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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
凤尾鱼[fèng wěi yú, ㄈㄥˋ ㄨㄟˇ ㄩˊ,    /   ] anchovy #140,453 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I made you a nice anchovy sundae.[CN] 我给你弄了个好吃的凤尾鱼圣代 50 First Dates (2004)
Anchovies are all we've got.[CN] 凤尾鱼是我的一切。 The Favourite Game (2003)
It doesn't have to be cold, you've got gas, for God's sake![CN] 蒜醋凤尾鱼 不要冷的你有汽油,他妈的! The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
I would like to order one large pie with pepperoni, anchovies and mushrooms... and one regular pie with just extra cheese.[CN] 我想要一块比较大的馅饼 和意大利辣香肠 凤尾鱼还有蘑菇 还有一块只需要加芝士的普通馅饼 New York Stories (1989)
Deseed it, stuff it with anchovy and pickled bud of broccoli[CN] 去皮, 塞进凤尾鱼和花椰菜蕾 Akutoku no sakae (1988)
Now, here's where it gets tricky. You're gonna need some anchovies...[CN] 好了现在,这种吃法有个小秘诀 你一定加些凤尾鱼 Episode #2.18 (1991)
Ah... anchovies.[CN] 啊... 凤尾鱼 The Favourite Game (2003)
I've got one all dressed with anchovies.[CN] 我带来一份完美加工的凤尾鱼. Happy Birthday to Me (1981)
Add in some salted anchovies, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce.[CN] 再加点腌渍凤尾鱼 土八哥辣椒仔和伍斯特郡劲辣油 Episode #2.18 (1991)
Anchovy, Nick?[CN] 凤尾鱼, Nick? The Wedding Date (2005)
I hate anchovies.[CN] 我讨厌凤尾鱼 Spawn (1997)
I hate anchovies.[CN] 我不爱吃凤尾鱼. The Wedding Date (2005)


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