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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -showy-, *showy*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
showy(adj) น่าประทับใจ
showy(adj) โอ้อวด, See also: ชอบวางท่า, อวดตัว, Syn. gaudy, ostentatious

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
showy(โช'วี) adj. โอ้อวด, ชอบแสดง, หยิ่งยะโส, วางท่า, อวดอ้าง, เอิกเกริก., Syn. glaring

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
showy(adj) สะดุดตา, โก้, หรูหรา, ฉูดฉาด

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If they did, trying to blow up a team of federal agents seems a little showy, don't you think?ถ้าจีนทำจริง ยังกล้ามาไล่ยิง เจ้าหน้าที่ FBI ราวกับเป็นการอวดเก่ง อะไรสักอย่าง คุณว่ามั้ย? Scary Monsters and Super Creeps (2009)
We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy.พวกเราเห็นพ้องกันว่าสีแดงมันค่อนข้างฉูดฉาดไปหน่อย My Brother's Keeper (2012)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
showySince he's in show business he often goofs around in a showy way, but once in a while he has these bashful mannerisms that are really cute.
showyThis showy dress isn't appropriate for me.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ขี้โอ่(adj) showy, See also: bragging, boastful, exaggerated, Syn. ขี้อวด, ขี้คุย, ขี้โว, ขี้โม้, Example: คนขี้โอ่คุยกับใครก็มีแต่คนรำคาญ, Thai Definition: ที่ชอบพูดยกตนหรือพูดโอ้อวด

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
ฉูดฉาด[chutchāt] (adj) EN: showy ; gaudy ; dazzling ; flashy
หรูหรา[rūrā] (x) EN: luxurious ; fancy ; magnificent ; gorgeous ; deluxe ; expensive ; costly ; sumptuous ; smart ; showy ; in great style  FR: fastueux ; luxueux ; majestueux ; magnifique ; somptueux ; splendide ; de luxe ; pompeux

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
showy(adj) displaying brilliance and virtuosity
flamboyant(adj) marked by ostentation but often tasteless, Syn. showy, splashy
flashy(adj) (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display, Syn. showy, gaudy, sporty, jazzy
glossy(adj) superficially attractive and stylish; suggesting wealth or expense, Syn. showy

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. [ Compar. Showier superl. Showiest. ] Making a show; attracting attention; presenting a marked appearance; ostentatious; gay; gaudy. [ 1913 Webster ]

A present of everything that was rich and showy. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ]

Syn. -- Splendid; gay; gaudy; gorgeous; fine; magnificent; grand; stately; sumptuous; pompous. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
prächtig; großartig; auffällig { adj } | prächtiger; auffälliger | am prächtigsten; am auffälligstenshowy | showier | showiest [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
派手[はで, hade] (adj-na, n) showy; loud; gay; flashy; gaudy; (P) #13,503 [Add to Longdo]
華やか(P);花やか[はなやか, hanayaka] (adj-na, n) showy; brilliant; gorgeous; florid; gay; (P) #19,920 [Add to Longdo]
きんきらきん[kinkirakin] (adj-no) gaudy; flashy; showy [Add to Longdo]
悪どい(iK)[あくどい, akudoi] (adj-i) (1) (uk) gaudy; showy; excessive; (2) crooked; vicious [Add to Longdo]
伊達着[だてぎ, dategi] (n) showy clothes [Add to Longdo]
派手婚[はでこん, hadekon] (n) (See 地味婚) flashy showy wedding [Add to Longdo]
物物しい;物々しい[ものものしい, monomonoshii] (adj-i) (1) strict (e.g. security); heavy (e.g. guard); (2) showy; pretentious; ostentatious; overdone; exaggerated; (3) impressive; imposing; pompous; stately; solemn [Add to Longdo]
羊質虎皮[ようしつこひ, youshitsukohi] (n) sheep in a tiger's skin; gimcrack; showy without real worth; all show and no substance [Add to Longdo]
麗々しい;麗麗しい[れいれいしい, reireishii] (adj-i) ostentatious; gaudy; showy [Add to Longdo]
毳々しい;毳毳しい[けばけばしい, kebakebashii] (adj-i) (uk) gaudy; showy; garish; loud [Add to Longdo]


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