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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: 小冊, -小冊-
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
小册子[xiǎo cè zi, ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄘㄜˋ ㄗ˙,    /   ] booklet; pamphlet; leaflet; information sheet; menu #27,857 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
小冊[しょうさつ, shousatsu] (n) pamphlet; booklet [Add to Longdo]
小冊[しょうさっし, shousasshi] (n) booklet; pamphlet; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
This booklet is free of charge.この小冊子は無料だ。
He supplemented his lecture with a booklet.彼は講義を小冊子で補った。

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Nowhere in that brochure did it say that we were expected to attend.[CN] 那本小冊子上可沒說希望我們參加 Children Will Listen (2005)
It filled their mailbox with pictures of high-end fashions and brochures for exotic vacations.[CN] 他們的郵箱裡塞滿了流行時尚的圖片 和去異國度假的小冊 The Virgin Suicides (1999)
Now, I have taken the liberty of drawing up a pamphlet.[CN] 你出冰。 Now, I have taken the liberty of drawing up a pamphlet. 現在,我已起草了一本小冊子的自由。 Trumbo (2015)
Offer your treats and then hand them a flyer with an aplication form.[CN] 就像你的糖果... 給他們提供一個 小冊子和申請表 Cremator (1969)
Read from the brochure, brother.[CN] 讀讀這小冊子, 兄弟 兄弟, 加入我們... How High (2001)
Would you like a brochure?[CN] 要不要小冊子? We Bought a Zoo (2011)
Thanks for the brochure in my mailbox[CN] 謝謝你放在信箱裡的小冊 He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not (2002)
And you'd know it if you read the pamphlet, [CN] 如果你讀了小冊子 你會知道 WR: Mysteries of the Organism (1971)
You should just have handed out pamphlets.[CN] 你應該有 發放小冊子。 Non-Stop (2014)
Not for the zine?[JP] 小冊子のためじゃないの? Green Room (2015)
No. You've been reading those fucking pamphlets again?[CN] 沒有 你又看那些小冊子了? Repo Men (2010)
So you have no idea how this brochure got in there?[CN] 那你是不知道這小冊子是怎麼進去的了? Camp Rock (2008)
- Any takers?[CN] 我聽說你和你的夥伴們得到了一本小冊子。 - Any takers? Trumbo (2015)
Forbidden books and announcements are found in her house.[CN] 我們在她家發現了些小冊子 還有些禁書 還有這個小女孩呢? The Wall (1983)
Songs and posters and pamphlets... and take over the House of Representatives and the Senate.[CN] 唱歌,貼海報,發小冊子... 接管參眾兩院 Children of the Revolution (1996)
- I wrote a booklet about it in Russia.[CN] - 我寫了個小冊子來介紹俄國革命 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
You have a booklet, and you share these vows with each other at the ceremony.[CN] 你將會有一個小冊子 分享彼此寫的誓言... ...在結婚典禮上 License to Wed (2007)
Their flyer said, "Come join us."[CN] 在一本小冊子上說, 「加入我們」! Cremator (1969)
Three days ago you were at the rail sheds at Tempe... handing out pamphlets featuring the prime minister dressed as a Nazi.[CN] 三天前你在潭蓓的鐵軌小屋裏... 分發小冊子說總理穿得像納粹 Children of the Revolution (1996)
They are still talking about the pamphlet you made[CN] 288) }哥,你寫的小冊子 還議論紛紛 The Black Republic (1990)
You're in pursuit of the author of a series of hate pamphlets who calls himself "Skrewdriver," are you not?[JP] - 君たちは スクリュードライバーと名乗る 偏向的な一連の小冊子を書いている人物を 追ってるね? We Are Everyone (2013)


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