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寒冬[hán dōng, ㄏㄢˊ ㄉㄨㄥ,  ] wintry #13,484 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Even in spring, they must huddle together for warmth, just as their fathers did in the depths of winter.[CN] 即使在春天,小企鹅们也必须挤在一起 就像寒冬时节它们的爸爸做的那样 Ice Worlds (2006)
Where most creatures would perish from exposure polar bears thrive.[CN] 当大部分的生物在寒冬中枯竭消失时 只有北极熊能健康又自在的生活著 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
- 'and was frozen in the Skykomish river. ' - 'Ln Washington. '[CN] 寒冬中被冰冻起来 -在华盛顿州 -没错 Vanilla Sky (2001)
"We don't have to suffer through these miserable Minnesota winters.[CN] 我们不必再忍受明尼苏达的寒冬 A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
It keeps the winter at bay the loneliness at bay.[CN] 它赶走寒冬 赶走寂寞 Death Defying Acts (2007)
Once winter sets in, as you know, there's no coming or goings down there.[CN] 一旦寒冬到来 基地是不允许出入的 Eight Below (2006)
...and that you throw the past away[CN] 假装你已走过寒冬迎接春天 Cape No. 7 (2008)
Where the winter chill is supposed to be so last season.[CN] 寒冬早该退去 The Grandfather (2009)
And here, the sign of hell's Winter:[CN] 還有這個,地獄寒冬的象徵: Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
But once each winter the all father must rest and enter the Odin sleep.[CN] 但每到寒冬, 眾神之父必須休息... Odin進入了沉睡 Hulk Vs. (2009)
"Who wants to see a rose bloom in the depths of winter?"[CN] "谁愿意欣赏寒冬绽放的玫瑰? The Edge of Heaven (2007)
Miss Novak is the farmer's daughter librarian... who spent the long, cold New England winter... writing her manuscript by the light of a lonely oil lamp.[CN] 娜薇小姐是一位农夫的女儿, 负责管理图书... 她在新英格兰的时候... 整个寒冬孑然一身, 在油灯前埋头写书 Down with Love (2003)
In the far north, winter is over at last and the ice is starting to melt.[CN] 在遥远的北方 寒冬终于过去 冰雪开始消融 The Shallow Seas (2006)
But you got a cold winter coming on you got to plan ahead.[CN] 寒冬就要来了, 你得先做好计划。 Lone Star (1996)
But packs of wolves and dogs still manage to find food through these cold winters.[CN] 但是成群的狼和狗 依旧在这样的寒冬里,设法找到食物 Aftermath: Population Zero (2008)
Verily thee must say that was far better than the last winter.[CN] 毫無疑問的, 汝一定會說這比上寒冬好太多了 Hulk Vs. (2009)
If it lasts till here, which they say it will, then we're into winter and nobody flies.[CN] 如果暴风雪持续到这一天 从目前看来很有可能 这之后就是寒冬了 到时候谁也飞不了 Eight Below (2006)
In the ice or in the sun It's all the same[CN] 寒冬及燄陽 我都一樣 Corpse Bride (2005)
Green rosellas fuel up on alpine berries against the winter blizzards.[CN] 绿色玫瑰鹦鹉采集高山上的浆果 以此度过寒冬暴风雪期 Australia: Land of Parrots (2008)
It's been more than 30 years since the wolf in the winter cold.[CN] 那巨狼和寒冬之夜 已是卅多年前的往事 300 (2006)
Temperatures rise and grass that has lain dormant and frozen throughout the winter sprouts once more.[CN] 温度回升,整个寒冬都在冬眠的草 又开始发芽 Great Plains (2006)
We're in for a hard winter.[CN] 我们铁定要迎来寒冬 Vipère au poing (2004)
It's been more than 30 years since the wolf and the winter cold.[CN] 巨狼和寒冬之夜 已是卅多年前的往事 300 (2006)
It would seem a place too hostile for living things but each year, after a winter that can last nine months[CN] 这个地方似乎不适合任何生物居住 但是,每年经过九个月的寒冬之后 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
That's happening here in the United States, too.[CN] 以往松甲虫会在寒冬死去 An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
They have stayed here, braving the northern winter, instead of flying south to warmer climes.[CN] 绒鸭没有迁徙到温暖的南方 而一直坚守在这里经受着北方寒冬的考验 Ice Worlds (2006)
Now I've only got one week to get back down there before winter hits.[CN] 寒冬马上就要来了 我现在只有一个星期时间 Eight Below (2006)
And let December glow feel flames[CN] # 让寒冬如火焰般发热 # Sex Drive (2008)
"caterpillar injune, cold winter soon," they said.[CN] 六月幼虫长,寒冬快将至 Lucky Numbers (2000)
Hauling in it's body they thank the whale for the gift of life-sustaining nourishment to combat the piercing cold.[CN] 将鲸鱼拖上岸时 他们诚心的感谢它提供这份抵御寒冬 维系生命的营养食物 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
You want me to take you to Antarctica in the dead of winter on a 70-foot fishing trawler?[CN] 你想让我在寒冬带你去南极? 开条70英尺的渔船? Eight Below (2006)
If the comet hits us there's no chance for nuclear winter, the earth would survive.[CN] 若彗星撞击也不会出现寒冬 地球仍可以生存 Futureshock: Comet (2007)
...and that you throw the past away[JP] 君の冬が終わり春が始まったと思おう 假裝你已走過寒冬迎接春天 Cape No. 7 (2008)
The first time I ever kissed a boy, it was in the dead of winter and he had mucus running out of his nose.[CN] 这个怎么样 ? 我第一次吻一个男孩 是在寒冬 , 他鼻子 ... InAlienable (2007)
It was dawn on a very cold winter day.[CN] 那是一个寒冬的清晨 Painted Fire (2002)
[ Cans of coffee on freezing winter days ][CN] 寒冬里的冰冷的罐头咖啡 Solanin (2010)
We are stalled for the winter. Time to face reality.[CN] 寒冬把我们拦住了 是时候面对现实了 Conspiracy (2001)
Now Alaska's animals must employ every instinct and adaptation for winter survival.[CN] 现在阿拉斯加的动物们 必须采取一切的天赋本能与适应技巧来度过寒冬 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
Beavers prepare for the ravages of cold weather ahead by repairing their lodges.[CN] 海狸修整著它们的巢穴 以防备寒冬的侵袭 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
Too long you've wandered in winter[CN] 你在寒冬中徘徊太久 The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
"It was the winter of our discontent..."[CN] 现时乃反对派的寒冬 伪善之士当道 The Best of Youth (2003)
We were hungry, we had no food we didn't have ammunition, it was cold, didn't have any clothes.[CN] 我们很饿 没有食物 也没有弹药 更没有衣服来抵挡这寒冬 The Breaking Point (2001)
No trace of affectation. The tree's pure thrust in a winter sky.[CN] 毫无做作的痕迹 松树傲然挺立,刺向寒冬的天空 Painted Fire (2002)
The threat of winter frost is not the only reason for trees to shed leaves.[CN] 寒冬的威胁不是树木落叶的唯一原因 Seasonal Forests (2006)
The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months.[CN] 温馨的友情支持他们捱过了寒冬 Charlotte's Web (2006)
It was the White Witch. She's the one who makes it always winter, always cold. She gave orders.[CN] 就是她让纳尼亚永远处于寒冬 是她下的命令 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
0nly fat, healthy cubs will survive the Arctic winter.[CN] 同时只有健康、饱满的小狐狸才能捱过北极的寒冬 Great Plains (2006)
We have vainquished winter.[CN] 这是我们对寒冬的胜利 March of the Penguins (2005)
Then, after a few months, the days begin to shorten again and the trees must shut down and shed their leaves in preparation for the cold dark time ahead.[CN] 几个月后, 白昼又开始缩短 树木开始减缓代谢, 树叶开始凋零, 以准备迎接寒冬的到来 Seasonal Forests (2006)
Hundreds of men died from exposure or were buried alive in avalanches.[CN] 成百上千的人因曝露于寒冬中而死亡 有的则被雪崩活活埋葬 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)


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