admitted, under emotional stress, that he had actually known Mrs Armstrong, albeit very slightly.[CN] 麦奎恩先生时 他由于精神紧张 承认了他认识阿姆斯特朗夫人 尽管不熟 这着实令我有点惊讶 Murder on the Orient Express (1974)
It was extremely exciting, but some of the political leaders, because they were so involved in their own pursuits, didn't appreciate what was happening.[CN] 那极其令人兴奋, 但一些政治领导人, 可能由于他们是如此深深地关注他们自己的工作, 没有觉察到什么正在发生 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
Due to traffic congestion on roads leading to Shatin, [CN] 由于现在通往沙田 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
"Since the loss of one day relative to this present matter may result in a thousand years of regret, it is requested you immediately have a talk with Molotov."[CN] "由于相对于目前的事态 损失一天 时间都可能造成一千年的遗憾, 我请求你立即与莫洛托夫会谈" The Bomb: February-September 1945 (1974)
I, with my usual good luck, got thrown in a damp cell to await execution, my favorite pastime.[CN] 我则由于我一贯的好运,被投入一间 阴湿的牢房,等着被处死—— 我最喜欢的消遣。 Love and Death (1975)
You believe, that his absence, ... may have been motivated by personal conveniences.[CN] 你认为没有Cardinal参加能成吗 也许是由于个人原因 The Beast (1975)
And because of his attitude towards my fears and his inability to deal with my feelings I had come to have almost no self-esteem.[CN] 由于他对我的恐惧不关心... ...对我的感受也无力面对... ...我几乎没有任何自信 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
... thisoneis adoozy.[CN] "吉尔斯比博士"是40年代 一部系列电影的主角,主演由于风湿 一直坐在轮椅上演戏 这个人很显眼 Blazing Saddles (1974)
Motionless, they were sitting ducks for the Allied planes.[CN] (由于)不能开动, 它们成了盟军飞机的活靶子 Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
(Mountbatten) The problem of staying ashore was a difticult one, because of weather conditions in the Channel.[CN] 由于海峡的天气条件, 要待在对岸 是一个非常困难的问题 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
Now, men, because you are all getting a three-day furlough before going into battle, we would like to show you this little hygiene play.[CN] 好了,弟兄们,由于你们在 投入战场之前,都有三天的休假, 我希望你们看一下这出卫生短剧。 Love and Death (1975)
For convincing reasons, Bevin had finally won.[CN] 由于令人信服的原因, 贝文终于赢了 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
(narrator) lwo Jima's airfields were functioning before the island was taken thanks to the American construction battalions, the CBs.[CN] 由于美国修建营(CB)的不懈努力, 甚至 在硫磺岛被占领前 这座岛的机场就启用了 Pacific: February 1942-July 1945 (1974)
your arthritic way...[CN] 由于你的关节发炎 Allonsanfan (1974)
And you can't even bring me solace because it is I who am now taking pity on you.[CN] 你已经不能再给我安慰, 由于我现在可怜你 Allonsanfan (1974)
You must excuse me, gentlemen, not being English, [CN] 很抱歉,由于我不是英国人 Moonraker (1979)
I go now, and I'm proud to go, because I remember the people who didn't come back and out of it comes this terrible feeling in my mind of waste and yet of proud comradeship.[CN] 我现在去, 而且我很自豪能去, 因为我记得那些没有回来的人 而且由于去参加活动 在我心中产生了这种(牺牲者 生命的)浪费的可怕感觉 但也有一种自豪的同志情谊 Remember (1974)
Nor can we exclude the hypothesis of a concomitant development of the vocal cords."[CN] "我们不排除这样的假设" "这现象是由于声带发展而形成的" The Tin Drum (1979)
With no response from the Japanese, he authorised the Air Force to drop the atom bomb as soon as they were ready.[CN] 由于得不到日本人的反应, 他授权空军 在他们一准备好时 就(在日本)投下原子弹 The Bomb: February-September 1945 (1974)
Moreover, the cooperation between the Navy e the Air Force in the land also it was sufficiently bad had the fight ridicule between officers of high patent in the Government.[CN] 更要命的是, 战场上海军和空军的合作, 当他们在海上时, 的确是非常糟糕, 主要是由于在白厅的高级军官之间的愚蠢争吵 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
These crowds were delirious with exultation and relief.[CN] 这些人群由于狂喜和解脱而极度兴奋 Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
Thanks to Your Majesty.[CN] 由于陛下你 Macbeth (1971)
I suppose, if you want to look at it positively, she got a moral claim on the world as the nation that had stood against Hitler alone for a year, and had provided the moral leadership against the Nazis[CN] 我想, 如果你想要积极地看它的话, 由于这个国家独自对抗希特勒整整一年 她在世界上得到了一种道德上的主张, Reckoning: 1945... and After (1974)
Some wit claimed that only the barrage balloons floating overhead kept Britain from sinking.[CN] 一些风趣的人声称 只是由于防空气球飘动在头顶 才没使英国(因为这么多沉重的装备而)沉没 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
Treacherous in peace time, threatening black and in war time.[CN] 在和平时期就足够凶险, 在战时, (更是由于)充满危险而暗淡无光 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)
Desperate for labour, late in 1943, Bevin called up boys.[CN] (由于)迫切需要劳工, 1943年底, 贝文征召了男孩 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
(narrator) Since democratic life did go on, there were still by-elections.[CN] 由于民主生活在继续, 仍然有递补选举进行 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
It was their reverence for this lovely flower.[CN] 而是由于他们对这朵花的敬意 Moonraker (1979)
He went to the city for a reason.[CN] 由于某种原因 他去了那个城市 Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)
The peasants in the south are rising, because of the cholera outbreak.[CN] 由于霍乱爆发, 南方农民正在起义 Allonsanfan (1974)
I always had the feeling, in view of some of the information we've had since of the tendency on the part of some of the real military hotheads in Japan, to think that this was perhaps the best way out, [CN] 我总有这种感觉, 鉴于我们拥有的一些信息 由于就日本军方一些真正的急性子表现出的倾向而言, 考虑到这或许是最好的出路, The Bomb: February-September 1945 (1974)
"l am commanded by the Air Council to state that in view of the lapse of time and the absence of any further news regarding your husband,[CN] "我被空军委员会授命声明 由于考虑到时间的流逝 Remember (1974)
Many people felt that President Charles De Gaulle had betrayed the country by giving independence to Algeria.[CN] 由于戴高乐总统答应让 阿尔及利亚独立 许多人认为他背叛了法国 The Day of the Jackal (1973)
But I am sure that, soon after, we will regret having laughed, for one does not laugh about such things.[CN] , 但我相信, 不久以后, 我们会后悔发笑 由于有人不为此发笑 Allonsanfan (1974)
150, 000 Germans suftered prison or worse for political resistance.[CN] 15万德国人由于政治上的抵抗 而被关进监狱或受到更糟(的惩罚) Inside the Reich: Germany - 1940-1944 (1974)
(newsreel) Thanks to the very fine weather in the Straits of Dover, all holiday crowds had a good time, except those rash enough to travel.[CN] 由于多佛海峡非常好的天气, 所有的度假人群都度过了一个愉快的时光, 除了那些鲁莽到去旅游的人 Home Fires: Britain - 1940-1944 (1974)
Had to its low profile it was difficult to sight it, over all at night.[CN] 由于它低矮的轮廓, 它不会 被轻易看见, 尤其在夜晚 Wolf Pack: U-Boats in the Atlantic - 1939-1944 (1974)


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