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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
内数[うちすう, uchisuu] (n) included number; number of items, etc. in a total [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
They claim to have one of the highest success rates in the state.[CN] 他们自称成功率在州内数一数二 真的吗 Road to Recovery (2014)
Yeah, they're one of the top biker gangs in the state.[CN] 对 是国内数一数二的飞车党 Red Menace (2009)
On/ine bookings have sky-rocketed in just six hours.[CN] 网络售票在6小时内数量激增 Red Lights (2012)
I could count the number of leaves on a tree in five hours.[CN] 我可以在五小时内数清一棵树上的树叶 Stoker (2013)
Just another number in the body count.[CN] 一个是受害者的内数 Kite (2014)
As part of the father's standard processing, his DNA was taken and entered into the statewide database, where we got a hit...[CN] 作为标准检测程序的一个步骤 我们采集了他的DNA 录入州内数据库 The Next Week (2013)
These letters of validation confirm that... not just local mathematicians but also prestigious mathematicians from overseas... also confirm the plaintiff's claims are justified, right?[CN] 这些证明材料 不仅仅只是国内数学系的教授 连外国有名的数学家 Unbowed (2011)
Vista's security system was one of the most advanced in the business.[CN] 威士达的保安系统 在行内数一数二 Ant-Man (2015)


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