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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
危机[wēi jī, ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,   /  ] crisis #2,778 [Add to Longdo]
经济危机[jīng jì wēi jī, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] economic crisis #23,368 [Add to Longdo]
能源危机[néng yuán wēi jī, ㄋㄥˊ ㄩㄢˊ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] energy crisis #54,728 [Add to Longdo]
摆脱危机[bǎi tuō wēi jī, ㄅㄞˇ ㄊㄨㄛ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] to break out of a crisis [Add to Longdo]
货币危机[huò bì wēi jī, ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄅㄧˋ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] monetary crisis [Add to Longdo]
这次危机[zhè cì wēi jī, ㄓㄜˋ ㄘˋ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] present crisis; current crisis [Add to Longdo]
金融危机[jīn róng wēi jī, ㄐㄧㄣ ㄖㄨㄥˊ ㄨㄟ ㄐㄧ,     /    ] financial crisis [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
President Spencer is alive.[CN] - 这是严重的宪法危机 Pay-Off (2013)
This is the worst crisis we are experiencing in 10 years.[CN] 我们现在所面临的 是十年以来最大的金融危机 Ilo Ilo (2013)
Oh, it must be so terrifying, flying across Fairytopia to get here.[CN] 飞越梦幻仙境来到这里一定危机四伏 Barbie Mariposa and the Fairy Princess (2013)
Secretary KIM Sang-mo of Blue House National Crisis Management.[CN] 这里是青瓦台国家危机管理室秘书官金常务 这里是SNC的尹英华 The Terror Live (2013)
After losing the 3rd game[CN] 又一次面临危机 Mr. Go (2013)
That was Secretary KIM Sang-mo of the National Crisis Management.[CN] 刚才是青瓦台国家危机管理室首席秘书官金常务 再次强调 The Terror Live (2013)
Ronghua Circus was soon hit with financial crisis[CN] 容华杂技团的经济状况遇到了危机 Mr. Go (2013)
The danger is still present[CN] 危机尚未化解 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon (2013)
An incredible relief pitcher has raised NC up from the dead[CN] 对于身处危机中的NC队来说 一位救世投手出现了 Mr. Go (2013)
Doosan's on their last leg[CN] 斗山陷入了危机 Mr. Go (2013)
I appreciate you resolving this situation, Ms. Shaw.[CN] 感谢你解除当前危机 Shaw女士 Liberty (2013)
But what is a crisis?[CN] 但什么是危机 Ilo Ilo (2013)


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