bryanthus | (n) procumbent Old World mat-forming evergreen shrub with racemes of pinkish-white flowers |
genus bryanthus | (n) a genus allied to and once included in genus Phyllodoce |
mountain heath | (n) small shrub with tiny evergreen leaves and pink or purple flowers; Alpine summits and high ground in Asia and Europe and United States, Syn. Bryanthus taxifolius, Phyllodoce caerulea |
bryanthus | (n) procumbent Old World mat-forming evergreen shrub with racemes of pinkish-white flowers |
genus bryanthus | (n) a genus allied to and once included in genus Phyllodoce |
mountain heath | (n) small shrub with tiny evergreen leaves and pink or purple flowers; Alpine summits and high ground in Asia and Europe and United States, Syn. Bryanthus taxifolius, Phyllodoce caerulea |