rubens | (n) prolific Flemish baroque painter; knighted by the English king Charles I (1577-1640), Syn. Peter Paul Rubens, Sir Peter Paul Rubens |
allegheny spurge | (n) low semi-evergreen perennial herb having small spikes of white or pinkish flowers; native to southern United States but grown elsewhere, Syn. Allegheny mountain spurge, Pachysandra procumbens |
alpine azalea | (n) creeping mat-forming evergreen shrub of high mountain regions of northern hemisphere grown for its rose-pink flowers, Syn. mountain azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens |
american red elder | (n) common North American shrub or small tree, Syn. stinking elder, red-berried elder, Sambucus pubens |
creeping zinnia | (n) low-branching leafy annual with flower heads resembling zinnias; found in southwestern United States and Mexico to Guatemala, Syn. Sanvitalia procumbens |
fever tree | (n) ornamental shrub or small tree of swampy areas in southwestern United States having large pink or white sepals and yielding Georgia bark for treating fever, Syn. bitter-bark, Pinckneya pubens, Georgia bark |
jack-in-the-pulpit | (n) common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries, Syn. wake-robin, Indian turnip, Arisaema triphyllum, Arisaema atrorubens |
living space | (n) space sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding, Syn. lebensraum |
red spruce | (n) medium-sized spruce of eastern North America; chief lumber spruce of the area; source of pulpwood, Syn. yellow spruce, eastern spruce, Picea rubens |
rubinstein | (n) Russian composer and pianist (1829-1894), Syn. Anton Gregor Rubinstein, Anton Rubenstein, Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein |
scammony | (n) tropical American morning glory, Syn. Ipomoea orizabensis |
teaberry | (n) creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil, Syn. ground-berry, mountain tea, Gaultheria procumbens, creeping wintergreen, wintergreen, checkerberry, groundberry |
コンベンション | [konbenshon] (n) convention; (P) #16,533 [Add to Longdo] |
インベンション | [inbenshon] (n) invention [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンショナリズム | [konbenshonarizumu] (n) conventionalism [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンショナル | [konbenshonaru] (adj-na) conventional [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンショナルメモリ | [konbenshonarumemori] (n) { comp } conventional memory [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンショナルメモリー | [konbenshonarumemori-] (n) { comp } conventional memory [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンションセンター | [konbenshonsenta-] (n) convention center; convention centre; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンションビューロー | [konbenshonbyu-ro-] (n) convention bureau [Add to Longdo] |
コンベンションホール | [konbenshonho-ru] (n) convention hall [Add to Longdo] |
ソルベンシーマージン | [sorubenshi-ma-jin] (n) solvency margin [Add to Longdo] |
ナショナルコンベンション | [nashonarukonbenshon] (n) national convention [Add to Longdo] |
ベンソン | [benson] (n) Benson [Add to Longdo] |
ホモモーベンス | [homomo-bensu] (n) Homo movens [Add to Longdo] |
レーベンスフィロゾフィー | [re-bensufirozofi-] (n) philosophy of life (ger [Add to Longdo] |
磯馴 | [そなれ, sonare] (n) (See 這柏槇) Japanese garden juniper; dwarf Japanese garden juniper; Juniperus procumbens; J. chinensis var. procumbens [Add to Longdo] |
岩垂杜松 | [いわだれねず;イワダレネズ, iwadarenezu ; iwadarenezu] (n) (uk) (See ハイビャクシン) Alternative name for Juniperus chinensis L. var. procumbens [Add to Longdo] |
金瘡小草 | [きらんそう;キランソウ, kiransou ; kiransou] (n) (uk) creeping bugleweed (Ajuga decumbens) [Add to Longdo] |
自然弁証法 | [しぜんべんしょうほう, shizenbenshouhou] (n) dialectics of nature [Add to Longdo] |
女弁士;女辯士 | [おんなべんし, onnabenshi] (n) female narrator in a silent movie theatre [Add to Longdo] |
側座核 | [そくざかく, sokuzakaku] (n) (See 脳内) nucleus accumbens (part of the forebrain) [Add to Longdo] |
代位弁済 | [だいいべんさい, daiibensai] (n) subrogation; subrogated performance; payment in subrogation [Add to Longdo] |
代弁者 | [だいべんしゃ, daibensha] (n) spokesman; mouthpiece [Add to Longdo] |
答弁者 | [とうべんしゃ, toubensha] (n) respondent [Add to Longdo] |
答弁書 | [とうべんしょ, toubensho] (n) written response; reply [Add to Longdo] |
這柏槇 | [はいびゃくしん;ハイビャクシン, haibyakushin ; haibyakushin] (n) (uk) dwarf Japanese garden juniper (Juniperus chinensis var. procumbens) [Add to Longdo] |
非売知;比売知 | [ひめじ;ヒメジ, himeji ; himeji] (n) (uk) Bensasi goatfish (species of red mullet, Upeneus japonicus) [Add to Longdo] |
姫春蝉 | [ひめはるぜみ;ヒメハルゼミ, himeharuzemi ; himeharuzemi] (n) (uk) Euterpnosia chibensis (species of cicada) [Add to Longdo] |
分娩作用 | [ぶんべんさよう, bunbensayou] (n) delivery; parturition [Add to Longdo] |
分娩室;分べん室 | [ぶんべんしつ, bunbenshitsu] (n) maternity room; delivery room [Add to Longdo] |
便失禁 | [べんしっきん, benshikkin] (n) anal leakage; (fecal) incontinence [Add to Longdo] |
便槽 | [べんそう, bensou] (n) (See 便壺) tub used to collect feces in an outhouse [Add to Longdo] |
娩出 | [べんしゅつ, benshutsu] (n, vs) giving birth; delivery [Add to Longdo] |
弁才 | [べんさい, bensai] (n) eloquence; oratorical talent [Add to Longdo] |
弁済 | [べんさい, bensai] (n, vs) settlement; payment; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
弁士;辯士(oK) | [べんし, benshi] (n) (1) lecturer; rhetorician; orator; (2) narrator in Japanese silent cinema; film interpreter [Add to Longdo] |
弁者 | [べんしゃ, bensha] (n) speaker; orator [Add to Longdo] |
弁償 | [べんしょう, benshou] (n, vs) reimbursement; compensation; reparation; indemnity; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
弁償金 | [べんしょうきん, benshoukin] (n) reparation; indemnity; compensation; reimbursement [Add to Longdo] |
弁証 | [べんしょう, benshou] (n, vs) demonstration; proof [Add to Longdo] |
弁証学 | [べんしょうがく, benshougaku] (n) apologetics [Add to Longdo] |
弁証法 | [べんしょうほう, benshouhou] (n) dialectic; dialectics [Add to Longdo] |
弁証法神学 | [べんしょうほうしんがく, benshouhoushingaku] (n) dialectical theology [Add to Longdo] |
弁証法的 | [べんしょうほうてき, benshouhouteki] (adj-na) dialectic [Add to Longdo] |
弁証法的唯物論 | [べんしょうほうてきゆいぶつろん, benshouhoutekiyuibutsuron] (n) dialectical materialism [Add to Longdo] |
弁証法的論理学 | [べんしょうほうてきろんりがく, benshouhoutekironrigaku] (n) (obsc) dialectical logic [Add to Longdo] |
弁証論 | [べんしょうろん, benshouron] (n) apologetics; dialectics [Add to Longdo] |
弁神論 | [べんしんろん, benshinron] (n) (See 神義論) theodicy [Add to Longdo] |
弁疏 | [べんそ, benso] (n, vs) excuse; plea; defense; defence [Add to Longdo] |
弁鰓類 | [べんさいるい, bensairui] (n) (obsc) (See 二枚貝類) lamellibranches (i.e. bivalves) [Add to Longdo] |
唯物弁証法 | [ゆいぶつべんしょうほう, yuibutsubenshouhou] (n) dialectical materialism [Add to Longdo] |
乾物 | [かんぶつ, kanbutsu] (nicht_verderbliche) Lebensmittel [Add to Longdo] |
伝記 | [でんき, denki] Biographie, Lebensbeschreibung [Add to Longdo] |
余命 | [よめい, yomei] Rest_des_Lebens, die_letzten_Lebensjahre [Add to Longdo] |
信奉 | [しんぽう, shinpou] -Glaube, Glaubensbekenntnis [Add to Longdo] |
信条 | [しんじょう, shinjou] Glaube, Ueberzeugung, Glaubenssatz [Add to Longdo] |
前歴 | [ぜんれき, zenreki] Vorleben, Lebenslauf [Add to Longdo] |
命懸け | [いのちがけ, inochigake] auf_Leben_und_Tod, lebensgefaehrlich [Add to Longdo] |
境遇 | [きょうぐう, kyouguu] Verhaeltnisse, Lebensverhaeltnisse, Milieu [Add to Longdo] |
壮年 | [そうねん, sounen] bestes_Mannesalter, beste_Lebensjahre [Add to Longdo] |
天寿 | [てんじゅ, tenju] natuerliche_Lebensdauer [Add to Longdo] |
寿命 | [じゅみょう, jumyou] (natuerliche) Lebensdauer, das_Leben [Add to Longdo] |
履歴書 | [りれきしょ, rirekisho] Lebenslauf [Add to Longdo] |
弁償 | [べんしょう, benshou] Entschaedigung, Wiedergutmachung [Add to Longdo] |
彼岸 | [ひがん, higan] Tagundnachtgleiche, Lebensziel [Add to Longdo] |
性行 | [せいこう, seikou] Charakter_und_Lebenswandel [Add to Longdo] |
愛想 | [あいそ, aiso] Liebenswuerdigkeit [Add to Longdo] |
改宗 | [かいしゅう, kaishuu] Glaubensaenderung, Konversion, Bekehrung [Add to Longdo] |
晩年 | [ばんねん, bannen] Lebensabend [Add to Longdo] |
枝葉 | [しよう, shiyou] Zweige_und_Blaetter, Nebensache [Add to Longdo] |
栄枯 | [えいこ, eiko] Wechselfaelle_des_Lebens, Auf_und_Ab_des_Lebens [Add to Longdo] |
殊勝 | [しゅしょう, shushou] loeblich, lobenswert [Add to Longdo] |
炊き出し | [たきだし, takidashi] Austeilung_von_Lebensmitteln [Add to Longdo] |
炊出し | [たきだし, takidashi] Austeilung_von_Lebensmitteln [Add to Longdo] |
生命保険 | [せいめいほけん, seimeihoken] Lebensversicherung [Add to Longdo] |
生態 | [せいたい, seitai] Lebensweise [Add to Longdo] |
生活費 | [せいかつひ, seikatsuhi] Lebenshaltungskosten [Add to Longdo] |
略歴 | [りゃくれき, ryakureki] kurzer_Lebenslauf [Add to Longdo] |
糧食 | [りょうしょく, ryoushoku] Proviant, Lebensmittel [Add to Longdo] |
終身 | [しゅうしん, shuushin] lebenslang, auf_Lebenszeit [Add to Longdo] |
終身雇用制 | [しゅうしんこようせい, shuushinkoyousei] (jap.) System der Anstellung auf, Lebenszeit [Add to Longdo] |
経歴 | [けいれき, keireki] Lebenslauf, Vergangenheit [Add to Longdo] |
謹呈 | [きんてい, kintei] "Ergebenst_ueberreicht_vom_Verfasser" [Add to Longdo] |
閲歴 | [えつれき, etsureki] Lebenslauf, Karriere, Vergangenheit [Add to Longdo] |
震度 | [しんど, shindo] Erdbebenstaerke (zb. [Add to Longdo] |
青春 | [せいしゅん, seishun] Fruehling_des_Lebens, Jugendzeit [Add to Longdo] |
食料品 | [しょくりょうひん, shokuryouhin] Lebensmittel [Add to Longdo] |
騒ぎ立てる | [さわぎたてる, sawagitateru] viel_Laerm_machen, viel_Aufhebens_machen [Add to Longdo] |