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KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: stone resembling jade; agate
On-yomi: ウ, u
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[yǔ, ㄩˇ, ] (chalcedony) #68,103 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The Duke of Margarine thinks me a serpent.[CN] 独猳そ里粄и琌兵矰. Kate & Leopold (2001)
You wanna cook?[CN] 稱翴ぃ Gray Matter (2008)
- They were drug dealers?[CN] -êㄇ琌砪 Sentimental Education (2004)
He used his pen. He didn't want to touch it.[CN] 揪 ぱ Τ Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
- I heard you the first time. - It's like livin' with a rattlesnake.[CN] ㄆ羆Τ材Ω 碞钩㎝矰ネ癬盾 Crazy Heart (2009)
Well, Ron, I'm gonna put poison...[CN] и璶辅... иぱ Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
But I'm going into detox, swear on my mother.[CN] 常琌珇甡 ぃ筁и∕﹚з┮ 46 Long (1999)
-No, not a serpent.[CN] -ぃぃ琌兵矰. Kate & Leopold (2001)
We got to get you to the hospital.[CN] 2秆警碞 Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
Give me the Dagger, there are too many of them.[CN] р倒и 矰び Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
They're blaming us for the killing of those DEA agents on the train.[CN] р窽竝疭ぇ耴竜и Fast Five (2011)
The robe that killed father was poisoned by Nizam.[CN] - 倒ê竛砊琌ェゃ﹊ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Forced out of the poisoned wine[CN] р皊笹ㄓ Da Xiao Jiang Hu (2010)
- Those vipers were controlled by Hassansins. - Hassansins?[CN] - êㄇ矰琌履ǒ北 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Would you like two needles botulinum[CN] 璶ぃ璶ㄓㄢ皐ψ膘颠 Da Xiao Jiang Hu (2010)
Yeah. Come on, Matt. She has a history of drug abuse.[CN]  ㄓ 皑疭 Τ垒ノ珇菌 Daredevil (2003)
Monk, Monk, listen to me. They've identified the poison.[CN] 秆警 и眔洛皘 Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
I say we roll them in there and nerve-gas the whole fuckin' nest.[CN] и弧ир竒サ秈 рウ俱痕防 Aliens (1986)
The emperor is the father hands the bottle of poison[CN]  そそもê瞺琌 Da Xiao Jiang Hu (2010)
Cutting out a recipe.[CN] - 琌Τ Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
That's how we missed it. We assumed it was the food.[CN] и笵ㄓ方 и秆 Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
Have you ever thought about fighting fire with fire?[CN] ﹑Τ稱筁 ю Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
What is it? Guns? Drugs?[CN] 琌ぐ或簀珇 22 Jump Street (2014)
The American fugitives killed three DEA agents during a train robbery Police warn they are armed and extremely dangerous.[CN] 瓣発デóい炳甡窽竝疭 牡よ牡Τ猌竟伐狠繧 Fast Five (2011)
Breaking Bad Season 01 Episode 05[CN] [ 荡㏑畍 ] 材1﹗材5栋 [ セ栋Ч ] Gray Matter (2008)
Hey, who told you to stop?[CN] Monk Monk 钮и弧 ит媚 Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
I'm not gonna let you poison our son's mind... with your touchy-feely twelve-step bullshit.[CN] иぃノ¨篘и稰谋и〃12 ˙獀励猭甡иㄠみ艶 Seed of Chucky (2004)
Think it must've.. I don't know- been food poisoning or something.[CN] и琎ぱ﹚琌い临琌ぐ或 Crazy Heart (2009)
Killing is an addiction like any other drug.[CN] 炳碞钩珇妓穦Θ舽 Seed of Chucky (2004)
And, uh, after we sell him our usual four pounds, then we'll pull this out.[CN] и钩┕盽妓 芥4絊倒 礛ир硂ㄓ Seven Thirty-Seven (2009)
The gangs sell drugs, and use the money to buy arms in other countries including the United States.[CN] 硂ㄇ腊砪, 礛ノ窥禦猌竟 珹瓣单ㄤ瓣產 Formosa Betrayed (2009)
Outside it's completely toxic, and in here there's nothing.[CN]  砰玱⊿拜肈 硂㊣ Prometheus (2012)
"By the way, Tuco, "this is a new meth formula we've been working on.[CN] ㎝弧 糑 Tuco 硂琌и程穌ㄓ穝皌よ Seven Thirty-Seven (2009)
What's shaking? - I'm all right.[CN] 抽, 临蛤ê砪Τ羛么盾? The Wrestler (2008)
What are you doing?[CN] - и⊿ Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
And he runs the drug scene down here.[CN] 琌硂ㄠ砪繷 Fast Five (2011)
I also never lost poison[CN] и临眖ㄓ⊿Τアも筁 Da Xiao Jiang Hu (2010)
There's a cure. There's a cure? Yeah, for Monk.[CN] 琌 MonkΤ毕 だ秆 Τ Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
From trying to pull the poisoned cloak of your father.[CN]  р砊眖ō叉ㄓ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Others to do the dishes if the drug under it?[CN] 暗垫 狦㎡ Da Xiao Jiang Hu (2010)
Sterilize hands tonight with antibacterial cream many times.[CN] さ边眔ノк颠籌碭Ωиも How High (2001)
It was Nizam who poisoned it.[CN] 琌ェゃ﹊ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Spots. I'm seeing spots.[CN] иい ㎝Monkネ妓 Mr. Monk and the End: Part 2 (2009)
- has a history of drug and alcohol abuse...[CN] - Τ狝ノ珇の垒ノ皊弘菌... Daredevil (2003)
How 'bout some meth? Huh?[CN] 妓 Puppies and Kittens (2014)
Tus gave me that cloak. - He was the one who poisoned it.[CN] ê砊琌瓜吹倒 ﹚琌 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
- Oh, God help us, the robe, it's poisoned![CN] - и竛砊Τ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
DEA tags. These cars have been seized.[CN] 竝夹醚, 硂ㄇó琌砆Ι┿ Fast Five (2011)
Drugs?[CN] 珇 Fast Five (2011)
Yo, baby, you still got that hookup with that quack at your gym?[CN] - 硂砪 - 璶ぐ或! ? The Wrestler (2008)


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